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Posts posted by Undeadcenturion

  1. I for one like these a lot. Almost enough to want to start PVP'ing just to get me one of these.


    Oh, and by the way, are these dyeable?


    You should be beaten in town square. There is nothing about this armor that says "Star Wars.' Not a thing. How ridiculous.

  2. I'm honestly shocked at the price. It's pretty much a slap in the face. Black/Black dye is awesome. I will admit .. I have bought two of them from the gtn for my Jedi Knight. Going for that Luke from ROTJ look. But asking your customers to spend $20 on a dye ... that is just one big piece of frack you.
  3. I love my Valiant armor and wouldn't trade it for any other set. Lore even states Jedi of the Old Republic were prone to wear armor during times of war, not just robes. Plus as someone already commented the Relnex set looks like traditional robes.


    That set would be ok .. if the robe didn't look like a tight dress. It drapes down in some horrid fashion. And the boots.. those boots are atrocious. Those are the same boots forthe Battlelord set ... and most of the sets that go from lvl 41 to 50. And they use them for multiple sets in the CM. Like the Eradicators set. Those boots are so thick and bulky ... they changed the gloves and legs for that set from the battlelords because they at least listened to us on that part. We told them they were thick and bulky so they made them slick and sleek. They again, went the lazy path and gave us the exact same boot skin which we have been dealing with for almost 2 yrs.

  4. Just keep in mind that you speak for only yourself, and you do not have to qualify your opinions. If someone doesn't agree that does not mean your suggestion is invalid. It only means it is invalid to them, which means next to nothing.


    It is Bioware you need to convince. My guess is you will not convince them by calling them jerks.

    I actually couldn't agree with this more. And sadly, you are probably right. This thread was just a "WANT." It's not like I came here saying I'm going to un-sub ... any lightsaber is better then no lightsaber ... Jedi in horrid armor is still a Jedi. Those two reasons are why I won't be leaving until they close the doors and why they get $15 bucks a month from me for almost two years now. And I don't even want to tell you how much I spend on the CM ... or tell my wife for that matter. lol

  5. Let's evaluate what you said: Blue, Green are the only colors for Jedi, Red is the only color for Sith.

    Following this logic, the following would be non-canon:

    - The Clone Wars series created by George Lucas

    - The Prequels

    - KOTOR 1 and 2

    - SWG

    - Force Unleashed

    - Various other works


    You're also saying that the black core sabers are also non-canon, which would mean the same Clone Wars series by George Lucas is also non-canon.



    Again .. I said for me. I also said if others want to use them .. go for it. Be happy with them. But they are not for me. And IMO they look horrid.

  6. How about you don't make an ignorant post like you just did in response to me. You know we were talking about the color crystals, my post was about you talking about the color crystals. What I quoted FROM your post was about color crystals.


    I have read the previous posts you made in this thread. If you want me to look outside of this thread, then please do provide me a damn link before you act like P.O.S. know-it-all with an attitude.


    You said red, blue, and green crystals are the only canonical crystals in Star Wars, I argued that George Lucas created the Clone Wars series, episodes 1-3, and worked heavily on other assets in the Star Wars franchise that say otherwise. What the Hell are -you- talking about? I have read your previous posts in this thread, nothing you said suggests otherwise.


    Arrogant. You were talking about the crystals, I was talking about the crystals in response to you. Don't change the damn subject to make yourself appear smarter than you really are.


    I can't wait for your next egotistical response to me that has nothing to do with what I said. Perhaps you're the lazy one.


    Ok .. lets talk about what I said about crystals. I specifically stated the black core with the multiple color schemes that come with them looking like nerf bats. IMO they are horrid and look nothing like a traditional lightsaber crystal. I even said as much in the quote you copied.


    And I only get confrontational when those like yourself or one other in particular make statements telling me it is Canon .. or the armor in the game is fine ... or that the armor in the game is supposed to look completely different then in Ep 1-6 because of the time frame .. although for Jedi .. It's been stated time and time again that they have basically worn the same attire for thousands of years.


    You like the armor in this game? Good. I am genuinely happy that you do. But I, along with others are simply not happy with our options for the Jedi class.

  7. Showing off your lack of knowledge about the timeline game takes place in :(


    One of the reasons they wore them in the new trilogy was that they were worn by Jedi for thousands of years.


