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Everything posted by dannystarr

  1. Thanks everyone. We have found a guild that seems to be a good fit for us. We would like to send out our best wishes to everyone that expressed interest in our group.
  2. Still looking for a good fit. Contact me if you would like to set up a trial run with us or schedule a meeting in voice chat
  3. Thanks for the interest so far. I would like to add that we are not looking to join a casual or a newly formed guild. We are only interested in joining a progression PvE guild. Preferably a guild with stable ops groups and are 10/10 HM DF/DP or close to it.
  4. We are small PvE guild that is looking to possibly merge with a larger progression focused guild. We only ran one 8-man ops group but have had some of our members leave the game. We would like to move our entire ops group to a new guild. We used to run on Friday, Sunday and Monday at 6:30pm PST but most of us are flexible with our schedule. We were 9/10 on the HM Dread Ops before we stopped raiding due to ppl losing interest. If you are interested in adding another ops group to your guild as well as some great players please post here, send me a PM or contact me in-game. Thanks.
  5. Looking for more DPS and a sorc heals. Currently 9/10 on HM Dread Ops
  6. Good to see some good imp players returning
  7. I try to que almost every night on at least one of my toons between 5-11pm PDT. Calling out for others to que up in the /ranked or /harbingerranked channels definitely helps.
  8. As much as I would love for them to do cross server, it's just never gonna happen. Arenas will probably die even more after 2.5 and everyone switches to space PvP. The sad truth is that PvP in general is pretty low on BW's priority list and it always will be
  9. Updated. Looking for another good DPS and healer for progression.
  10. Sign me up on my commando Sonic'boom. It's my only pub 55 atm. Will have a guardian at 55 very soon
  11. Catalysts Empire HM Dread Palace Calphayus 10/28/13 8:58PM PST http://i.imgur.com/UvccYAm.jpg
  12. Updated. We are 4/5 HM DF and 2/5 HM DP as of this post. Now is the time to join up!
  13. Catalysts Empire HM Dread Palace 10/21/13 Bestia http://i.imgur.com/uWXtdP1.jpg Tyrans http://i.imgur.com/cfGpcWO.jpg
  14. Updated with current needs. If no spots are currently available for your role/class but you feel that you are an exceptional player that can perform please do not hesitate to contact me. We are always on the look out for talented players
  15. Catalysts Empire HM Dread Fortress Corruptor Zero 10/6/13 7:20PM PST http://i.imgur.com/u28W8oi.jpg
  16. Catalysts Empire HM Dread Fortress 10/4/13 NEF http://i.imgur.com/c2CMNlhh.jpg GCD http://i.imgur.com/4CWMv2Q.jpg GROB http://i.imgur.com/BoIfzrvh.jpg
  17. I'll be on tonight. Feel free to shoot me a whisper if you catch me in-game on any of my toons listed in my sig.
  18. Hi thanks for your reply. I will try to get in touch with you tonight in-game. We could use a solid ranged DPS.
  19. We are a progression focused PvE guild that is looking for more skilled raiders to join our ranks. We are an 8-man progression guild. We value player skill over class and are in need of more people that are available to play at the times listed below. Raid times: Friday (6:30-10pm) Sunday (6:30-9pm) and Monday (6:30-9pm) all times are PST Current Needs: Looking for one more Healer and DPS We are really looking for reliable people that can show up and be consistent. We have a guild bank, website, TS3 Server, repair funds and crafting mats available to all of our raiders. Players interested in joining should have torparse, teamspeak and a working mic available. Contact me here or in-game if you would be interested in joining our guild.
  20. Yeah Bantle vs. Smoochie would be much more fun to watch
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