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Everything posted by Kerensk

  1. Now that the PvP terminals are in warzones I think we're good. But moving all the vendors there would be nice. The GSF section of the ship actually already has PvP terminals anyway. Since its a form of PvP you could add vendors and make that the PvP hub of the game and give the two current vendor cubby holes to the character appearance changer or the bounty hunter terminals.
  2. Kerensk


    It's so bad I tell people what to watch for before the match begins. When the bridge is first dropped, WATCH THE DOOR ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE! That's there the stealth will go.
  3. ++ Even bads and PvE players can figure out that losing ranked matches doesn't pay off enough ranked comms to make it worthwhile. PvEs trying to farm comms is a straw-man argument. If you do see a player in PvE gear in a match explain expertise to them instead of attacking them. They're receptive to advice. They're just new, not malicious.
  4. This. Not everybody will be first place. In fact half the players will be in the lower 50 percentile... But at least the OP knows where he's at. Most people I see who are average in ranked kick *** in regs; it's good training to teach players how to fight better.
  5. I'm loving it. Queue pops went from hours to about 2 minutes on average; I just hope it stays this way for more than a week. There are enough people queuing that I only saw the same person a few times. My ranking is in the middle right now but with 15 matches a night there is plenty of chances to bring it up. Some people were undergeared but usually only a single player on the match, same as always. And all were willing to fight and work together. People were receptive to tips like changing gear or to quit guarding a tank (seriously?!). With Ranked, Regs, and GSF all popping in less than 5 minutes Harbinger is the new PvP server.
  6. Everybody has a certain warzone we don't like. Maybe just suck it up and play through instead of the QQ? Besides it's the quickest easiest win you can get. And if it's not L2P, you'll love them when You start telling your team to focus one person at a time.
  7. This alone is pretty helpful. Training dummies that take expertise into account would be cool too. A bolstered+expertise dueling area to run the same tests against a living would be awesome.
  8. Where is the "Training Area"? Can we duel there while waiting for a match?
  9. Some people just need to be carried. They tell themselves they're good players because they win so many matches but they have to quit 3 matches to be put on a roflstomp team to get a win. To me quiting out of a difficult match is worse than a loss, it hurts your team and it proves you aren't willing to fight when the odds are against you. Both are the very definition of what makes a bad player (points don't define a bad, any real PvP player knows the end scorecards isn't what determines win or loss). I see the same thing when people complain "why won't you heal me?" or "why won't you guard me?" The nature of the game is that sometimes you have to fight on your own without somebody carrying you. If you can't fight without support you're not as good as you think. And certainly not good enough to act elitist and blame the loss on the rest of the team.
  10. Are you just going to make a new nerf ranged / nerf sniper thread everyday now? The conclusion from the last few was the same. L2P So what if your FoTM sentinel requires some skill to play now. Quit calling for nerfs on classes you have no experience in, it makes you look like the worst of the QQ bads.
  11. Kerensk

    Is this correct?

