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Everything posted by MiaowZedong

  1. Posting this for a friend, since she let her subscription run out: Deathmatch, End by Timer OR Opposing team to 50, Percent Kills and Assists: Sríía (Sriia) - Quarrel - <The Seventh Virtue> - The Ebon Hawk - 11/11 Kills + Assists (100%)
  2. I guess if they don't know how to 1) use the most powerful self-healing CD in the game that can be triggered while stunned and 2) don't use a stun breaker on the 2nd then you're correct. The thing is that at that level of competency (or lack thereof), all classes can be killed in two stuns. Worse, even at high skill levels, some classes can be killed just as fast because they can't really do anything to counter focus.
  3. Honestly, if you don't understand how Assassins take considerable skill to play decently, then you probably don't understand how OP they are. The short version is they have a tool for every situations and then spares, but you still need to see what's coming, anticipate and hit the right button at the right time. PT is pretty straightforward at least for AP though, but surviving after unloading your first burst does take awareness and can take considerable skill depending on the composition going after you (some classes you can just snare and HO away from to extend your survival considerably, but if you see someone casting Ambush you'd better already know what cover you're going to use to break LoS). Honestly, I'm not a fan of making all Juggs immune to stuff regularly. Only weird thing is that making the most of Rage's CC immunity will mean throwing your rotation out of the window, although, it does mean Rage could have ridiculous uptime on CC immunity, rivalling Snipers (!!!).
  4. Given that both Sorcs and Mercs can crit for 12K+ heals with instant abilities, it's definitely possible to heal through 20k damage in that often sub-second window where ability A does damage at the end of a GCD and ability B hits at the start of the next. For instance, if you line stuff up just right on a merc, you could do a set-bonus crit Rapid Scan and then your proc'd instant Healing Scan and, if Healing Scan crits, you've out-healed that 20k burst in under a second. Even if it doesn't, if you've got Kolto Shell charges left on the target (and you should), you can still heal for 14k or more in under a second. Sorcs are not quite as bursty—but they get the big stuff on shorter, more easily aligned, CD, and they don't lose as much healing to interrupts. It's also true you can use focus target and CC/interrupt the healer efficiently while hitting the DPS. However that works both ways and the healer plus the person you're trying to kill can CC you. Sorc healers will debuff your damage dealt when they CC you, too. If the target player is not using any DCD against alpha burst and/or is PvE geared though, then yes, it's possible for AP to global them before their healer's eyes. Maybe Marksman or a super lucky Arsenal could do the same. More generally if a player is PvE geared, pocket healing them will be a waste of effort, they will take more damage than you can heal due to low expertise.
  5. A single DPS will not kill another player that's being healed by third player, unless either the healer or the player being killed does something wrong. This is even if the attacking DPS has a healer of their own, so being killed before they can kill is not an issue. The only way, other than incompetence by your opponents, to get a kill solo against a healer is to go straight for the healer, CC them, debuff them, knock them back, interrupt them, pushback their casts etc. Even then for many burst specs there's an element of luck involved—assuming no major skill disparity the DPS should be able to solo kill the healer sooner or later, but you might have to wait a bit to get enough crits during your burst window. And obviously that's not too relevant in a real match, since a healer should never be alone in the first place. Oh, and since you mentioned Madness sorcs earliers, Madness versus healer is on the list of idiotic duels nobody should ever organise, ever.
  6. That's not entirely true. It is true a single Madness sorc doing his thing with no cooperation with his team is easy to heal through, but it's also true that a single <insert spec name here> just doing his thing on his own is easy to heal through, especially with tank support and/or team-mates who know how to use DCD. What gets kills reliably is focus fire or stacking Madness/Hatred (other pressure specs don't feel anywhere near as threatening) more than the classes and specs. Otherwise, obviously getting kills reduces DPS and also, burst comps focusing people down fast will do less DPS than cleave pressure for the same number of kills.
  7. True, but in an 8v8 PuG environment, there's definitely such a thing as too many tanks+healers. If you don't have enough DPS to kill people faster than they can respawn, it doesn't matter how little you die, you're not taking nodes. If the other team dies ten times more but takes the nodes, they still win.
  8. I think your numbers look about right for Gunnery but could be improved a bit for Assault. APM will depend a bit on Alacrity.
  9. I'm not convinced the devs screwed Force Storm up beyond forgetting the fact that a 6-second channel using a single charge of Recklessness and having a Surge bonus would do insane damage. It's definitely true that both Sorc disciplines are AoE oriented, they use a rotational AoE for single-target—it's almost bizzare that the devs took this away from the Smash specs but left it for Sorcs, Pyrotech and Engineering. IMO though what the devs really didn't think through was DoT spread. In Ops, there are only a very few fights where this is good, compared to the burstier option of having the spammable AoE get Crit and Surge bonii. In fact, for some DoT specs, their ability to actually spread the DoT is so bad there are no Ops fights where they're likely to get significant damage by spreading the DoT. This is something you see in PvP too: DoT spread specs that have to deal with a 5m radius TAoE or with Carbine Burst aren't ranked viable. Meanwhile the two specs that spread with an 8-m radius GTAoE are OP. It's like the combat team and the Ops design team didn't speak to each other, and the combat team forgot that one of the most important things about an AoE is how easy it is to hit everything in the room with it when they designed the DoT spread mechanics.
