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Everything posted by sithgreyguard

  1. Hey Bruce or Eric, is the Revan costume getting an update in 2.2? or is that later on?
  2. i would like te sith dominator costume from taral v flashpoint. its a very cool look. similar to darth marr but no shoulder spikes, different gloves and belt. also has a down hoodie. very cool.
  3. Fix it dont be lazy. Remove one of the hoods so the set is not stacking two hoods.
  4. Empire won makeb yay. now what to do with isotope 5.
  5. Does any have a picture kissing the two other girls on empire side Darth Acina or Evie bo?
  6. actually no! emporer is not dead. for the sith warrior you get an option called no the emporer is immortal. then you basically tell marr the hand said his voice is dead and not his true body. think that option is there because really only the sith warrior and the hand know the true fate of the emporer. the republic does not know they defeated fake emporer.
  7. I would like to see this very cool armor in game. it would look awesome on my jaesa or one of my alts.
  8. i think they should have spent alot more time on this one. we waited so long for it and then it looks awful. most will disagree with me but thats fine. the only thing that is the same from the trailer is the black robe with the red stripes. the armor is too dark and the details cannot be seen. it should be more of a lighter shade of gray instead of black. the eradicator set should not use the valiant belt. also the spikes should be larger. 6.5 out 10 at best. bioware please please redo this set.
  9. Exactly! i am hoping they redo the set and make it look more like the trailer pic.
  10. it looks nothing like it. look at your pic then this.. http://i.imgur.com/uSSAMq0.jpg
  11. Open your eyes everyone! Eradicator Warsuit is just a re-colored Valiant set with the hood up and spikes added to the gloves. Bioware please give us the correct armor from the deceived trailer. pics below http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121119193338/starwars/images/7/70/SithWarrior-TORHope.png http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121119200950/starwars/images/3/30/SithWarriors-Deceived.png
  12. I have seen a jugg wearing it on the fleet. its really rare though.
  13. It looks like a recolored valiant set and nothing like the armor from the deceived trailer. this is what we wanted http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121119193338/starwars/images/7/70/SithWarrior-TORHope.png http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121119200950/starwars/images/3/30/SithWarriors-Deceived.png
  14. hello, i am seaching for a moddable version of master orgus din's lightsaber. any know if its in game? pic is of a character from bh story. same lightsaber though. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/094/e/6/lighsaber11111_by_davis181-d60dw2o.jpg
  15. The only one i can think of is the wookie planet that was already mentioned. i would like more areas added to some of the existing planets as well.
  16. I am starting to wonder if hes related to Visas Marr.
  17. Hopefully Maul and Ventress will get a book. Ashoka' story is done.
  18. elder vindicators chestguard is the closest. you can find them on the gtn . http://www.torhead.com/item/6n9HcDf/elder-vindicators-chestguard
  19. Of all time probadly not! but if you said top ten in this era they are second and third with the emperor being first. so .... Emperor Warth Nox My Wrath is on my top ten list of all time though. mainly cause i spent so much time with his name and look.
  20. You meet him on planet ilum. do the ilum quest you receive from the fleet once you complete chapter 3.
  21. this article has to fake. i dont think george lucas sold all of lucasarts to disney. he only sold disney the rights to make more star wars movies.
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