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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by MCesca

  1. With the upcoming server transfers in 1.3, will there be any options for guild transfers? Our main concern is all of the credits we spent on purchasing and expanding our guild bank. We would really like to take that with us.





    I've personally dropped more than 150,000 credits into our guild bank. I know other guild officers have dropped upwards of 1.2 Million credits into the guild bank. To leave all the server population balance down to server transfers is going to destroy guilds.


    The one that never made sense to me is on the Empire side, where it's LS to kill a village by poison quickly and DS to do it slowly. Huh? Aren't both DS?



    Poisoning them slowly is about causing pain and suffering, thus it's "more evil." I've got to say, there's a lot of Light Side choices on the imperial side which are far from "good," but are probably as good as an Imperial could be legitimately able to pull off and remain an Imperial.

  3. I actually run a weekly event in my guild where we run through and get all the datacrons on one planet. We're going through them all alphabetically. It's actually a lot of fun to get them as a group, especially since some of the platforming can be challenging. But if you've got people with force pull/leap abilities, it can make it a lot easier.
  4. I agree my sent is my fav class. Not because of the 2 sabers while that is cool. Its the over all challenge of the class that keeps it my fave. Its not just 4 or 5 button strokes to keep up dps . Its you have to stay on your toes and pay atention all the time type of class that makes them fun to me. Anyone can play a sentinel few can play them well.


    Here's the reasoning - I had a number of other friends who play lots of other MMOs who told me "DPS is the easiest for learning to MMO, then healing, then tanking. Take it in that order, and you'll learn to enjoy it all." So that's the way I'm approaching it, so that I can get good at all the different roles the game has to offer.


    That's not to say there's a difference between a good DPS and a bad one. But at the basic level it's the easiest to figure out. Basically, follow these two rules:


    1) Kill what the Tank tells you to kill - because if s/he goes down, you all go down.

    2) Protect the healer - because if s/he goes down, you all go down.


    It's surprising though, how many people don't follow those two rules. With my current character, an Operative healer, I often feel like I need to remind the DPS's of their role, i.e., "Hey, you're gonna die if you charge that group before the tank does. And I'm not wasting all my energy on you if you do it again."

  5. Was wondering same. ONLY time I have a problem is if I'm playing a stealth class and I dodge too many mobs. Otherwise, just doing the quests on a given planet have been more than sufficient.


    OP...have you done bonus series for all the planets?


    Yeah, I had this problem when I got towards the end of Voss because I hate both Belsavis and Voss and stealthed past too many mobs with my Assassin. But I had no leveling problems with my Gunslinger and I'm well aware of the fact that the issues I had on Voss with my Assassin were my own fault.

  6. And then you end up bored when you have nothing to do after collecting them all on your characters. Say you gather a majority f them on your Sith Warrior, then decide to roll a Trooper. You level to 50, and you've done your Ops and PvP for the week and it's only like Tuesday. What will you do for the rest of the time?


    The crons are meant for exploring and for collecting as something to do when you are either bored or a Min/Maxer with tons of free time. It's supposed to be a grind so you don't sit around bored. They make up half of the Codex itself. Doing this would cut down on things for you to do, then you'd be right back here complaining about how bored you are.


    You don't see them as an achievement? Good. Try to see them as a time filler while you wait for your lockouts to expire or until you get the PvP itch again.


    I run a weekly datacron hunt in my guild as a social event for everyone. Different planet every week. Both the Rep and Imp sides to the guild show up when applicable and cruise the whole planet together. Gets a laugh from other players who aren't expecting to see it.

  7. Yes. I like it. I'm re-subbing for the foreseeable future.


    Now, it's my first MMO, so when the Op says "it's another WoW," I frankly don't care, nor do I have a point of reference. I'm enjoying the game as it is. I'm enjoying leveling up my 3rd character now, while still spending time with my 2 50's to build up their PvP and PVE gear. I PvP occasionally, but I prefer PVE and story. But I'm making sure my 50's are fairly well stocked for guild events and other co-op & vs adventures.


    And frankly, I want to see all 8 stories. I have a good guild as far as "they're good people to game and socialize with." Basically, I'm getting my money's worth.

  8. I have no problem leveling despite it being hard to find people to group quest with for the heroics. Just do every other mission, Even if they're green (skip grays), and try and get a few of the heroics in when you can.


    Or you can just PvP if you're not in it for the story. But frankly, that's a personal choice based on preferences, not a leveling prerequisite.

  9. The set that seemed to receive less damage was:


    1 Tionese Laminated Breastplate

    254 Armor (rate 46)





    Heavy level 19


    The one I thought would be better but seems to be less effective was:


    Rd 13b Striker Chestguard

    362 Armor (rate 62)





    Heavy level 24


    The second set is clearly the better armor. It's hard to tell without seeing exactly what Armor, Mod & Enhancement stats you have, but I'd guess you've probably got a +9 Power rating enhancement (possibly with an endurance bump as well), when what you probably want for your build is an enhancement wit ha defense rating on it to mod your armor. What you need to do is go to a commendations vendor or the GTN and look for someone selling the level appropriate version of an enhancement with the Defense stat.


