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Everything posted by Dazzine

  1. Eh... buying this game and playing it for the past month or 2?
  2. I thank Marie-Claire (that's the name of my flying bri...) each time I finish a Grade 5 Space Combat mission with all bonuses achieved Red alert, shields up! Captain on the bridge!"
  3. Well, you really should use the tab key to begin with imo...
  4. After getting a Sage and a Commando at lvl 50 I feel safe to say that leveling in your 30's is the worst part of the journey as the cool skills are still out of reach while the world keeps on evolving faster than you like.
  5. A few personal tip for key bindings in general: > Make sure you are able to cast instant skills and strafe at the same time - For example: if you strafe left with Q then don't bind an instant skill to 1. > If you use the Ops UI to click targets then do not bind healing skills to your mouse. The main reason for this is because you cannot cast anything when your mouse cursor is hovering over specific UI frames such as the Ops UI, portraits or focus frame. - BioWare really needs to reconsider this "bug" imo > Improve customization: Override in-game keys which cannot be remapped (like left/right mouse clicks) by the use of additional software like AutoHotKey or a Key Mapper. > Step out of the box and experiment new bindings, but bear in mind: re-arranging key bindings can be frustrating. It takes time to re-adjust yourself before you get comfortable with finding the right keys blindfolded. > Use mnemonics to associate certain skills with a character. For example: R binds to Reactive Shield, A binds to Advance Medical Probe, K binds to Kolto Bomb etc... Many people tend to use the same key configuration for all their games. If you play(ed) WoW for example - you prolly have a layout that is more or less the same
  6. Well without mouse-over options or macro's we healers are pretty much stuck with clicking the UI or the awkward tabbing, which is inefficient most of the time.
  7. I have bound F1 through F5 for team members since ctrl-tabbing does not cycle properly. Most of the time I will be clicking the Raid UI tho...
  8. Hi gang, I am curious about the order of companion types a Sage gets on his/her way to Level 50 glory, and I was wondering if other fellow Sages feel the same way; So after we get the android C2-N2 as a healer companion, our next companion Tharan Cedrex turns out to be a healer as well. As a Sage with healing capabilities this does puzzles me because I use the Seer talents primarily. I have little choice in sticking with my current Seer/Telekinesis talents because re-specs are way too expensive right now (90k atm ) I feel kinda sad for Tharan because I like his personality but he never gets out to play. Surely we will get a real tank later on? I don't want to look up too much info on companions yet as it will spoil the lore which I am really enjoying.
  9. Allow me to sign it on behalf of my 12 year old son and myself You can't pull this crap on Euro-Asia every week Bio!
  10. Yeah excellent job Bioware.... Nice for all the parents out there with teenage kids who can't play because they don't give a crap about Europeans. By the time European Servers are up again its dinner, TV and bedtime. And you are going to do this weekly? Explain this ******** to my 12 years old son.. I am really mad and disappointed about this, shame on you Bio!
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