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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MCesca

  1. Regardless of how the player was playing the character, the Op's approach wasn't actually going to help anything at all. And that's the real issue here. Too many Elites expect potential Newbs to "Learn to Play," but you don't feel the need to be helpful. Telling someone to "learn their class" or "learn to play" is more than likely going to get you put on ignore than actually help them improve.


    Instead, ask them how they're spec'd. Then offer suggestions like "hey, if you use this instead, you might find it works better." The old saying of "you'll attract more bees with honey" still applies. Then instead of coming to the forums and complaining about someone (and getting derided for your stupid attitude towards other people), you'll have actually helped make them a better gamer and improved your own experience at the same time.

  2. or maybe just let the guy play how he wants to play especially at level 28 for god sake. sorry my anger isn't directed at you its the pieces of **** who think they should rule over how others are playing.


    its people like the Original poster who make MMO communities complete and utter crap


    I'll often ask people how they're spec'd, just so I know what I'm getting into. There's different ways to play most classes, and I find it's always just good to know how the rest of the party plays in order to better serve the whole group.


    But then you get some people (like the OP, apparently) who think the entire game revolves around them.

  3. Here's an idea for the OP. Next time ask, "Are you spec'd for range or melee?" or just "how are you spec'd?"rather than assuming you know how the player has spent their points. Maybe they were playing the character right for how they've leveled. If they don't know, now's your chance to be a hero and actually help them rather than being a D bag to them.
  4. I have better luck with Corso than with Bowdar. But I'm an Armormech, and I can't build gear for Bowdar, only Corso. That means i have to rely on armor drops for Bowdar, and they're inconsistant.


    Either way, be glad you can heal your companion at all. I'm playing a Gunslinger, and I find that half the time I'm rez'ing my companions, no matter who they are.

  5. If you'd bought a PS3 and Skyrim you'd be pissed that after 100 hours or so the game becomes unplayable thanks to an apparent memory leak that causes framerate issues and backwards flying dragons.
  6. More dungeons and gear grind isn't new content, just more of the same. They could put everyone on bug and code fixes, and probably stumble on ways to add to and expand upon what's already there.


    Putting everyone on bugs is a complete waste of resources. That'd be like asking everyone at your place of employment to do "your" job. It doesn't work.

  7. They have separate teams working on patches and new content. There's only so much you can do with regards to going over the same lines of code before you're wasting resources. So why not add new content WHILE working on fixes? Seems like a good use of time and money, and offers up new content for those who have been screaming that there's nothing to do at Lv 50.
  8. I'm a playing a DPS (Gunslinger), and I couldn't agree with the OP less. Knowing how to maximize your attacks makes you more valuable to the rest of the group. All due respect, but if you want a mindless game, go play a shooter.


    I'd like to see more DPS's actually follow the Tank's kill order rather than either shooting at whomever is closest to them, or jumping around between targets just so they can force leap. Turns out, working together has benefits (like a whole lot fewer TPK's).


    Also, that guy with the most HP's that's C/C'd? AoE's will wake him up, so stop chucking grenades.

  9. Love the story and how it's actually possible to actually play a full Star Wars game as something other than a "Space Samurai" for a change. Love how each class gets it's own unique quest line.


    I think the grouping needs to be improved, as I'm being forced to skip a lot of content. I don't think I was able to do a single group mission on either Balmorra or Hoth due to low server population, and I had to skip a few other ones as well. But I feel like I'm piling on with all the trolls on these forums just for bringing it up, because there's already about 9,000 threads dedicated to it in here.

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