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Posts posted by ssfish

  1. It's disappointing that people are so desperate for votes that they are actually telling other people not to vote for someone. I thought this was a good idea from Bioware, but after seeing this comment it has made me realize that this is just going to be a campaign of people flaming each other and telling each other not to vote for a specific person.


    Good idea Bioware, too bad the community has to ruin it.


    Right? Because Laetius is clearly looking for this position. :rolleyes:


    What's sad is the folks that have no involvement whatsoever on the class forums that have shown up and put their buddies' names out there, even though the posters aren't a part of that class community. I did notice that your friend gave you the same courtesy for your class' thread, at least.


    Only one rep per class mirror, so there wont be a separate guardian rep to jugg, it will be one for both.


    Actually, there will be one from each mirrored class, though they will alternate activity, per:


    How Will Class Representatives Be Selected?


    This process is going to be largely in your hands! As of the time of making this post, you will be able to head over to your Advanced Class Forum and you will find a post where you can begin nominations for who your Class Representative will be. After a span of time (a week or so) we will create a poll with the names we saw mentioned most, by each AC, and you will vote on who you want your rep to be! I want to note that Class Representatives will be shared across mirrored ACs, so Sentinel and Marauder will have the same representative. We are still going to allow one to be selected for each, but they will rotate in their responsibilities.


    Also, each Class Representative will only serve for one “term” (more on that later). After that a new representative will be elected!

  2. Hi, I'm almost BIS 72er (Ear and one Relic missing) -> AMR Profile


    I just parsed a little bit and my best try was 2750 dps over 15min.

    2750dps / 15min


    My question is, to get these crazy high parses with over 2900dps do I need to change something on my rotation or is that just proc / crit luck?


    2750 over 15 isn't bad at all. Looking at the parse, you weren't using Scream as often as you could. You had poor crit rates on Impale and Ravage. You had a miss on Ravage (unknown which tick).

  3. Is there any sort of official statement that confirms that Bioware considers this a bug that needs to be fixed in first place, and not intended behavior?


    From the notes on the PTS:




    Arkanian, Underworld and Kell Dragon Proc Relics will no longer prevent other Arkanian, Underworld and Kell Dragon Procs of a different type from activating. For example, characters can now have both a Power proc relic and a damage proc relic equipped and expect them both to activate correctly.

  4. Rage/Focus, Balance is for Consulars, and it's Force Lash, something you gotta spec into and frankly seems like a wee bit of a waste, but then again, how would I know.


    Clearly my point got across. :p My guardian doesn't do anything but tank.


    I wasn't arguing the quality of the ability; I was merely pointing out its existence. Whether it is any good or not does not change the thought that adding a similar ability to Vigilance/Vengeance would be redundant.


    FWIW, it seems that particular ability accounts for 1.5-2% of Rage spec's DPS. Besides, where else are you going to put that point in Rage where it's not gong to be "a waste"?


    In your opening post, you suggested a damage proc for each hit we make. I took one of my parses - 317 seconds long - and tried to come up with a number for that proc that would have some semblance of balance. I went ahead and treated all three hits of Assault as 1 hit for purposes of this proc.


    Discounting bleeds, I had 214 (174 if we factor all three Ravage ticks together as one hit) attacks in that parse. At 200 damage per hit, that gives me an additional 135 (110) DPS in that parse, taking it to 3126 (3101) DPS. At 100 damage per hit, I get 3058 (3046).


    That equates to approximately 4-4.5% of total damage at 200 damage/hit and ~2% at 100 damage/hit. I don't think that is a reasonable change (and yes, I know I used arbitrary numbers, but how down and dirty do we want to go with this?) to a spec that is already performing quite well..


    Edited to remove sarcastic response.

  5. Stack might until you reach the desired crit then go for power. Its how I geared my watchman sentinel.


    Example, the underworld X implats that have 110 power, why would I put strength? :D My implants have 142 power each.


    Now I have to do the math, damn it. Each point of Strength gives .2 Bonus Damage. Each point of Power gives (approximately) .223 Bonus Damage per point. 14 Augments is 448 primary stat points, except Vigilance gives 6% bonus Strength, and you have to consider the 5% from Sage buff, making 14 Might Augments provide 497 Strength.


    497* * .2 = 99.45 Bonus Damage

    448 * .223 = 103.03 Bonus Damage


    So, we're at a spread of about 4 Bonus Damage in favor of the Power Augments, before we account for the +Crit from the Might Augments.


    497 Strength gives roughly 1.3% Crit Chance. And lest we be concerned about diminishing returns, I used my Jugg's strength value of 3125 to figure out the value, So, if you feel that 4 bonus damage is more valuable than 1.3% crit chance (hint: it's not), then go with Overkill Augments.

  6. Unlike the wannabe detectives in APEX who throw around wild accusations with no supporting evidence, I have it on good authority that the following transpired:


    1. The NMTFB patch was originally scheduled for release on Tuesday, June 11.

    2. Based on the PTS, everyone assumed the bosses would be super easy, with the server-first kill going to whichever guild could start raiding the earliest.

    3. Accordingly, Hatred had members take June 11 off work so they could login as soon as the servers came back online after maintenance.

    4. On short notice, the patch was delayed until Wednesday, June 12.

    5. One of Hatred's tanks, Thiol, could not get that day off work.

    6. Panicking because they might not get a server first, Hatred convinced Rolly to temporarily switch guild tags for the day.

