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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by rolotomasi


    For healer, Operative is at top against normal or lower teams. Merc is best against a strong team, because basically every healer dies against a strong team but the Merc can last longer due to cooldowns + interrupt immunity



    agree. operatives healer don't win you games. merc heal does.

  2. hmmm i dun fight dps ops head on and they not stupid to waste time kill a tank.


    while we at this, can some1 share how you control ops healer. i seems can't dent them. when i do, i could get them to 1/3 hp but not enough to finish off. worst part is i never see them cast anything just run around kite me whole map.


    there's quite a few ops healer hard to kill on my server. they just demoralize pugs when they realize they guys is around.


    i use to take away the best of them out of the pack and keep him occupied. once he figures he can kill me 1vs1, that does not work anymore.


    which dps partner is the best to gank ops healer? i've better success rate with a scoundrel but they rely on cd too much. sentinels prone to switch target. i'm yet to find good guardian dps. most of them are tank. gunslinger need to position. i guess i'll try with dps vanguard.

  3. it about playstyle. pt tend to fight close range. i have tool to keep him a bay


    merc wear you off from range and suddenly bam!!! you explode. even myself as BG using same combo. i always get a kill blow on ppl at 30% hp



    same as on my irofist vanguard. i doing well against them coz i'm good at circle strafe while keep em snared.


    merc kite and los. technically i'm doing less dmg but i'm getting burned more.

  4. i also stop playing my bodyguard. not because the nerf but killing ppl is more fun after you take the beating for 3 mth.


    it's not that hard to grind BM gear. i got my full set in 5 days.


    you'll do fine as gunnery with medic gear. fast casting and high crit change.


    anyway, regarding healing... i think your mistake is try to heal everyone up. stop healing worthless ppl. heal your tank>other healer>your best dps


    there was a time i keep healing for 300k each match but lose a lot. 1 day i change my style, heal around 75k but i win a lot.

  5. i only played my Bodyguard 2 days after 1.2 only die 2-3 time in a match. solo q. not say merc heal are fine, but it think it on par what bioware wants us to be.


    been playing vanguard, i notice ops healer is too hard to take down. worst part is, i never see them heal. my bg is doing emotes while casting insta heal. i wonder how many insta heal they have.

  6. ppl say PT pyro is better but i'm having problem with merc pyro.


    pre 1.2 i can outheal pt pyro dmg but merc pyro it too much pain. i suspect some merc dot cannot be cleanse.


    currently rolling ironfist vanguard. i have same problem.

  7. if against premade, you should think of your own premade to counter. that y i prefer to q with 3 man. they need 5 man to kill us. i just have to trust 5 pugs to do objective.


    i q with sin tank and ops dps.


    pt,jug, mara always leap somewhere and could not find me afterward.


    p/s but i solo q 90% of the time coz i get bored after winning streak. feel like pve doing same thing.

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