    Another thing to consider is that the better the armor you wear, the more it costs to repair - even if it takes the same percentage of damage. This is because as you level up, the mobs will cause more damage in order to still do an equal percentage of damage to your character.

  10. I play a Jedi Guardian, because I liked Lightsabers and... thats it. I picked it because it was my test class, and just stuck with it.


    I sometimes get the feeling you people see other players, sitting at the character creation screen laughing maniacally to themselves as they make their FOTM class, saying "Yeeessss I will make all the numbers".


    Basically the same type of reasoning I had with my first character. "I like Han Solo, so I'll play a Smuggler first." I like the game enough that I want to experience more than just that though.

  11. This is actually my plan as well, or rather was. Trooper just doesn't interest me at all. Currently done Jugger, Sin, Merc, Sage and in the process of Sniper. Tried sentinel but I don't know... just didn't feel like it, so made a Guardian instead. Will make a mara once 1.2 comes and can make it a twi'lek.


    Trooper is probably the lowest on my list as well. BH is pretty low as well. I haven't tried either yet as I like to get to 50 before I roll my next alt, and I also like to bounce back and forth between factions so the planet and side stories feel a little more fresh the 2nd (or 3rd, etc) time through. But Jedi/Sith is a pretty easy sell for any Star Wars fan. I tend to like to play "the rogue" so the Smuggler and Agent are also an easy sell for me. Trooper & BH, not so much. I may get there and really love it, but as for jumping into it.....it can wait.

  12. Honestly, my Sentinel is based off an old SW d20 Character I used to have back in the day and dual wielding was part of his "lore". The abridged version; Adshe has about 6 years of personal history I draw upon and every single aspect of him I earned through many hours of blood, sweat, and tears (and botched rolls lol). So for me, it's not a matter of looking "cool" but a matter of being able to play a character that is as close to my "original" SWd20 character as possible. (Yes, I play on an RP server lol Kath Hound :) )


    I think this is awesome, in part because I based my Assassin off of an NPC in a Star Wars table top game I used to run.

  13. There is no need to be scared by it. Tanking in this game is very simple because you only have like 4 abilities you use to keep agro with no real rotations apart from always using taunt and backhand when they are up. AoE tanking is even simpler. On Assassin and Juggernaut you have 2 abilities+AoE taunt with one of them having a long cooldown, meaning no rotation is even possible. On Assassin you spam trash until you get 3 procs and then use lightning, saber discharge whenever it's up and Dark Ward whenever it's up. No real rotations there either.


    I've tanked everything on jugger and assassin on hard, some on nightmare and compared to past games, tanking isn't about skill, it's about hoping stuff gets off cooldown before people pull agro. Try it, it's fun! :D


    I've done a little bit of tanking with my Assassin in groups where we couldn't find a true tank spec and it worked ok, so I'm not completely foreign to the idea. I tanked all of Athiss, and a few group heroics that way. So I'm not "scared by it," just want to make sure I fully understand how everything works before I jump into tanking full boar since it is "traditionally" the hardest thing to do. Luckily even the DPS Assassin gets a couple of aggro abilities.


    Also, my goal is to play through all 8 classes, doing opposite advanced classes for the opposing factions. So as I noted above, I played Gunslinger and Operative. I'll probably do Marauder and Guardian, when I get to the Warrior/Knight classes. Ideally, I'd like to see it all eventually.

  14. DPS is the easiest to play, that's why there's so many of them. In a MMO that's drawing in people who may not be traditional MMO gamers but came for the Star Wars Experience, it's not only natural that those players would gravitate to the easier classes in order to learn the game a little before moving on to the classes that are a bit harder to master, but actually probably for the best as you want the more seasoned players taking on the more important roles.


    For instance, this is my first MMO. My first character was a Gunslinger. I figured, "Point & shoot, how hard can it be?" My second character was an Assassin. That time I went Melee damage spec. My new character is an Operative healer because I feel comfortable enough with the idea of doing something different and I've learned through experience how to properly run the class and spec. I figure I'll get to tank (such as the guardian or juggernaut) last because in my mind tanking is the hardest thing to learn and has to be done right or else you're no good to the group at all.


    Also, if you ask all the crafters, they will say that they are the ones that SHOULD be making the best gear in the game to keep the economy thriving.


    THIS. If my armormech is pointless at end game, why did I spend 150 hours leveling it up? This actually sounds like a good solution to the problem for everyone, rather than just letting people PvP their way to the best gear. If people don't like to PvP as much as someone else, they should still have a chance to craft top notch gear via the crafting skills and the GTN. But it's got to be a money sink to compensate.

  16. Why play Empire? For the story. Each of the game's 8 classes gets it's own story, so by limiting yourself to the Republic, you're purposefully missing out n half of the game's content. As you said, it's your $15 a month, but if you intentionally pass up content, are you getting your full money's worth? That's up to you to decide.


    I'm currently playing as a Sith Assassin that's going Light Side, and the writing for that particular story so far is really good. I also played a Gunslinger up to Lv 50 that went light side, and thoroughly enjoyed that. I have every intent of playing through all 8 classes, some as a Light Sider, some as a Dark Sider.


    In summary, to each his/her own.

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