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Everything posted by MorbidAri

  1. Same in SWTOR. Only in SWTOR you can get BiS pvp gear just doing WFs. Your point was?
  2. Funny how you come to the forums and cry, and I need to calm down? Interesting. Anyways I told you to enjoy it and stop whining about being entitled and that somehow makes me the person freaking out. Perhaps all those years of talking to people outside the internet has spoiled me. Regardless, I was right about you being new to modern MMOs. Go to Ilum and do dailies and do WF dailies. You'll be full epics in 2 weeks if you're lucky. Less time crying on the forums = more time pwning in pvp. Try it out.
  3. Enrage timers weed out auto-attacking baddies from getting Rakkata gear. So your complaining that you can't auto-attack your way into BiS gear? Holy baddie first world problems batman! Enrages are fine. They make you have to not suck at the game. Something we should all be doing. Keep on it and you wont even know there are enrages.
  4. Hate to say it but only baddies don't want add-ons. But I will say one thing about them. BW for the love of god, please please please please please don't let a DBM style add-on in your game. Blizz admits that their terrible raid fight design is partly due to DBM. Give me meters, don't let people give away the fights.
  5. I'll make a less than wild assumption and guess that you haven't played an MMO since EQ. Time have changed! I know you feel self-entitled to be able to face roll anyone with the first few seconds as a 50, but it's simply not like that. Let me put it into context. You think that you should have everything all at once. Others have spent time to accomplish what they have. Yes you SHOULD be destroyed every single WZ. Why? Because they have earned it, and when you keep fighting for it an EARN it, you will realize that everything handed to you because you feel entitled to everything NOW is actually very unsatisfying. Enjoy the gearing process. You will learn many good WF strats. Also keep of the forums with your self-entitled crying.
  6. Oh and forgot, before any changes you propose could even take place, we need combat logs. Skill < Gear atm due to no metric to judge skill. One step at a time.
  7. I like the fights, I can see your issues however. Not many mmos launch with working raids. WoW's were rough at first, Aion's are bad, War isn't even in the same ball park, AoC was all manner of broken and pointless due to no RPG elements or stats working, Rift was just horrendously bad, Swtor's is broken, Vanguard didn't even launch with end game! Welcome to MMO launch raiding. Sucks, but as time has shown with most if not all of these games, it gets better. Patience young padawan!
  8. You have some strong points. It's very healthy to call out a dev team to deliver on their promises. But you should also be glad they try to implament things like world pvp and rvr given how little the mmo pvp community is. Yes the pvp community is the minority. How can I say this? Look at WoW. Look at how many people do dungeons/heroics/raids and then look at how many people do BGs/RBGS/Arena. You will see a staggering difference in favor of PVE. Look at how many people visit Elitistjerks.com, Tankspot.com and the PVE aspect of the game vs Arenajunkies.com and the other pvp sites. Again staggering. So the fact they are giving the smallest portion of MMO players some love is absolutly wonderful. Even if they fail at first, they could have just ignored us and called it a day. Keep up the conversation even if it gets ugly. PVP isn`t exactly friendly to begin with. Just keep it constructive like most of the posts including this quote have been.
  9. Tons of great ideas on here. The main problem is the Faction Pop without a doubt. Stat boosts to the less populated faction is a total failure. Increased rewards seems to be a common idea that just might work. The main issue is why bother leveling a new toon to 50 just for a bit of rewards in Ilum. Perhaps offering an experience bonus to people leveling the less populated faction (and an added bonus if you have a 50 of the high pop faction) or perhaps a free faction switch in the future.
  10. I want Dual-spec too. As the raid leader and first 50 in my guild I have almost 2 full epic sets worth of gear. Full tank set and almost full dps set. We roll with 2 tanks for the odd fight that needs them. Dual spec would allow me to switch to dps for fights that need only 1 tank so we can help beat enrage timers. Also pvp.
  11. This is a valid point. Ironically enough on my Battle group it was the Ally who boycotted AV not the horde. Though I see your point, I still thank BW for adding world pvp after we all asked for it. That's the point. Now lets work together to make it work.
