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Everything posted by skiibyrd

  1. it seems quite a few people did this, they knew they wanted the expansion pack, saw the cheap price, and just purchased it without looking to much into it... things like that happen all the time, and can happen with anything. People are more used to ignoring descriptions, and disclosures these days with online purchases, as we have been bombarded with them over the past 10+ years.
  2. Was this particular quest in a PvP area? If it was, then I see no issue here... even if wasn't, then it sounds like the opposing faction out smarted you..
  3. .... Thats because there isn't any. There is a new race, the Cathar, but thats it.
  4. I do have early access, it just sucks that some of our guildies wont be able level with all our guidies with 50's. We are putting together leveling groups, and now have 2 weeks worth scheduled leveling groups, those who have early access, and those who dont.
  5. I kind of understand why some people did that though, the game had a rough patch there for a bit, and I can see why some individuals may have wanted additional information about what they expansion pack would offer before further investing in the property. Good thing is, its only $10 if you sub, so its low risk, but $10 is $10, and that could get some people into another MMO if they felt this wasnt going to offer them what they were hoping for.
  6. See and I thought maybe they restricted the early access to help with the launch, and que times into the servers (Not having everyone que at once). Im sure it would be easier on the servers having a quarter of the player population start early, get all the bugs out a week in advance, then launch it for the majority, or the rest of the players.
  7. So I have guild mates who just came back and started playing SWTOR again, and are just finding out about the Expansion Pack. He just found out that you can pre-order for the Expansion pack is availiable, but a guildie brought up a good point that I couldn't answer. If you are a sub, and pre-order the game, prior to the 5 day early access... why can you not get the early access? I had no good answer for this, and honestly I agree with him. His view on this was early access should granted to anyone who is a sub, and pre-orders the expansion, as long las they are in before the start of the 5 day access. He also went on to state "This is a digital content ONLY, you cannot purchase a retail/hard copy of the expansion pack, so if you cannot get the early access, then why even pre-order it, its not like there will be a shortage". I did explain the pre-orders come with a few exclusive things. I still kind of have to agree with him a bit, I feel like subs should get early access if they pre-order the game prior to the 5 day early access... after all, we do give monthly income to the game, why wouldn't they want the loyal playerbase, who continues to stay faithful and pay for the game monthly acess to the new content for the game. We commit our funds monthly to the game, and if we pre-order then we are showing further loyality and committment to the game. Maybe I am just jaded by speaking with my guildmate, which is why I brought this here. What do you guys think?
  8. If I understood them correctly, it seeems he was saying that if a player decides to change faction then thats enough to justify any reasoning all together... It also seems that he likes the class he plays a lot...
  9. Why do people keep saying "very few players"? Adding an additional faction, even if they made it availiable through the cartel market would affect ALL players. Saying that it would affect very few players is an assumption, and an opinion.... A vast understatement to say the least. They could charge $50 for access to the new faction (5 times what the RoTHC expansion costs), and if only 15%-20% of the player population purchases it then they would most likely make bank.
  10. I would totally be apart of the cartel, that's would be BA
  11. Agreed, faction changing from pub to empire, or empire to pub happens all the time in the Star Wars Franchise.
  12. Ya, that's why I said I would pay 5000 cc's to make the change (may as well just say 5500 for $40)
  13. Wrong, they would have to spend 16+ hours leveling to 50, hundreds of thousands of credits on getting crew skills back to whet they were, and countless hours re-gearing their toons to too tier gear.
  14. Small portion? Think about what you just said as well, the classes already mirror each other, so it would actually be easier already. There are a crap load of people in my guild that have pub toons that mention daily they wish could be Empire. All they need to do is put together an epic story, SWTOR style.
  15. Congrats, I personal have never seen this before, and am opening a thread to discuss the idea, and how it could all go down.
  16. They could make it a quest that you fight character of the same type of classes, but opposite faction, and you eventually have to choose your side. Which side you choose will determine if your companions die in this final grand showdown/conclusion, and you could recruit all of his/her companions you and all your companions in place of yours.
