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Posts posted by Undeadcenturion

  1. They haven't ignored it. They are fully aware of the fact that players have a problem with it. They have said before that they are going to start working on it but it is not a priority.


    Ummm .. They said we would have it right after 1.2. Well ... 3 patches later and guess what? Still nothing with no word from them because the ignore their costumers.

  2. Ok .. I am going the uncool, adopted red headed step child build of Vig. I need no help with the build. But .. I need help with items. War Hero earpiece, implants and relics. And how to get my crit up after that. I see tons of threads on Focus. I can't do that spec. It bores me and I don't like being CC'd every time my magical resolve bar isn't filled up.
  3. Andrew .. I don't know you but I love you bro. lol So tired of people not giving the credit to the Vig spec. Focus numbers are fun because they just look pretty. But you are one shot pony. It's a fact. And look at all the time you added up that you won't be CC'd while in Vig spec. For PvP it is an awesome spec. Along with PvE if you like that sort of thing. OS hits hard, Master Strike hit VERY hard, and blade storm as well. PB doesn't look like much but those dots add up. Especially if you have all 3 up on a target.
  4. Ummm ... Guardians can rock in PvP in both Vig or Focus. As Vig leaping into somebody and Master striking them while they waste there CC's on me is great. It hits hard. And if you time it right you can add Over hand as the last tick comes off. I have 3 50 Guardians and 2 50 Juggs. Ive done nothing but PvP since launch. I do great single target as Vig and as focus .. I can have great numbers in focus sure but i am cc'd alot more and sometimes get wasted build ups to my Smash from MANY factors. KB .. CC's .. blah blah. I normally lead in DPS in any Warzone I do in either spec. You just have to know what and when to do certain things. Focus on the highlights of the skill tree and go with it. As it is easy to use focus it is also boring and not as durable as Vig. Although 7k smashes are fun I can get big hits of overhead and bladestorm. The Guardian is far from a joke in PvP. Far from being under powered.
  5. I'm just saying .. I've never seen so many threads and posts about wanting something in game like I have with this. How many threads are out there about it? How many replies are on those threads with people wanting this option? More then enough for BioWare to get their crap together and do something about it. We were told we would get it .... where the heck is it? They show Jedi in cut-scenes and pics and videos and blah blah blah all with hoods down. And it's the model of armor we are wearing. Hood up is not the classic look. Taking the hood down, pulling out our lightsaber and then going into battle is what a Jedi is best known for. Why do we not have the models of armor made in the character selections screen? That is one WICKED Jedi Knight. I would kill/sellmysoul/givemyfirstborn for that set.
  6. Thank you for this thread. It made me Trololololol in the RL, I swear.


    I will say that out of all the servers I play on that I do feel the community here is a close one. Especially shows when you put certain guilds down. Or call them out. I get a kick out of that. My only issue is that .. if you're so into PvP, ... wait for it .. wait for it .. Why the frick-a-frack didn't you man up and go to a PvP server? Ohh that's right .. You don't have pre-mades in the open world while lvling or doing dailies.

  7. As it says... HOODTOGGLEHOOODTOGGLEHOODTOGGLE. Maybe if you just fill the forums up with these threads somebody of some importance may actually think that we are serious. Absolutely the biggest joke of the game when it comes to the Jedi Knight class. Even a bigger joke how not one of the Devs ever respond to something that could be fixed. So thanks for the false hope before the game came out and all those lovely scenes with Jedi's with THEIR HOOD DOWN were in action. Or .. how bout the armor at the player creation screen? How in GODS name could you not have that armor set IN GAME.
  8. And lastly, while I've seen it used well, I feel that the vigilance tree isn't very good; then again I've never liked that spec much except for one middle-tier ability.


    ^ You must be joking, right? yeah, I would hate to not be CC'd for 8 Seconds of a fight. Because when a VIg Guardian leaps 98% of players are .. umm. ... not so bright and us every CC at their hand. Which does nothing whilst they continue to get beat on. Vig spec is the most consistent DPS from what I've played. Especially if you are stacking the right stats. Lets alone the instant CD of MasterStrike.

  9. I am also having this issue on all 3 of my Guardians and my 2 Juggs. All lvl 50 .. and all have this happen on the last hit. I am also noticing that after I use Force Push in and only in PvP, enemies seem to have gone nowhere and are right back on top of me. They have little to non on their resolve bar so it's not that. And the classes that they are have no instant back to me skill.
  10. I am pretty sure the majority of the Guardian community would kill and pay monthly or whatever for one simple fix that was promised to us months ago ... HOOOOOOOD DOOOOOWN option! That is all we want. The Exalted Guardian armor and the Battleord Guardian armor would be great if we had that. WE WANT THE OUTFIT FROM THE CREATION SCREEN!!
  11. Am I wrong for going back to Watchman from Smash for PvP and (PvE on the rare occasion)? I lead most Warzones in DpS but .. longer rupt times .. force leap is no wear near as convenient .. pacify cd ruduction ... and healing. If you get in trouble with LulzSmash it's pretty much GG. Watchman .. pop my *sings playfully* "HaHa You can't kill me, you can't kill me!!" and then zen/medpac and continue melting your face. I like healing my group. Very easy to get 75-100+K in heals. That is no laughing matter. It adds up.

    So I ask ... am I wrong?

  12. Watchmen for me. So tired of seeing the Focus build already. It's dmg can nerfed like crazy if spec'd right. Take Defensive Roll and use Rebuke and you just knocked of 50% of that smash while your dots from Watchmen tear any and everybody up. Faster on the rupts with watchmen .. group healing ... 75+K of healing in a Warzone is no laughing matter. Numbers for DPS at the end of the match might look great but in the end ... you did jack shnit for the group and you killed nobody. Just my two cents.
  13. Ok. I am going 23/1/17. I love this build. I love what it does so far. I like my dmg and if used right I have killer burst. My biggest question is .. What the heck kind of off hand do I use? Alot of the tank tree you need to shield, perry and what not. If I don't have that and go focus .. non of those skill are being utilized. if there are not supposed to be then fine. I just wanna know once and for all what type of Off Hand I should be using. And what should be in it if it's moddable. Please and thank you.
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