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Posts posted by MCesca

  1. I'm not sure why, but I have been getting a constant Light Side gain on every conversation or action on one of my characters. It's a character I'm trying to level as "Grey," but since whether I choose Light or Dark options I constantly get a Light Side gain, it's impossible. Is there a bug that I'm not aware of?
  2. No, I agree it's overtuned in Story mode. I actually popped open my book to double check it hadn't accidentally activated Veteran mode through a bug or something. I think the fight was designed with the premises of having the companion there (Lord Dramath if you didn't free him from the Holocron) so anyone who made the LS choice of freeing him is struggling quite a bit more.


    This. This is entirely the problem. My Assassin is LS, thus I ended up dying the first 15 times I did this fight. Admittedly, the first 2 or 3 I wasn't understanding the mechanics, but once I figured it out I still kept dying because I was LS and the fight was twice as hard as it really needed to be.

  3. Frankly, this fight is BS. I can't get her down past half life with my DPS Assassin. She hits like a truck, and the memory of healing never pops up when or where you need it. The stun attacks refresh faster than my stun break, so half the time you can't get to the rare Memory of Healing that pops up because you're being thrashed around helplessly. I've been playing this game since launch and have never died this much in any fight.
  4. Quick question:


    If I start Chapter 16 so I lose access to the companion quests and the Star Fortresses? Just making sure since you lose access to all the old quests once you start KotFE, wanna make sure I can complete the story but not lose access to the quests to gain any of the companions I haven't gotten yet.



  5. Quick question:


    If I start Chapter 16 so I lose access to the companion quests and the Star Fortresses? Just making sure since you lose access to all the old quests once you start KotFE, wanna make sure I can complete the story but not lose access to the quests to gain any of the companions I haven't gotten yet.



  6. It was bad enough when the spammed they general chat. But I can't log in without getting 5 different whispers from 5 different accounts. I report the spam and ignore them, but it's ridiculous that I have to do this constantly. Is there anything else that can be done to stop this?
  7. Frankly, if I'm a tank and one of the DPS keeps doing this, where they're running ahead and engaging everything, I stand back and let them die. Rest of the group is usually smart enough not to engage if the tank doesn't. Suddenly, loudmouth DPS finds themselves all alone and dying fast. They either learn their lesson and respect the tank and healer, or they quit group and you find a new DPS to replace them.
  8. Honestly, I have the max 22 characters, all rolls covered. But I more or less refuse to pug at all anymore because there are too many people who don't understand or respect the roles. It almost doesn't matter which roll I would be playing, I would almost always end up in a group with some DPS that would not wait for the tank to gain threat, would die because the healer would let them die to teach them a lesson, and then they would blame everyone else for their own impatience getting themselves killed. You'd vote kick these morons, and another would appear and do the same thing all over again. So now I only group with people I know, because we all know and respect each other enough to play the roles properly, and are forgiving of mistakes made because someone is either learning a new role, or we're playing new content.
  9. I hit about 13 Lvl 55's and I started to feel the burnout myself. And then my wife started playing, and leveling with her and teaching her the game has really reinvigorated my own enjoyment level. Obviously, I can do that with her on the same server because I haven't hit 22 Lvl 55's yet. But maybe find a friend to teach the game to, even if it means jumping to another sever just to play with them. You may find that even though you're doing the same things over again, doing it as a teacher to someone you know will breathe fresh life into the game for you.
  10. Frankly, I know the XP tanks if you get too high and they go gray, but the Planetary Coms you get for completing most quests are good at any level, and they're the best way to get good gear for your actual level. Just go to fleet and go to the planet vendor with your level. If you can hit level 50 by the end of Belsavis/beggining of Voss, and have 100 Planetary Coms saved up, you can hit the Makeb vendor and get the Lvl 140 Mods very early, and any Planetary Coms you gain on Voss, Corellia and Makeb will all go towards armoring up your favorite companions as well.
  11. I agree with the OP, but for a different reason. I work retail, which means pretty much my every waking moment on my weekends is spent at work. Having the option to be able to log in on a Tuesday and grind w/ double XP would be nice. I understand however that the world doesn't revolve around me and my schedule though. :sul_frown:
  12. Please guys, has anyone ever seen any MMO community where they didn't hate everything? We are, as a group, the biggest complainers in the gaming world. Let me see if any of you recognize "this guy" in every MMO you've ever played:


    "I hate our game, it's such a disappointment! I hate your game, lol, what a flop!! I can't wait for the next game, it's going to be so much better than all other games ever!!!! I HATE THIS NEW GAME, I'M GOING BACK TO MY OLD GAME EVEN THOUGH I HATE IT!!!!""

  13. Meh, I turn off dark side corruption unless I'm playing a force user because I think it looks ridiculous for my bounty hunter and my agent. The light/dark mechanic makes sense within the expanded universe though because everyone is on that same sliding scale...it should just effect force users differently. But hey, that's why I can toggle it off.
  14. LOL, didnt we see that entire routine play out already?


    They ask

    we answer clearly

    They announce Makeb

    We look if Makeb was even listed by one poster (it wasnt)


    Whats the old saying?

    Fool me once shame on you

    Fool me twice, shame on me.


    People asked for more story content. Makeb is more story content. Maybe not the kind you want, but it is something that people asked for.

  15. I certainly understand the concerns people might have on both sides of this argument. My Gunslinger, being my main, is decked out in top notch gear. My other 7 characters, which I played for story, are not. I'd like the option of playing through the new content in all of these characters, and not just my Gunslinger. So it's only natural that the new content allow for access to players who haven't gone through every one of the FP's and OP's with every alt they have in a game that encourages alts the way this one does. But at the same time, I'd like my Gunslinger to get something out of this as well. So hopefully they strike a nice balance of gear requirements and drops to make it all work.
  16. This is a game/Bioware issue. They need to cut the spawn time of clickables in half. I made a thread about this 2 weeks ago. BH dailies are the worst


    For the record, Im one of those players who steals clickables. I dont give a ****!


    No, this is most definitively a "you" issue. Your impatience to wait for the next spawn, or unwillingness to ask to group so as to not have to fight over spawns has nothing to do with Bioware or the game.

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