  10. Not really. It's the worst for the very narrow purpose of DPSing Ops bosses and dummies. Outside of that it's one of the best DPS specs in the game, very strong in PvP and for soloing less easy content. In any situation where DoT spread will matter, Madness can sustain extremely high DPS which most classes cannot rival, with massive self-healing. Unfortunately, the...less than perfect...design of endgame PvE means that all specs will eventually have to be forced back into a cookie-cutter. There simply aren't enough different situations in Ops to have more than a very small number of class mechanics and situational strengths.
  11. Everyone will get it, but if you're at 200ms you'll get it more than most. The basic reason is that both the client and the server must check that the conditions are met for your attack, but they do so at slightly different times since information must travel between them. Frequently in PvP the constant movement will cause the server to invalidate the attack even though it was valid when you requested it client-side, as the slight time delay is enough for the target to no longer be in range, no longer be in arc, or for Backstab, for you no longer to be behind them. It doesn't help that SWTOR uses TCP (online games should use UDP instead) as its network protocol.
  12. That's a class dependent thing. If you are a PT, especially a DPS PT (so no leap), Shoulder Cannon is your trump card for guarding, and it has 10m range so stand ON the pylon and you can interrupt the cap even if you're mezzed. If you're a stealther though absolutely do stand off the pylon like you say.
  13. That said, it takes more skill for less rewards, so I see easily why fewer people invest effort into MM hardswitch comps.
  14. In fairness, it's useful for tanks in PvP too. Something to do with the fact tanks have much more DR, the tank passive that allows it to heal past 35% also makes it more meaningful. It's a weak CD even for tanks but at least it actually does something measurable, while for DPS it tends to activate and do absolutely nothing as you get executed right away.
  15. You don't need to freecast as Madness. Creeping Terror, Affliction, Death Field, Shock Static Barrier, Resurgence are instants and Demolish becomes an instant if you can get off 4 ticks of FL, even if you don't get off a full chanel. Unnatural Preservation is instant and off the GCD. Your only hard cast ever should be Force Leech, and you can at least cast it on the move if you spec for it, and use Polarity Shift for interrupt protection when you're under pressure. Madness does amazing damage and healing. Its only weakness is lack of on-demand burst. For solo queue it's really good, better than Lightning IMO—in solo queue you're not guaranteed a healer, and without a healer it is much better to be Madness. For team it depends on comp and strategy, Lightning obviously to partner with a burst DPS and Madness to partner with Hatred. How people can underestimate how strong this spec is boggles the mind. Stop paying attention to dummy parses.
  16. Inquisitors are visually much cooler. The difference is greater for Sorcerer vs Sage because the Shadowsins use their sabres more, though.
  17. The DoT cleave may be actually useful but it won't be as good as Hatred.
  18. Bubble stun may be useful for duelling, but for actual WZ it's garbage. TBH even for duelling, if you know he has it you can pop the bubble at 10m and you won't be stunned. You're way overrating the utility. But Sorcs definitely have a faceroll easy time kiting right now, especially Lightning, while Madness heals to full and makes them pay.
  19. No, not really. There's no real reason to target Phase Walk for a nerf. But sins have way too many buttons that are worth pressing at some point during a WZ, so people tend to suggest many nerfs, including dumber ones.
  20. Oh for Sekhmet's sake, grow up. Read up about what's happening and stop blaming others for taking your crutches away. Especially not blameless others just because they like different things from you.
  21. I'm pretty sure you'd keep the rating. It seems several top rated solo players started on low pop servers for easy queue-syncing until they got a high ELO, then transfered to high pop servers for more pops with their high ELO allowing them to be matched into the winning team.
  22. At least you're not a sniper. There was one queuing solo today...people on his team got mad when he died fast, then they made sure he died fast again when they were on the other team. Poor guy never stood a chance.
  23. Well...on light armour users it ammounts to reducing the non-internal DR by about 2 percentage points in 174s, i.e. a damage increase of ~2.5%. Given that you find a difference of ~4% in the end that's not negligible. Full 174 heavy armour gives 27.86% DR, so the arpen gives a damage increase of ~3.86%. Again, not negligible for your results, since you're finding they're close. How does the armour debuff stack with armour reductions on skills, though? Multiplicatively or additively?
  24. You mean "almost every spec except for IO, Pyro, Concealment, Lethality, Engineering, etc..." right? Infiltration is a mid-tier spec, maybe lower mid-tier, but not bottom tier. I wouldn't be against slightly buffing it, but pretending it's garbage? No, it isn't.
  25. It's not a bug. You can select your copilot from among your crewmembers and only your crewmembers. If you replace the crewmember who is your copilot, they are no longer a valid copilot and their replacement becomes the copilot instead.
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