    Even have a flick through Gnost-Dural's journal which "was written" roughly at the time the game begins. Gnost-Dural is the guy who narrates the timeline videos.




    http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/4/41/Padawan_Gnost-Dural_JMGD.jpg - Traditional robes all over.


    http://www.rpg-ash.me.uk/swtor/collectors_edition/master_gnost-dural_journal_3.JPG Satele and master Kiwiks.


    http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120807203412/starwars/images/4/41/Gnost-Dural_SIS_JMGD.jpg Gnost-Dural during the First Galactic War if i remember correctly.


    I found my twin. lol But seriously .. I'm not just asking or talking about the robe itself. I am talking mostly for what is worn under the robe. Tunics for MALES that go below the wast. Knee high leather boots that don't have some sort of ridiculous piece coming off the knee. What I want .. not saying everybody .. is very simple and known Jedi attire. They used clothe for a good reason .. it was simple. It was holy looking.

  8. There fixed it for ya.


    There's a lot of odd gear out there but it's gotten a lot better also. I am not so sure you represent a majority of people here. You've got to realise that your appeal to "game developer doesn't listen" is just a bit silly. They have listened and changed a lot of things, but as in life, you can't always get what you want....or the way you want it.


    Could they do more? Sure but to say they don't listen at all is just not a fair assessment. Your title thread is misleading therefore. It's not about EA/BW not listening for two years but you not being happy with your wardrobe choices. That's not the same thing. I am sure they have heard you....doesn't mean you are gonna get what you want and how yo want it now or ever. It sucks sometimes but that's life.


    You're absolutely right. I'm the only one or only one of the very few that complain about the Jedi specific armor. They don't have countless threads on this subject matter. *crickets* Hell they even jacked up the Jolee set. Boots and pants to that set are hideous. The Tunic itself is a pinkish peach atrocity. Now given .. I think shape and texture wise the Jolee tunic is fantastic. But guess what? Nope, sure as hell can't dye it. If EA is willing to give us half *** garbage that doesn't even really resemble the models they were made from .. at least let us dye them. I'm probably alone in that matter too.

  9. Only thing that we really need for jedi / sith is Anakin (from you own picture) type outfits - no cape/no robe/ no mantle ... simple and good to wear in combat.

    In movies jedi & sith drop their robes to fight ... in game is not an option.

    Bonus - no speeder clipping attached :D


    Ummm ... that's what I've been saying. I said in previous posts in this thread that I am not talking about the robes. I don't care about the robes. I'll say it again because obviously reading past posts seem to be to tedious for some. I'm glad somebody got the point here. =D Thanks.

  10. Oh so you're one of those people who believe that only the Original Trilogy is canon and even though George Lucas created Star Wars, anything he helped make after Return of the Jedi is non-canon right?


    So nothing from the Clone Wars animated series is canon?


    Nothing from KOTOR, the game this MMO is based on, is canon? Maybe you're playing the wrong game then buddy, you're clearly not the fan you claim to be.

    You Good Sir, obviously haven't read the previous posts I've made referring to the above mentioned. Don't be lazy and make some half witted comment without looking first .. just saying.

  11. The game that I'm 'playing' here is that I am allowed to express an opinion - just as you are. I came into this thread to comment on the fact that I disagree on your belief that there's this MASSED army of 'angry' fans out there - when in reality, the majority is YOU... simply complaining because your Jedi don't look 'movie' enough


    I further stated that - as a fan - I disliked being lumped into this 'group' you spoke of, I was honest and open and -examines post- yes... swear free... and promptly informed that because I don't agree with you, I am not only not a fan - but the SOURCE of your 'lack' of 'movie' robes...


    Am I still the problem?

    In short? Yes. If "WE," wasn't about "You," then no need for your reply. There are mass amounts of threads about Jedi armor. Are you telling me that there isn't? I do have lvl 50+ toons on every single server left in the US. I've talked to more people then I can count who would agree with me. Some of which have already said as much in this thread. Coming in here and pulling out the ol' bs card about this being 3,000 years before Ep 1 when pretty much everything else but the armor looks exactly the same ... Please tell me more. I am not saying you are not a Star Wars fan .. those shots were made by you. You're holier then though and I am not you bs ... you're awesome bro. My dislike for the armor in this game does not just go for the Jedi. I think most of the armor in this game is a half assed half assembled disaster. Bioware and EA when they realized that back when we had those GOD AWFUL pvp skins at 50 finally did something about it by making them moddable and for us to take them out and put them in something that didn't resemble some wicked awesome space samurai. By you saying that everything is fine and you can have this skin or that skin so why complain about it, is what makes you the problem. I can see you read the forums ... I shouldn't have to tell you the complaints about the armor skins.

