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Posts posted by rolotomasi


    With Residue, SCG, and protective field you should have no problems breaking the 5k healing medal--when you're properly geared at least.


    hmmmm.. back when i was not even in full champ, i always get 5k heal medal. at least once in 3 match. the only surge item i had was daily rakata implant and my champ glove.


    after surge nerf, i never get 5k heal medal anymore. atm i'm at 64% surge.


    even in pve i seldom crit for 5k. when it does, your tank was not hurt much:o

  2. back when i not geared, i was alacrity believer. i always do better with alacrity gear than better gear with crit/surge in tense healing such as BP & FE.


    this is because at that lvl, u can't stack as much as crit/surge. you do not crit much and u cast slow if you stack crit/surge.


    once you get 4 piece columni/bm, +daily rakata ear,implant, your crit will increase a lot. with that often crits, you do not need alacrity much. there's what your relic and adrenal for.


    i've inspect full set BM player have 60% crit 70% surge. that's what i aim now.


    i believe dps merc use eliminator set just because set bonus. if not, they would use medic set.


    my guildmate arsenal merc just got his full rakata last night. he is not happy with his crit% drop to below 40.

  3. being BG, i've never spec pyro. will i do ok speccing pyro in medic gear? i do ok in arsenal spec. getting average 7 medal just stand, tab and spam. (that's back in orange gear)


    i know those alacrity is waste but i not trying to be the best here. just haven't re-spec for 2 weeks give me urge to surprise ppl.


    any hybrid pyro build for medic gear?

  4. nobody can enlightened me?


    i'm playing on different timezone. have to wait at 3am to get soem action. i think my ilum weekly less than 30 from player kills. can you imagine collecting 120 armament with at least 20 players doing the same thing?


    i wouldn't be bothered with ilum if i could buy BM with wz comm.


    thx again.

  5. being healer in wz means less medal. you need to work hard to earn more than 4 medal.


    as oppose being arsenal you just standing spam tracer, railshot/heatseeker, you'll get 5 medal.


    hybrid build is not advisable for new 50's. as Sun Tzu saying goes, If you want to be strong in both, you going to be weak in both.


    if you go dps. try to build max dmg as in pve. ignore pvp talent atm. you need dmg to kill as your crit against 500expertise is most likely 1.2k.


    as BG, get any dmg red + healing received coz you going to selfheal most of the time. don't forget muzzle fluting & no heat cc talent coz you need to hit all opponent around you to get credit.



  6. when there's 2 ops. which one get credit, kill blow or tag first? when i solo, i get credit in all situatiion.


    as a healer, sometimes i do not get credit if i just heal & do not hit the opponent. sometimes i get credit doing nothing. do i need to be in 30mtr range from the kills?


    thx in advance.

  7. Personally I leveled 24/17 Hybrid spec and used Torian as my companion. My own heals when needed was much more reliable than Mako's and Torian does decent damage as long as you keep buying him weapons of the vendor. Otherwise he wear the EXACT same gear as you, so you can give him your cast offs or side-grades and have him constantly well geared.


    he asking for lvling, not doing lvl50 daily. i bet he is in 30's.


    just get tracer and work up BG if you want to try this hybrid build. make sure mako on heal mode.


    use torian once u get him. use mako against elite.

  8. hmmm.. back when i start pvp at 50 most champ crit me for 3k.


    nowadays. in almost full champ i keep seeing most bm hit me for 4k crit.


    that's alot for no drastic gap in gear set.

  9. i'm BG spec. always queue with BM marauder. we've ruin a lot of sorc fun.


    weird thing about pyro. we melt merc pyro. but if pyro focus on me i can't stand it.


    against PT pyro, the mara just burn with me spamming all my heal. i can outheal same PT pyro after my mara is down. we fight again after that 1vs1 in same match. i just stand there outheal his dmg until he give up leave me alone.

  10. i use mako up to 40.


    at 40 i geared mako, gault and torian with pvp gear. my oh my i was surprised how much work i have to do if i use gault or torian. having said that, pvp grind and doing all pve quest made my quest green.


    i feel gault need less heal than torian. maybe cunning dodge more attack and crit more often?


    but i prefer torian coz gault give me headache running around positioning himself b4 attacking. torian just leaped to mob.


    againts elite, i still use mako. i do not upgrade other 2 gear.


    blizz and skadge kills too slow for my liking. i still have to nuke and heal them.

  11. wasn't tionese & columni comm also increased? the reason pvp gear is easier to obtain is you can queue solo where as you need to get 4 ppl to do FP. plus saved friend cannot help you.


    however, pve gear have more stat than pvp gear. pve gear have more advantage in pve. go farm your FP.

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