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Everything posted by geogenetic

  1. Listen Up. As far as I know there is a glitch where every item of the same slot shows the EXACT SAME DESCRIPTION AND STATS as the previously looked at item. Hit CTRL+U 2 times and then look at them again. I guarantee you will find different results. I'm surprised more people haven't noticed this. My guild mate linked a whole bunch of items that he wanted to give to us but they all looked like the first item i clicked on in chat. I've noticed this a bunch while playing. Resetting the UI by hitting CTRL+U (the UI disappears) then you hit CTRL+U again (the UI comes back) and everything was reading correctly. It's a serious bug and it needs to be fixed.
  2. Wow... I didn't even know about Datacrons! Thank you for this. I will definitely have to start looking around more.
  3. Looking For Dungeon tool will kill the community of this game just like it did for WoW. Why bother talking to people or doing any quests when you can just hit a button and kill things? I hope it never makes it into the game.
  4. I had my WoW account hacked somehow and also my Rift account. The authenticator would have stopped both had I been using them before the hacks. Honestly you probably won't use one until you've been hacked and feel the pain.
  5. I love the voiced quests that actually get me interested instead of scrolling through endless quest text just to go collect 5 wolf pelts. The multiperson dialog in groups is awesome too. It's great to see your other party members personalities come out. I'm actually interested about the quests I'm doing which I thought would never ever happen in an MMO. I just did the Esseles instance on the Republic side the other night and had a great time with 2 other guys. We took our time with it and it was by far the most enjoyment I've had so far in this game. Great work all around Bioware. I'm sold.
  6. I was skeptical at first, but I love this game. I hope to be here for a long time as long as the game keeps developing. I'm playing with several real life friends so that makes it even more enjoyable.
  7. World of Warcraft took moaning to a whole new level and brought in people who don't appreciate what MMO's used to be and want everything their way now. I used to be laughed at by my friends for playing these types of games but guess which one they ended up falling in love with? WoW. So because there are so many people playing MMO's nowadays you are a seeing a larger percentage of rude obnoxious people who don't have any patience or good manners. Some people aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.
  8. @ OP. You already gave them your money and will only waste the free time you've already paid for. Conclusion: You lose. LOL
  9. I would LOVE to see in game tournaments in cantinas certain times every day. I don't care what games they add, but this would add so much immersion to me! It also gives people something else to do when they either hit max level and have done everything in their story or just to take a break from questing. I really truly hope something like this happens.
  10. I can only pray and hope that they do something like this. If there is any type of space combat where you actually control your ship, I may die of over-excitement.
  11. This post is awesome. 10/10 OP. For those who didn't read it... you missed out.
  12. I also want my Android Authenticator!
  13. Welcome to your first MMO and just to fill you in, you aren't entitled to anything. Have a great day you spoiled brat.
  14. YEah for the first time I'm actually able to pay attention and get involved in whats going on in the game. Not just skipping text and rushing to the next quest marker. That is enough to give me immersion I haven't felt in a long time. I was skeptical but I'm loving it.
  15. I feel connected with my in game character for the first time since playing Everquest in 1999. The story line and conversation interactions are enough for me right now, plus all of my abilities in combat are extremely fun to use and watch being executed. I'm having a lot of fun just going at my own pace and enjoying the storyline. I purposefully didn't play Beta because it ruins my perspective on the game when it releases. I'm actually having a lot of fun and hope that continues.
  16. PREACH IT EQ BROTHER! We need an East Commonlands Griffon running around low level areas in SWTOR lol.
  17. I'm all for a mentoring system as long as it makes your level go down not the lower level persons level go up.
  18. I actually haven't played the game yet. I refused to beta test since it's ruined every other mmo experience for me. I hope i love the game as much as OP
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