  12. It's called "Relnex's", customizable set has 5 parts making you looking just like a jedi of the movies.

    (very) Highly frequently available at the market, looted from "supreme mogul contraband pack".

    My knight is equipped with it.




    /end thread.


    I don't even know where to begin with amount of fail in the above post. Nor should I have to explain just how very much that is nothing like what Jedi's wore in the movies. But thank you for your useless input.

  13. So because I - someone who waited with BAITED breath for the release of the SW dvds... who has played and lost across HUNDREDS of Star Wars fansites and who PERSONALLY collects Star Wars Ebooks... because I - SOMEONE who does not share YOUR opinion... because of all that... I'm the 'problem' that's keeping you from getting what you want?


    Which is it? Me or the Dev's?


    Maybe you should realize something - I'm actually in CONTROL of the devs! Oh yeah! I mail them regularly trying to make SURE that YOU don't get the outfits YOU want







    By the way, it's WINDU - not Windo. Windu is a Jedi Master - Windo is an operating system

    Yeah .. we call those .. Umm .. typos. They tend to happen. I'm sure you've never made one so I won't bother to ask you there El Capitan of the Spelling Bee!!

  14. But he is a member of "people who pay to play this game," as am I. If you don't like the current looks of gear, that's your business. But your "SW fanboi cred" makes your opinion no more (and no less) valuable that that of any other paying customer. You say you want better Jedi gear, I point you to Relnex' outfit. You say that's not good enough, I say "Oh, well."


    You want your Jedi characters to look like characters from the movies? Is that the extent of your creativity?


    I don't need to be creative .. this world as already been done created for me. But thank you for your response ... of meaningless nothings. There isn't a skin set I haven't tried. Still, my point and want stands. Because not one of the sets whether it be earned or bought from the CM comes close to what has already been set for Jedi's to wear. Jedi don't need armor. I'm pretty sure in Ep 1-3 as multiple Jedi were AT WAR I did not see one of them in actual armor. No, they wore cloth. And leather boots .. to the knees. It's actually part of known Jedi attire. I didn't have to make it up on my own, because the symbol and world itself was made for me to enjoy for what it is and should be. This game lacks that. It's been a complaint not by just me .. but countless others on the forums/in game as a community at large.

  15. This game takes place in the Old Republic Era (25,053 - 1000 BBY), more specifically about 3,543-3,640 BBY, the movies take place toward the end of the Rise of the Empire Era (1,000 - 0 BBY) and the Rebellion Era (0 - 5 ABY), with the upcoming movies being in the New Republic Era (5 - 25 ABY).


    The gear found in the game i appropriate for the era, and gear from the Clone Wars series and the movies do not belong in this era.


    Its like having a game set in ancient Egypt and making a post complaining about the lack of athletic shoes and blue jeans that you know exist because you saw protesters in Cairo wearing them on the news. And then crying how you really love Egypt but the devs and other who don't agree with you obviously don't.


    Of course if you actually were a Star Wars fan (instead of using it as an excuse to post an unfounded gripe) I wouldn't have had to explain this.

    You're right .. it's 3,000 years before Ep 1 ... But HEY!! Lets make the droids/ships/speeders/lightsabers/or all weapons for that matter pretty much the same .. but the outfits must be something from left field. lol Please keep going on on how because I want to look like an authentic Jedi that I have to wear some of the most horrid armor ever. I'm all ears. And .. if I am not mistaken .. when I played KOTOR and they have pretty much .. the same tunics or attire as the movies. But hey ... *** do I know? So please stop sticking up for Bioware and EA and tell me this is what they would have worn. HOW THE PUCK would you know? I didn't realize you were there.

  16. Ok, I'm going to single this part out.


    That is what the Jedi council looks like 4000 years after the events of this game.


    The Jedi council members you come across in this game seem to have a far more practical dress sense, no doubt borne of the fact that they have been in a state of war for a couple of decades at this point.


    Numerous other canon Jedi have eschewed the traditional robes look as well, including Luke Skywalker, Kyle Katarn, Cade Skywalker, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos etc etc so robes are by means the norm.


