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Everything posted by Pokupo

  1. I will generally use Rocket Punch/Rail Shot on CD. Flame Sweep/Burst I will generally rotate with Rapid Shots or something like: FS FS RS FS RS FS FS RS. When my heat regen/degen? hits 3 I try and ise rapid shots to get it back down to 4. Some fights will get a little more costly on the heat, and for those I use the CD when I am about 75%?
  2. I dont know, I thought I seemed pretty strong at level 11 when I chose my advanced class after suffering my Hazing from those two thugs. I admit though it just gets better and better as I level. I will report back at 37 though and see if I have made any significant changes.
  3. I was pretty good until I accidently hit Missle Blast. Talked with some guildies about it, they said maybe remove it from my Toolbar, heat problem solved.
  4. This has happened to me in WOW as well, and maybe even Rift. Its like they want you to have Raid Level Gear -> to get into a herioc -> that drops Gear for Raids... I think in BC I had Best in Slot for all my Gear that you could get for not touching any Raids, and had all the recomended stats for stepping into a Herioc. And they wont take you but they will take the DPS with the quest green loot from like 5 levels ago? /boggle. At least with the BW Hard Modes it seems like DPS has to be up to snuff to down a boss in a certain time, which I kinda like. Why should the Tank and Healer be the only one with Gear in a instance and make fights last twice as long than they should be because DPS cannot step up. /endrant
  5. I like to move towards the person when I do it to make it look like i am jumping through them/past them when I land the killing blow.
  6. i like Jugger Ball Carriers because they can leap to a Enemy or a Team Mate, and I think it is Assassins? because they have the speed buff (or is it the Sorcs that do that?) As a BH I prefer to Guard, Taunt, and Grapple to protect the Ball Carrier, as well as using Flame "Noun" to debuff the enemy so they do less damage.
  7. I have stayed Shield Spec all the way to leve 30 till I got Rocket Jump, then started going into Pyro to go for the 21/2/18 build. I could see that if you are fine on Tanking atm take some points out and pickling up skills like Iron Fist, Puncture, and Prototype Burn Enhancers. Then maybe Hot Iron and Prototype Cylinders. Or you could just respec and go Pyro and you may still be able to Tank fine enough just make sure you change your Cyclinders around.
  8. Just going to add: Make sure, ecspecially if you are a Bounty Hunter to right click the Portrait, and not the Mob. You Will shoot it I was sleepy in that flashpoint I swear.
  9. Lvl 34, pretty much went Shield to level 30 till I got Rocket Jump, then went into Pyro. Building towards 21/2/18 Carolina Parakeet. Respecced a couple times into just Pyro, as well as Adv. Prototype. I like them both, but Ijust get pulled back into Tanking all the time (personal choice). i would probably start out as a Tank just for the survivability for the lower levels, and if you have to DPS in a FP it is still pretty good.
  10. I know some guys on my server, as well as in my guild that have hit 50, and do to no one to play against reroll alts. And yes I am seeing quite a few low level PT's. It kinda fun though when 50% of your group is a PT, and the other 50% all have Guard on them
  11. Is the Assassin putting Guard on you? Had that happen to me, he thought I would get the DMG Reduction like in PvP....
  12. I would almost suggest to take a point out of Proto-Type Flamethrower and Charged Gauntlets and put them into Sweltering Heat allowing you to KITE more effectively melee classes? (0/21/20) Or possibly Rail Loaders for more Rail Shot Pew Pew. (2/21/18) Also I noticed when I was running Kolto Vents in one of my builds it never seemed to do anything for me even when I had Prototype Cylinder Ventalation along with High Energy Gas Cylinder active. If you were planning on using Guard more often then I would take the Endurance Buff over Bursting Flame.
