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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by rolotomasi

  1. i feel the pvp hybrid has cylinder conflict unless your playstyle is switching based on circurmstances. i use to switch but now i use csc all the time.


    i train light em up (reduce tracer, spam supercharged power shot), target tracking (unload crit), power insulators (direct dmg red 4% +10% from power barrier).


    drop terminal velocity (due to conflict), proactive armor(armor in pvp is non exist in pvp) & improved vent (kiting and los dissipate heat)

  2. i don't pay attention to mob lvl since i've already 50 but it's hard because healing strong add.


    it was 3am and i was pulling my hair fighting bunch of healing mob in corellia before that.



    edit: BG spec with tracer

  3. does this skill can miss?


    i've experienced this a lot in WZ. the target didn't stun and his resolved bar does not goes up to indicate he break the stun.


    i noticed this especially against assasins/shadow. do they have any skill to be immune?

  4. i would love a 15 sec cd for my tracer if it gives 20% penetration than stacking 4% debuff 5 times.


    imo u do not see other skill they use coz merc always combo tracer with insta skill. since gcd is over while casting tracer, both skill hit almost at the same time.

  5. samething happen to me on voss the first day i landed on voss. many fights in questing area.


    i thought it going to stay this way but it's not. next day i never seen any opposite faction in open world except stealth ganker in ilum daily quest area.

  6. Rolotomasi Bezodozopitybob, Grand Champion of Great Hunt

    uber pvp merc tank. ppl will drop everything and pk me coz they couldn't resist after seeing such long name. i bet they kill me faster than the could read my name for the first time:p


    looks like ppl remember my name by heart after a week. not to mention i almost get insta kick when join a guild if not for a member vouch for me

  7. do not bother do FP more than once.


    get orange armor and upgrade the mods. use planet commendation from quest to buy mod.


    make sure u do wz just to complete daily. buy lvl40 orange pvp set. get 1 set for mako and torian if possible. gault or blizz can borrow theirs . upgrade the mod as u lvl up.


    once land on belsavis forget side quest. just do planet main quest to unlock bonus quest and join 50's in your guild to farm daily commendation. the mods u get from H4 & H2 is only few stat less than tionese or centurion gear. you even meet the min requirement to do ops.


    good luck


    all my companions are 10,000 affection, it took less than a day to do at lvl 50 (just spent my time between pvp ques giving them gifts every 30 seconds)


    why is it i always get item not ready? i don't know how long is cd but sometimes it is more than 12hrs.


    sometime you can give 2-3 different gift, sometimes only 1.

  9. i hate being kicked out of hutball b4 i could leave spawn zone if i join as replacement. other 2 wz i can leave just fine.


    i have waste more than an hour queue and boot out of matches.





    hear crowd roar

    loading screen again


    insta pop

    leave queue

    wait 2 min

    repeat above.


    hate it esp you only need 1 more win.

  10. start this game 1 week after official launch.


    when i start pvp at lvl 11, i always end up with 6-7 medal. at this time even 50's are not geared. still, feels like i'm taking up space. just get my daily done and let the pro keep pvp.


    at 20to40 you get 50's premade all the time. starting to get 2-3 medal per match. heard bracket coming soon. i'd just get my daily done.


    at 48, 50's get own bracket. same lvl i landed on belsavis. being outleveled my quest, i can't pvp much. some guy on my friend list i met at 20's ding 50 few hours b4 the patch. gratz to him.


    ding on belsavis. speed up corellia and ilum quest. queue wz, see that friend is a battlemaster already. gratz again!!


    getting crush in wz in 3 hit. everybody crit 3k. no medals but i suc it up. i believe i'll only get better.


    approximately 10 days later, 20 bags for champ relic, implant & wrist. centurion offhand and implant.


    am i too late too pvp? or bad timing in char progression? should i go pve?

  11. i'm of the opinion that most mmo fail because mmo player are burnt out. it's the same ppl hoping from one mmo to another.


    swtor do right thing to grab new player in concentrating on lvling portion.


    pvp should be improved along the way because balancing is a process.

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