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Everything posted by DingoChutney

  1. Wow, I'm glad you can make 95million credits 'easily', well 190million 'easily' if you want the effect on dual wielded weapons. Good for you though. However, you seem to have difficulty comprehending the difference between Value and Price. Packs are bought with CC which is bought with real money and they, and their contents, are then sold for credits so there is a direct link Money -> CC -->Credits. Currently, on my server, 3million credits equals one pound, or $1.30 if you prefer. That makes the price of Light Tunings on my server £31 each, or $40. If I had a Light-side Sentinel I might want two of those. Do you think the value of two lighting effects is $80? This is a subjective thing as value applies to each person separately and unlike you I don't deign to speak for the majority of players but I would think that most players would not value those tunings at anywhere near the price. If Bioware put them on the Cartel Market for a whopping 4,800cc each, how many do you think they would sell? The cost of tunings is artificially inflated because of rarity and that rarity can be adjusted and then the cost would fall to be more in line with the value. Hey, fun fact time! The cost of actual real life black fabric dye on Amazon is significantly cheaper than black digital dye in SWTOR! Um.. "Welcome to the MMO world. That's how it works". Your words. Except that is NOT how it works is it? GW2, TESO, FFXIV and even Runescape have better systems than SWTOR. Again, Price vs Value. I have the funds but simply don't value the item that much. If Timex bought out a cool looking watch but made it a limited edition and priced it the same as a Rolex would you buy it? The Price and Value don't match. Besides, time has a value as well. Figure out how long it takes you to farm 3million credits and that $1.30 is how much your time is worth. And you would know that because? Have you surveyed them all? No, didn't think so. You are, of course entitled to your opinion and the world would be a staggeringly dull place if we all agreed on everything. You may want to do some googling on the difference between facts and opinion. Ok, go to forum search and enter the terms 'dye system'. Wow, look at that from 2013 "More dyes or a different dye system " and "Petition To Change Current Dye System ", two pages of hits right the way up to this year with the rather popular thread "Time to update the dye system". Well, fancy that.
  2. Interesting. According to a quick count on Dulfy there are 30 primary dyes and thus presumably 30 secondary giving us a total possible combination count of 900. That's a lot! However, due to the system used in SWTOR there are only about 10% of those combinations available in the game. You may consider 90 combinations to be a massive amount, good for you, I'm glad you are happy with it. Guild Wars 2, for example, has three colour slots on each armour peice. There are 21 dyes in the starter set you get for free. The Common set has about 180, Uncommon 120 and Rare 210. So just using the two-color SWOTOR dye system, that game has a possible combination count of 281,961. Now THAT is a massive variety and all of them exist in the game. The system limiting SWTORs colours is not the amount of colours though, it is the way in which the dyes are found/applied. Tunings dropped in patch 4.4 in March 2016. Brand new? Really? Whilst the prices fluctuate the rough value of credits/real money on my server, is roughly 3,000,000cr per £. That's if you bought packs and sold them for the current going rate on the GTN. If you bought the Stalwart Protector set from the Cartel Market it would cost you 1,200CC and on the GTN it is about 15-16mill, so roughly 3mill per £. Light attuned Tunings on my server are currently 95mill. Lightning & Volatile 40-45mill. That's £15 for a minor lighting effect on a weapon when an entire armour set costs a third as much. Glad you are happy with that situation though, good for you. Sigh. Scott Adams (Dilbert) recently calculated that about a third of the population literally has no sense of humour. Well thank you for educating me on how MMOs work. It would seem however, that my experiences in MMOs differ somewhat for yours. The Guild Wars 2 style dye system could easily have been implemented in SWTOR but it wasn't. Let me explain how this works: I roll a new Vanguard, I've been eyeing up that Stalwart Protector set in the market for some time but I don't like the colours. Happily there is a dye system that lets me change those colours. I decide I want the chest/legs black & orange and the head, belt, boots & gloves to be white and black (it's just an example I know it sucks!). So I spend 15mill on the set and then 66mill on the dyes (current prices GTN my server) equating to £22 of real money to get it the way I want. Well that was expensive but at least a bit later on when I realise the 'ranged tank' description that is still on the official page for Vanguard is actually complete b**&^ks (bitter, me?!) and I want to re-roll to Commando I won't have to buy all those dyes again.. oh wait... I'm glad you are happy with those costs, good for you. I, however, am very much NOT happy with it. It is stupid and limiting. Because of these costs I simply won't buy the armour from the market in the first place and thus the game loses revenue. Meanwhile, in GW2, I can buy any armour I want secure in the knowledge that I can dye it any combination of colours I have unlocked for free and thus I buy more armour and the game makes more revenue. I know that is a simplistic example but the current system is, frankly, crap. There are much better ways of doing it such as a terminal similar to the Appearance Modification stations. Let the armour be the rare item, not the dyes. The problems with the tunings is not the amount of types but the amount of drops. These are pretty minor effects that are incredibly rare and very, very expensive for what you get. Make them less rare and less expensive and more people will buy them. At the moment, for me, they may as well not exist because the value of the item is not worth the cost of the item. Bang for buck ratio is all wrong. I'm glad you are happy put up with sucky systems when better ones could be implemented but I am not. You're welcome!
