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Everything posted by Kytea

  1. CPU 80C ? Seems quite hot to me
  2. The Force is not strong in that one...
  3. Superbe! Très bien fait. Il manque une Satele par contre...
  4. Hi In Fleet chat, someone managed to : "Name1 slaps Name2 on the *ss" Name1 and Name2 being the names of the two involved. It is the same identical font and color as normal slash commands. Of course the player won't tell me how he did that. Anyone know?
  5. Ok, but don't tell us which server you're on, otherwise we'd be able to get in touch with you...
  6. Hi Aside from the slave girl outfit chest piece, are there other light armor chest pieces with a bare midriff (orange - moddable) Like, for example, the medium armor "Aspiring Knight's Vest" on my sentinel. I'd love something like that. My sage is level 41 Thanks
  7. It'll be fine. The forums run great even on my netbook and my iPad. No lag, good fps and quick load times.
  8. I'm from Canada, and Hoth feels very homey
  9. I'm level 41 and haven't finished Balmorra yet...
  10. My server Nathema has a very low pop and the fun factor would be improved if it was merged with another/others.
  11. I particularly love this part in the article: So true. When I don't like a game, I delete it and I move on to another one. I certainly don't quit and then stick around its forums for the purpose of venting out.
  12. I'm more concerned about the lack of toilet in my ship.
  13. ok thanks. nice font, by the way
  14. I wish I could turn off Legacy xp messages and only keep the regular xp notifications
  15. We try to make Esseles fun by timing ourselves. We try to bear the last run's time. Just a suggestion.
  16. game key is optional, not "needed"
  17. This may come as a shock to you, but most tv shows are fake.
  18. This is my blaster rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  19. You tell him to get off his lazy behind by....playing a computer game? this does not compute.
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