    Offheals kind of suck at that level speced for DPS. If you're ignored you can off heal but you're probably more effective stunning and interrupting those 2 healers you were up against. Players that don't have Offheal classes don't understand how under powered they are. They're awesome if you can break off combat to hide and heal for 30 seconds but you can't really negate a DPS attack during arenas. He's still hitting at 100% and you go from a 100% DPS to a 30-40% healer. In a few situational circumstances it may be good but you're better off playing to your class strenghts rather than ignoring them to carry a weak teammate. A lot of players need to be carried, your teammate needs to learn to play without support too. If he's only good when he has a pocket healer, he's not good. Just a bad in denial. Except for the bubble mentioned above, it's fantastic, any time a team member bubble falls put it back on. Spam that like crazy in between your DPS attacks. It's probably better than your lame Offheals in an arena.
  12. The jugg immunity is 4 seconds. Start running and counting. When you reach 4, if they are still on you knock them back. Or if they have 2 lightsabers you can knock them back right after they leap.
  13. The PvE servers see a lot of cross traffic too. You get PvP matches but no open world PvP ganking. Also nobody plays in character like the Role playing servers, but are still willing to geek out on star wars lore discussions.
  14. People always assume you should be able to get full brutalizer the minute they hit 55 but reality is that a lot of people are new, on their first toon, and don't know exploits to stack comms. When a Noob or PvE convert asks for help instead of telling them they should have done something in the past we should tell them what to do from now on. So... 1. Grind out the Oberon gear. You'll have to take some lumps for a week or 2 but that's not that long. Do your Daily every night and you'll have full PvP gear in about a week. 2. If you have some ranked comms get the relics first. I wouldn't back convert ranked to warzone comms, just grind more normal comms. 3. During your week of grind, dump the high level pve gear. There might be some odd configurations (others can go into detail) but it's easier to fill orange shells with planetary makeb mods and buying blue crafted 55 gear for the rest. 4. Augment you gear as soon as you can. Make money and dump it into augments. 5. Get some blue nano stims for your mainstat. They give a great boost. 6. If you can make your own augment kits, augments, and stims you'll save a lot of money.
  15. The materials to craft some of the PvE gear is hard to get. To the point it's almost impractical to craft the gear. Maybe the same thing on the PvP side would eliminate a lot of the cons. You'd still need warzone comms for the rare materials, and the market wouldn't flood. The remaining problem is that people can buy their way into good PvP gear without the training grinding it. PvE players are far richer than we are. Throwing a million creds at some gear isn't as big of issue.
  16. Recruit gear sucked anyway you don't want that. Just iuse legacy gear to pass mods from over geared players to under geared ones. Or play the 1 week it takes to "grind" a set of Oberon.
  17. I notice there is no sniper in your signature. Maybe you should simply PLAY as a sniper before you start demanding they're overpowered. You don't even need to try to counter a sentinel, just try to break off combat once somebody has decided to take you down. See how easy it is without your stealth-out ability or ability to jump 30 meters away. PS: My sniper finds your previous FOTM sentinel's tears delicious!
  18. Ranged DPS noobs tend to be morons on the map. Once people get some experience they can be brutal. If they go out on the pipe they can lock down the second floor. I think this is the most friendly map for Smart snipers. Leap and knockback immunity is awesome up above. Get 2 or more on the pipes and they can stall the enemy advance. Usually I'll head out on the pipes as long as I can. If your team gets the ball it's easy to move over for the pass. If somebody leaps to you you can knock them back down, biggest threats are Vanguards pulling you off or snipers entrenching up there. Usually the enemy will camp their endzone Trying to get me, making great leap targets for my team. And that health at mid is awesome, you stand next to it, wait till your health is low, side step a foot, continue to finish off the three enemies in their end zone. Or they'll come out on the pipes and I can knock them off. Worst case I can fall back a bit or drop off and join the mess below. But the endzone is poison. Never stay there.
  19. I've never got much money out of Artifice; although I never dug too deep into their market. All I use mine for is off hands for my alts. I'd suggest doing it with an alt if you're a completionist and want to make your own gear.
  20. Once the match starts nobody pays attention to the chat (I've been guilty of it myself). I try to chat all the basic strategy before the match starts. It's the only time people read. Usually just telling the team to cluster together in a deathmatch can make a huge difference. One moron "Leroy Jenkins" into the enemy and dies instantly while the rest of us circle close to home and pick off the enemy as they filter in. Some smart ***** occasionally comments "we know how to play", but they don't. If you don't repeat the basics before a match your chance of winning drops before the game even begins.
  21. First off, in games I'm usually average for the team, I'm certainly not an ace but not a Noob either. What tips do you have for neutralizing and killing bombers? Seems like every match I get in where the enemy deploys bombers my team gets demolished. I've tried fast attacks with my scout, sneak attacks with my strike fighter, sniping with my gunship seems most effective but it takes forever to wear those guys down, often all I can do to blow up their mines so my teammates aren't slaughtered. I don't have a bomber myself, and none of my ships are maxed out yet. Just basic upgrades across the board. So if you're playing and a bomber locks down some satellites what would you do? Or as a bomber pilot what are you most vulnerable to?
  22. I'm waiting till the dailies come out. I'm still missing some Oberon pieces on some toons so I'm grinding regs. Plus I play late for US games. I'm not sure how many players will be up past midnight except for early Aussie players.
  23. To be honest I think that map loves operatives for scoring. On my operative alt I made 4 of our teams goals. I'm not very good, it was just so easy to roll up there. But on my low level shadow it seems like all I can do is help kill ball carriers on the second level. His sprint isn't as effective for scoring and he's too squishy. Stealthing then killing the ball carrier at the top of the ramp to level 2 seems to be most effective with him.
  24. Cool idea, but a lot of kinks to iron out. Imagine how pissed people would be if they kept getting knocked off and it was hard to run to catch up with the train. Knockbacks would rule this scenario. Maybe a convoy. If you can't destroy the first supply truck you can get the next, etc. Also a map where the convoy winds through mountains but the attackers can cross to head them off so if they get knocked back they can run over the mountain to the next ambush. The convoy never gets too far ahead that they can run from spawn to the front.
  25. Yet in the other thread you're pissed off about people with low level gear playing ranked. Let them play and let their skill level the game out. If they're awesome players their Noob gear doesn't matter. If they suck you'll demolish them and their ranking will fall while yours rises. I totally agree with you, skill matters, gear doesn't. Let's throw everybody together and watch the skill sort us out.
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