  12. Okay I have to adress this. People say BW favors Imperials. Some evidence points to that. I cannot nor will not argue those perfectly sound and proven arguments. What I will say is that since Imperials outnumber Republics, wouldn't then them showing favoritism to the Imps being actually pandering to their biggest pop and group of paying customers. I am not going to try and defend BW and their choices. As an Imperial player I will admit that most of these discrepencies actually make me frustrated. I usually play the under-dog in most mmos. This one was an exception because playing a Sith has been a dream since I was 5 years old when I saw SW for the first time. (Emperor fan here, not as much Vader though.) The faction differences has been adressed and I hope will be fixed. Fingers crossed.
  13. I personally hope and pray they add RVR to this game. I loved War's RVR. The SW universe isn't even hard to imagine RVR in. They make it a planet with bases that you need to kill the commander of to take it like in War would be awesome. Had many great RVR times in my mmo years. Would love for them to make their home here. Love this game and love the fact that it has it's own pvp team. Let's light a match under their ***** and make them implament these kinds of changes.
  14. Here is a good point. I myself thought of how much better Ilum would be if it was infact smaller. Thus more combat and less running back. But you do bring up a solid point about how this is actually good for gameplay.
  15. This. I play on Dark Reaper which is the 3rd or maybe 4th highest pop server (I could be wrong but it's up there with one of the highest pops.) Ilum here is just imps outside the pube base pull trading. Very boring. Me and others have tried to turn the battle to north or south since the respawns are closer there. Usually to no success. You make a truly solid point. It's also up to us to make the community pull together and make this work. In countless mmos there have been unspoken rules people catch on to, and aren't game mechanics but accepted as so. Let's work on the unspoken rule that mid is the fight zone. Just maybe we can make this work without much Dev help. We need to prove to them that we want this and it's worth all of our time as well as theirs. They gave us what we wanted and instead of being butt hurt, we can help facilitate the changes Ilum needs to become what we want it to be.
  16. Some great discussion on this thread. This is the kind of conversation we need to help prompt the changes need to make Ilum work. Another option to the faction imbalance is to offer free server transfers for high faction pops to servers with low faction pops with a bonus reward. Tons of great ideas. Keep em coming.
  17. 1. Agree fully. Some imp classes are worse, some pube classes are worse in this catagory. 2. Certainly an option to make the weaker faction appealing 3. The issue I see with this is that Valor can be hard to gain if your group of 8 is going against a group of 24. You will earn no Valor since you will be stomped in seconds. Thanks for the input. I like your points. This is the discussion that is needed to make Ilum an awesome pvp zone.
  18. Played since Vanilla till Cata. The problem with the BC/Wrath world pvp is that it had no point. Taking Halaa gave such a non-exsistant bonus/reward that there really is no point in doing it. That goes with Grizzly as well. Why bother even doing it for 74th level blues? Ilum offers the second best pvp gear to those not BM, and the best gear available. Something that no other MMO has ever done. Offering good pvp rewards for world pvp. I suppose I should have mentioned that in my post. You are correct in some of your points. But WoW killed world pvp regardless. BW gave us world pvpers some love. We should share it. p.s. BH as you mentioned isn't world pvp and still stands as the biggest failure in mmo pvp history.
  19. People cried and whined for BW to add world pvp, and instead of being grateful that BW listened to them they whine that it's broken. Try being possitive about this. I for one thank them for listening to us in the first place. Blizz killed world pvp and no one else has it. Yes Ilum is crappy and broken. The fact that they didn't just give up means they care. That matters because me and many others asked them to care. So instead of crying that it sucks, im thankful that it exsists.
  20. They DIDN'T NEED to add world pvp. WoW killed their world pvp with flying mounts. Rift has no world pvp to even mention. In fact in Rift most opposite faction players would ignore eachother. So your complaining that BW added something they didn't need to at all and that is bad? Instead of being a self-entitled whiner. How about you thank them for even trying to add something every other mmo has removed, never had or gave up on?
  21. /agree. Also I play on Dark Reaper. Ilum is a real mess here. Tons of imps and no pubes until late at night when the Aussie crowd shows up. Still glad BW tried and continues to do so, rather than give up and remove it like Blizz did.
  22. Just add a full Cent set worth of Expertise to everyone that joins that isn't level 50. If the 50 has less than a full Cent set worth of Expertise than bump them up. If they have more than they have enough. This way you let 50s que up on smaller servers and 50s wont just roll over low levels. /discuss
  23. So your a healer and you complain the damage was nerfed? Wow, I thought I herd every kind of QQ, but this is a new level of derp. Okay so you go back to healing and stop complaining about damage okay?
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