    Also from a technical standpoint, billowing robes and non fitted leggings/trousers present numerous issues to animators and model designers, as already amply demonstrated by the massive clipping issues anybody who wears a cape/skirt will be familiar with.


    So easy there on your 'BW doesn't make gear that I like the look of so they suck' high horse.


    Ok .. Again .. I am not actually talking about the robe itself. I'm talking about what they wear under the robes. I very much understand this takes place 3,000 years before Ep 1. I also understand there are alot of Characters that don't wear robes at all. Lukes attire was still very simple and at the start of Ep 6 did wear a robe type around his outfit. In that .. I think they did an ok job because there is a CM and a dropped moddable robe around lvl 14ish for medium and heavy wearers that if died black ... looks very close to that look. I'm not putting Bioware or EA down for the entire game. I obviously love or i wouldn't still be playing after almost 2 years and have 17 toons that are over lvl 50. But they give us things like Jolee's tunic which is awesome .. but I can't dye it. No individuality with it. And the color of that tunic is horrid. I wear in game the Relnex robe, relaxed jumpsuit gloves, relnex bracers, relnex pants, darth malaks boots ( they are the only set of knee high boots that don't have some strange piece coming out by the knee and they dye a nice brown to match), with the jedi belt you see on most npc's on Tython. But I am far from alone when it comes to asking for a set like this or a set like that which they wear in the Clone Wars animated series. It's not that I am on a high horse as you say it. I'm just very passionate about what my Jedi looks like. Because Star Wars is very near and dear to me.

  17. I have many 50+ Guardians/Sents/Juggs/Maruaders ...I just started a toon on your server and was wondering about any active PvP guilds? Maybe a little advance about the community you have. I will be xfering a sentinel here as well but he is a lowbie too. Just doing it for the legacy perks and class buffs. I am in Mad Cuz Bad on the Jedi Cov server. My Guardian here will have the same name as the one in MCB. So shoot me a tell in game or get at me on here. Name for the Guardian is in my Sig =D I'll be seeing you 55 Imps soon enough.
  18. I have many 50+ Guardians/Sents/Juggs/Maruaders ...I just started a toon on your server and was wondering about any active PvP guilds? Maybe a little advance about the community you have. I will be xfering a sentinel here as well but he is a lowbie too. Just doing it for the legacy perks and class buffs. I am in Mad Cuz Bad on the Jedi Cov server. My Guardian here will have the same name as the one in MCB. So shoot me a tell in game or get at me on here. Name for the Guardian is in my Sig =D I'll be seeing you 55 Imps soon enough.
  19. Please don't lump me in with 'we' OP... I am not a member of your group, I PLAY TOR and would NEVER wear the 'cosmic hobo' look you seem to favor


    Not just that, but with the SSSP incoming, the removal and or changes of several things we HAVE asked for, BIOWARE and EA most definitely DO listen


    They just don't seem to 'listen' to what YOU want


    And you ... are part of the problem and obviously not a fanboy of Star Wars. "WE," who are fanboys and by every right the reason Star Wars has become the iconic thing it is today .. Have talked and discussed and asked and have posted many many threads on just this subject alone. Jedi are the fundamental reason why we love it so much. You take Jedi or lightsabers away from Star Wars .. you, good Sir, have jack. It's holy, simplistic attire is a very real part of what makes Jedi so. So you're dang right, YOU are not a member of "Our," group. Good day.


    I want my Jedi to look the part. I don't need somebody else's fail choice of a redesign of such an iconic symbol. I don't need lightsabers with crystals that make them look like nerf bats. Like the black core with whatever color you like. Although I do feel you as a player have a right to be as far away from actual cannon as you like. Not I. Not now nor ever. Green and blue crystals for Jedi .. Red for Sith. Simple .. the way it was created. Mace Windu and his purple saber excluded .. it's Samual L. Jackson ffs. If he wants a purple crystal .. he dang well gets one. lol

  20. Figure out why after almost 2 years we still have no actual Jedi attire? LIke http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jedi?file=ThreeJedi.jpg

    This is what we know and love about a Jedi. Knee high leather boots ... there really isn't a pair in this game unless you want some protruding ridiculous knee part sticking out. Nor pants that don't look like tight spandex or a nice plane JEDI tunic. Almost 2 years I've been playing and waiting for some actual authentic Jedi attire and still nothing. Jolee's tunic is nice but you can't dye it and I don't like looking like a peach.

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