  13. I'M THE JUGGERNAUGHT BIT....ARGH... [Click to return to Medical Center] (or whatever it says when you die)
  14. I currently have a 34 PT and I pretty much have every skill that I could possibly use in PvP bound to something, the only skills that I may actually click on are maybe my Grenades, and somtimes Stim Packs. The only time that I generally resort to click tanking is when I am on a Boss that is Tank n Spank and does not have adds or require movement. Just button Mashing, gives my fingers a rest. But I think to get really good at it you need to PvP for the most part, People are alot quicker and more unpredictable than a Computer Controlled mob. Also I have found, because in every mmo I play I roll Tanks, to keep keys like Charge, Taunt, Bubbles, Pull etc... bound to the same keys. That way you are not staring down at your keys wondering why you start dancing while the Healer is getting killed.
  15. Agreed I prefer fights that require me to move to avoid effects, use interrupts, and possibly cool downs. I dont like feeling like I am a Tennis ball, or getting chain stunned.
  16. I would say that the best one in PvP just on a pure utility is the Bounty Hunter Power Tech. You Get (if Specc'ed): * Charge * Death Grip type ability/Pull * Bubble * Taunt / AoE Taunt * Guard * Spammable AoE Attack * dmg reduction debuff And if you spec other ways you get even more abilities to play with.
  17. In your 4/6/31 build how beneficial is the Prototype Cyclinders? Would it better to go 5/5/31 just to max out Intimiation.
  18. To Be fare though you do learn alot while leveling up your Tank, plus even though Tanking is different across different games the Theory and Practice is mostly the same. Tanks, that I think are good tanks, generally pick up on things like: * Situational Awareness of mobs in instances (eg. Patrols) * What classes bring to a party (Buffs, Debuffs, CC etc...) * Positioning of Mobs to prevent things like Cleaves, Tail Swipes, Knock Backs, CC Breaks. * How to possibly play their Class/Spec If you take two tanks at max level, where one leveled as a Tank, and another who on a whim decided that he was tired of leveling as DPS and decided to respec as a Tank, you can generally tell who knows what they are doing, and does not.
  19. I saw someone kick the ball once in Huttball, I want them perma banned for ruining my game experience.
  20. I guess it is more like Rugby where you have to put the ball on the ground...
  21. Ok I have a Level 28 BH:PT in full PvE Shield Spec, as well as a Level 23 SW:Jugger Shield/Vengence Spec for what it is worth. Now I am not how you measure your self in a Warzone for how well you do. I mean ultimately I would say it is wether your team wins or loses? I usually go by how many medals I accumulate myself for personal performance. I normally go solo into a WZ and the majority of the time I would say that I have gotten 6~8 medals per match, the highest being 9 (Solo), 10 with a Healer. And I would say my gear isn't that great. I am not really sure how you can say your class sucks when you can pretty much get into the top three in every column besides Healing of course in every WZ you play in. And yes you will die if you dont have heals, but your a Tank and that is what Tanks get paid to do. And the only times that I truly feel like I am squishy is when I am getting focussed on by 4~6 guys by myself, but then for every second I live, that is another second my team is not getting hit.
  22. I would love on my Jugger the ability to have reflective damage when I am Parrying or Blocking. You see Jedi all the time in the movies, and in Clone Wars deflecting Blaster bolts back at Clones and Droids, why not do it in game? And it can even help us with Threat, heck we block blaster bolts so many times it prevents us from doing any of our other moves we may as well get some benefit out of it. And yes I would love to be able to force pull on my Jugger.
  23. Yes they did... And I have to agree, I have played classes before that have had a astigmatism attached to them (this class cannot Tank, you should be ..., or even Healers etc...), and yes sometimes some classes are broken and just do not work. But the majority of the time it is the person playing the class is not up to par.
  24. Did Vampari just quote themselves???
  25. I think your first set should be fine. Basically you stack Endurance until you have enough for the content that you can take the hits that you are taking. So when you do get hit your healers can keep you up and alive. Eventually there may be a point that the Gear will have so many stats on it that you start getting into diminishing returns [DR], that it may be better to stack Endurance just because it generally will not have any DR that it will just be better point for point. Just looking at end game raiding for WoW as an example. Of course Star Wars is probably not at that point in the game yet?
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