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Everything posted by dannystarr

  1. Opening up recruitment for 2.4 operations! All classes/roles are welcome. Now is the time to join an experienced raiding guild in preparation for 2.4 coming in early October. P.S. We are also looking for a few more good PvPers for our arena team.
  2. Updated. Looking for another Tank ready to jump into nightmare content as well as skilled rDPS
  3. This was missed on the old thread Catalysts Empire 8man NiM TFB The Writhing Horror 7/21/13 7:04pm PST http://i.imgur.com/gISNdNV.jpg Achievement: http://i.imgur.com/Jrcvqqb.jpg 8man NiM S&V Dash'roode 8/25/13 8:36pm PST http://i.imgur.com/fzKJ3hX.jpg Acheivement: http://i.imgur.com/URLRaRi.jpg
  4. He never quit. He was just afk and running in circles for a couple of weeks
  5. I got most of my 55's copied over. Look forward to seeing more peeps over there
  6. With 2.4 dropping on the PTS tomorrow, there's no point in queing for ranked anymore. If I want to do ranked I will log over to the PTS and que for arenas until they go live. Hit me up if you want to set something up on the PTS. R.I.P. 8-man ranked
  7. To be honest I am not sure why some pvp guilds hold off on queing for ranked if they don't have their A-team on. Seems to me like there would be more pops if more guilds were willing to que with sub-par comps. With 2.4 on the way, there will be no more 8-man ranked. If your rating is your concern it will be reset anyways once season one starts. So what is there to lose except some fun matches and ranked comms? Better to have some fun doing 8-mans while they are still around. Just saying...
  8. We are a progression focused PvE guild that is looking for more skilled raiders to join our ranks. We only run one 8-man progression group and always take the best group possible on any given night. We value player skill over class and are in need of more people that are available to play at the times listed below. Raid times: Friday (6:30-10pm) Sunday (6-9pm) and Monday (6:30-9pm) all times are PST Current Needs: All roles are currently available! If you show up, you WILL raid. Regardless if you are a backup or not. We have a guild bank, website, TS3 Server, repair funds and crafting mats available to all of our members. Players interested in joining should be in full 72's or optimized 69's, have torparse, teamspeak and a working mic available. Contact me here or in-game if you would be interested in joining our team.
  9. Hit me up if you need a rdps or heals. If I'm not on my sorc you can find me on an alt. All my 55's are in my sig
  10. /Farewell GG's. I'm sure you'll be back for 4v4 arenas
  11. Welcome back. I believe the only Imp guild that is queing for ranked is Haze Blazers. I tried to get another team going but there was little to no interest. Seems all the good Imps transferred but most of the Pubs stuck around so there are more Pub PvP guilds atm.
  12. Still looking for another healer and a node guard. Must be in at least full partisan and fully augmented
  13. You should come tank for us
  14. Catalysts is trying to put together a ranked team to que during the week around 7pm server time. We are looking for 2 operative healers, jugg tank and a node guard (preferably a tank assassin). Contact me here or in-game if interested.
  15. Catalysts Empire 8man NiM TFB The Writhing Horror 7/21/13 7:04pm PST http://i.imgur.com/gISNdNV.jpg Achievement: http://i.imgur.com/Jrcvqqb.jpg
  16. 1659 dps http://i.imgur.com/q9HTkZE.jpg
  17. Some of us in Catalysts would be interested in some ranked action. We have a solid 4-man group ready for ranked and would like to group up with another 4-man. Message me here or contact Paralysis, Breelo, Kageck or Arkaellek in-game to get something set up.
  18. http://i.imgur.com/WiwcG9O.jpg Imperial dominance indeed.
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