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Everything posted by netskink

  1. Thanks. I assume any abilities which can be cast outside the GCD are noted on the tool tip.
  2. Hello My understanding is that the GCD is 1.5s for all classes. So at most you can do one ability per 1.5s other than abilities like retaliate which are off the global cooldown. Is this accurate? John
  3. I have two tanks, one healer and three dps. I mostly do pvp, so my toons are higher level than most of my playmates when I do flashpoints/heroics. I avoid pug groups like a plague. Most of the times, I am pretty much running a group thru an instance. Why? Need rolling by in opportune classes. I remember one day I saw this guy asking for a tank everytime I got back to fleet while doing pvp. I thought ***, I'll join them and be a good samaritan. It was athiss and my tank at that time was approrpriate level for the instance. The people with me were mostly lowbies and it was a pain. We did not have a proper healer and I am blowing medkits like crazy. The second boss drops the str gear for warriors and I am like /excellent. All these deaths and repair bills are worth it. Then the reality hit. The inquistioner rolled need, won it and then said, "I need this for my companion." I was like ***, your companion is not even here? I said nothing, I simply dropped group, ignored the lot and went back to pvp.
  4. Hello A melee tank's dps is so low in pvp. Please allow pommel strike and kick in pvp. It will be a grand day indeed when I can use my melee tank to down a healer. As it stands now, it is impossible. Gear for gear, level for level, a juggernaut is by far the weakest toon I play in pvp. John
  5. I have a few bluetooth headsets. I've turned them off as well. It used to work fine and then one patch it started to show up. For ranged classes its a problem. For melee classes or datacron jumping its a game stopper.
  6. I've seen a three man guard chain. A guard's B, C guards A. A was jug. B was bh. C was healer
  7. When i was in wow, I used a macro to do this. ie. click this button and it would sell all your grays. Open up a macro interface in game so we can code this.
  8. Logitech M705 and RX720 wireless have serious issues. Either one will pause when running while pressing both mouse buttons. New batteries and latest drivers do not resolve problem.
  9. I just want bugs to be fixed. 1. mouse bug where it periodically pauses. I had to use a clunky wired mouse today to do a datacron cause it just ain't happening when you pause every two seconds if you move with mouse by holding both buttons. 2. camera angle problem where camera randomly points at ground or ceiling. 3. camera zoom resets everytime I jump off a wall, dismount, spawn, etc. I seriously hit my max zoom button every minute. 4. Silly confirmation dialogs on pvp vendors for every item I buy and you can't buy a stack. I mean what the hell is the deal? You can't preview items and you can't refund them, so they do what? Add a confirmation dialog. Wow, no not wow, swtor. 5. Thank you game designers for implementing menus which don't work. Slap my face please. Add a new walk quest or something rather than fix something simple.
  10. And have you tried to buy more than one item at a time? I can not.
  11. Comments please: http://www.heiankongzhi.com/home/swtor/class-specific/shield-tech
  12. I've seen people come into a match simply to get buffs, open loot boxes/RE itmes or leave simply to throw a match. I remember when 50s could play and this one guild would queue up multiple people. The side which had less teammates would then part putting the pug side at a severe disadvantage until reinforcements would arrive. I considered this an exploit, filed tickets and got no response.
  13. And that is one of my beefs. Its possible for some to buy a programmable keyboard or mouse and use it to macro. But, me and a somewhat intelligent man whom likes to write macros or write LUA mods, can not. I'm hoping they open up the interface, every game I've played which enabled community mods has been my favorite. Every closed source game has been tossed out. For what its worth, I bought three collector's editions of rifts for me and my two sons. One son and myself played it for a few weeks at most. The other one was never opened. I gave it to my coworker who is also a developer. Its been sitting on his bookshelf for over a year. Craptastic macro support in rift and dull color schemes caused me to lose interest fast.
  14. I agree 100% with you, but that particular line was new to me and I smiled when I read it. Its true. I enjoy working together to have simulated fights. Working together requires you to become familiar with people. LFG gives you the ability to queue with semi-inteligent NPC's who are frequently in a rush. Because they are in a rush, they crush all the fun out of the game. On the other hand, if you don't have time to play much, spend what time you ahve in game to find people whom you get along with and play with them. Talk to them and schedule time to do an instance.
  15. After seeing it for such a long time, it gets to be frustrating. And I am aware of that situation you mention, but at this point its either them or me. The afk's and quitters go or I do. If they ban me for getting frustrated, its good for me to go. I'm getting seriously tired of it. Also, I saw a guy say once, "Dont kill xxxx, he is throwing their team." I thought I took a screenshot but when I checked my folder it was not there.
  16. This game needs a /votekick for afk's in pvp. Look at this: http://www.heiankongzhi.com/home/swtor/hall-of-shame
  17. Frustration to Enthusiasm ratio is still positive however it is increasing rather than decreasing. One would think that over time patching would improve the situation. As far as it goes, the crew skill mats is the only improvement. Possibly the warzone win bug is finally fixed so that would be another when it is completed. Other than that, every patch has been a dissapointment.
  18. FWIW, the info tutorials pop up in right hand side and you dismiss them. This is an info warning dialog which does not prompt for a dismiss dialog option. Its a bug. Not all bugs are software implementation problems. Some are design issues as this is.
  19. Ok so it does weapon damage. I guess the problem is that I am looking at torhead icons. If I was in game, the unload damage would scale based upon the min/max damage of my equiped weapon. Thanks for the info folks.
  20. From BH unload tooltip. Does xxx-yyy weapon damage. Does that mean it does xxx-yyy energy damage since the weapon is a blaster? Or does it mean it does xxx-yyy+avg damage of your weapon?
  21. Its a bug that it does not have a UI preference to turn it off.
  22. http://www.penny-arcade.com/2012/02/14/swtor3
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