  3. Well you asked for crazy: 1. A dye system that lets a large number of players use a large selection of dyes on a large selection of outfits instead of the current system that only lets a small number of players get the dyes they want on a small number of outfits, which is stupid. 2. A Tuning system that lets a large number of players use a wide selection of Tunings on a wide selection of weapons, instead of the current system that only lets a small number of players use a limited selection of Tunings, which is stupid. 3. A 'speak ONLY when spoken to' option for the ship droids. This alone is guaranteed to bring back subscribers by the boatload and dramatically improve crate sales, or something. Some outfits and weapons should be rare, modifications to outfits and weapons should not be. Dyes and tunings are too rare and too expensive. When a dye for an outfit costs 250 times more than the entire outift cost something has gone very wrong. When consumable cosmetic enhancements are hoarded as investments instead of being used something has gone very wrong. I'd also love to know how much time and effort they put into the Tuning system and exactly how many players actually have active Tunings. I suspect it is a very small percentage.
  4. "Powertechs are melee onslaught specialists and should be encouraged to engage their targets in close proximity. By reducing the range of Missile Blast and Rail Shot, we place the Powertech’s range potential closer to its design as a close-quarters combatant and further define their unique style in various combat scenarios." If that is the case how come Explosive Dart and Death From Above were not reduced to 10m as well? Your reasoning and your actions do not match. So I guess Scoundrels and Operatives, close range classes, can both look forward to having Thermal/Fragmentation Grenade reduced to 10m then? That would be pretty stupid but we seem to be well into stupid territory here. How does a Smuggler throw a grenade three times further than a missile can reach? How does a dart travel three times further than a rail shot? These ranges have been fine for years, why change them now? The Devs have lost the plot on this one.
  5. Ok, http://www.swtor.com/holonet/classes/bounty-hunter/powertech Powertech Fighting Style: Improved Flamethrower, Heavy Armor Tactical Role(s): Ranged Tank, Ranged Damage, Close-Quarters Damage This is from their own web pages.
  6. http://www.swtor.com/holonet/classes/trooper/vanguard Vanguard Fighting Style: Assault Rifle, Heavy Armor Tactical Role(s): Ranged Tank; Close-Quarters Damage Unstoppable and utterly fearless, Vanguards are the first and best line of defense in the Republic Military.
  7. This. Give me choice where I transfer to and I'll be ok with it, that way I can check around for a server where I can keep my names. Forcing me onto a server with a high pop where I lose my names? No thanks. Sub cancelled, another MMO bites the dust, Guild Wars 2 is out soon right? "Everyone at BioWare is committed to ensuring that each and every one of our customers has the best possible experience while playing Star Wars™: The Old Republic™." No, no you are not. Choice Bioware, give us a choice that is NOT "suck it up or quit" or you just find your dwindling game population dwindles a bit faster.
  8. /signed I know it is probably EA at fault here, but there is no excuse for this. You have European servers but not European friendly maintenance? Second class gamers indeed, but the money still counts the same right?
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