    7. After defeating Writhing Horror, everyone quickly discovered that Dread Council is much harder than the PTS version, so Hatred could wait until Thiol is available before progressing further.

    8. Rolly returned to Select Few and joined them for their Writhing Horror kill.


    Now, I don't for a second doubt that Hatred would have still earned the sever-first clear even if they didn't temporarily tag Rolly as a ringer. However, does that count as cheating under Denchet's rules as posted in the OP and therefore disqualify them from the rankings? That's not my call...


    The way Danchet worded the rules would seem to imply that Hatred hosed us on our 16m kill, since their kill with Rolly came before ours, and the wording states that players will be locked to the first guild they killed with.


    A character becomes "locked" when it gets a kill for a guild. For example, lets say I get a kill with Tatooine Royal Navy on my main, Denchet. The character Denchet is now locked to TRN. If I try and help another guild on Denchet, that kill won't count. The only way to become "unlocked" is if the guild you are locked to disbands. This rule will be loosened two weeks after the raid is cleared in order to allow characters to permanently switch to a different guild. People constantly switching back and forth to different guilds to act as ringers will never be allowed, though. This will obviously be somewhat subjective and the final call is up to me.


    Obviously, in this case, it was Hatred using the "ringer," but regardless, the wording screws Select Few over. Had we been aware of this, we would have either used my tank or that of someone else in the guild, but as was said, the call is Denchet's. Also immaterial, as Hatred streamed their title run, which occurred before anyone else cleared the Op, and I don't believe they used any ringers in that run.

  7. So Rolly was in Select Few, he dropped guild and joined Hatred for their kill, went back to Select Few for your kill, and is now in Hatred again?


    I was not aware that he did that, and quite frankly it wasn't my responsibility to babysit during that time frame. I have no clue where he went after we replaced him, but I seem to recall seeing a post from him yesterday or the day before saying he was transferring.


    Edit: Pretty sure he had the tank in SF prior to NiM content being released, but oh well. It's not like WH is a difficult fight.

  8. Hmm, looks like Rolly is in both Hatred's 8-man WH screenshot and Select Few's 16-man WH screenshot. Which guild is Rolly actually in?


    Select Few:





    He was in Select Few at the time of our first 16m kill. He is no longer in Select Few. Also in our kill, you see Marco's Sniper, who appears in Haterade's kills as well. Same story. Some people get replaced, some people leave.

  9. Current BiS is the Kell Dragon Boundless + Kell Dragon Serendipitous. This will probably change with 2.3 when they fix the damage proc relics not working properly in conjunction with SA relics.


    I don't recall the exact numbers off hand, but I believe the lower tier of BA relics work out something like:


    Underworld BA

    Dread Guard BA

    EWH BA

    Arkanian BA


    If you don't keep maximum uptime on the click relic, the EWH is certainly the way to go.


    As to the debate over SA vs damage-proc, hopefully Ark will stop in here, since if I'm not mistaken, he was able to test that comparison out.

  10. A small buff to Impale/Scream bleed damage, in the realm of 5-10%, would be reasonable, but again, certainly not needed. In most of my parses, 10% on those two abilities translates to about a 20 DPS increase - modest, but noticeable.


    I'm intrigued by the idea of turning Ravage into a 4-tick attack, but I don't see this one as happening, as it would require some pretty significant changes beyond just number tweaking.


    As for the extra damage on hit idea, they've already added that to Rage/Balance, so it would be slightly redundant.

  11. Go to the DPS leaderboard thread in the Flashpoint forums. In order to make the top 5 as a Juggernaut/Guardian you have to be able to pull over 2900 DPS, and 4 of the top 5 right now are doing it in Vengeance/Vigilance. The spec is absolutely viable end game - as it's what I play and I'm part of one of the top 16m progression guilds in the game and am one of those top 5 parsers.


    Don't leave out the fact that the one Rage parse had some crazy high crit. :p


    I would like to see a tiny increase in the bleed damage from Impale and Scream, but we aren't in a position where we need buffs.

  12. There are other factors to consider beyond strictly damage numbers. Many fights favor ranged DPS, some fights have mechanics that can be avoided completely by certain classes, and some fights allow certain classes/specs to artificially inflate their numbers (I'm looking at Rage spec on Warlords)..


    Then you add in toys. When you take the raw numbers, add in range and cheese mechanics, we are left with the Sniper/GS as the best DPS class right now.

  13. Focus never dealt less damage (even single target) than vigilance, don't let the vigi/veng enthusiasts fool you.

    As soon as additional targets come into play like the adds in most boss fights your chance as vigilance to keep up with focus dps is zero.


    Just an example, Cartel Warlords, HM, 2900 sustained DPS:



    Of course Focus/Rage is going to parse higher on that fight... I respecced to Rage for that fight just to try and get the biggest numbers possible. I was holding 3.6k through the third boss death, and would have ended the fight at ~3400 had out tanks not screwed up.


    But, then one realizes that, on that fight specifically, any AoE damage done means absolutely nothing, since the bosses heal when one dies.

  14. We had our weak points in the beginning. We were the worst tank for a while. Veng was quite far behind marauders. Were in a good place now I think. We can still be kited a bit but we do enough damage now to make it skill vs. skill. Except F'in snipers! a 3 second cast that cant be interrupted for 10k - 12k damage is just stupid.


    Saber Reflect is an amazing toy :D

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