  17. So changing the faction characters are in are almost an essential part of star wars. Having the story of a character who started good and pure, going on a journey and becoming cold, ruthless, and evil.... or the opposite, a character who started out with a lot of hate and rage, who goes on a journey and realizes that his past isn't so dark, he forgives, or things get too dark for him that he turns good. Bottom line is, everyone is always at risk of turning on their faction, falling to the dark side, or betraying the empire and working secretly for the republic. I have a level 50 Jedi guardian, and I want him to be apart of the Empire. I currently have him maxed out with lightside point, I would love to be able to max him out with darkside points, then when I hit the max dark side points have the game ask me if I want to (even if it was for 5,000 CC's) change my faction to the Empire (which would apply the opposite way as well, maxing out lightside points you could change to the republic). This would not be a requirement, if you wanted to keep your Marauder as maxed out lightside, or your sage as dark side, then you could. This would be something you could only do at max level, and it would keep all the preset's from your previous toons apprearence, choices, and how they look. A guardian would become a Jugg, a sage would become a Sorc, ect. They would just have the moves that the dark side have to offer, so you would need to distribute all your skill points again. Crafting would remain the same, and inventory/cargo hold could remain the same. If they really wanted to make it interesting they could let you keep the companions, and the same ship you had from the previous faction. And any light side gear, or weapons you earned from when you were lightside you could still wear (only items you had in your inventory prior to the faction change). This would also allow for some awesome stories in legacy, and could help make the 'legacy tree' more interesting... give your legacy more background. **Also... they should make another, nutral factions, which would be the "spies". In almost all Star Wars content, movies, and lore, there are a number of spy's working for each faction. They could make also, if they ever added the ability to change faction by your light/dark side points, let you eventually choose who you want to ultimately work for... or work for no one. What do you guys think about this?
  18. Me and Huttball have a love hate relationship, I love the game, hate playing the same map over and over and over again. There was one month quite awhile back, where probably 5/7 PvP matches I played were huttball for about 3-4 weeks straight. A new map would breathe some life into Huttball.
  19. No... as a marauder, who is maxed out in artifice, there is no difference between the main hand hilt, and off hand hilt, they are both 27 Might Hilts... and to further this a little bit, adaptive weapons will never happen, too many animations would make no sense. They would have to add a ton more animations for this to work, and I think there are a lot of other things they are working on at this time that would make this something not coming soon. If they do, it will be a ways in the future.
  20. My main issue is that I am the GM of a guild on the PoT5 server, and I have noticed that all the chatter on General Chat makes it hard to send out our guild message for those who may be interested, the second I post it, it gets replaced by someone who said 'your mom tastes like waffels'.... also, what has gotten the worst of all, is the people that whipser and replay stupid things to my guild post, just immature, none significant, off topic replays just to troll me. This has always been a little issue, never happened often enough that it annoyed me, but it now happens all the time. I post one guild message in general chat, and get 3-5 immature people whipering me stupid things right away (I only tend to post the message once every 3-5 minutes to not spam the general chat either).
  21. This has been discussed so much over the last 4 months that I honestly dont think there is anything else to say... there are enough threads on it now to cover alomst every aspect of pazaak and the SWTOR.
  22. I was wondering if there is anyone else has issues with reading some of the sticky threads or posts that the forums moderators post. This is not intended to be a thread against the the forum moderators or anything, its just that the color of the yellow they use, against a dark background, really makes the text hard to read... Espeically when they are longer threads. I do understand its the yellow that is used in the beginning of the star wars movies, but would there be any way to get a darker shade of this color used, or maybe a different color in the background to make it easier to read? I was reading through some of the newer ones, that are a little longer, and my eyes are burning, and I had to use eye drops after reading them. Anyone else having this issue?
  23. Agreed, it has been, but it has gotten admittenly worse than when I leveled my first couple toons to 50.
  24. Why would I have to take the time to /ingore EVERY F2P player? If I, or anyone else had to take the time to do something like that, then the dev's are failing at thier primary objective.... keeping the player immersed in their game. That is something they need to take care of, so we dont have to deal with it. I'm just saying, there has been quite a few people talking about it in general chat, and I experienced it myself this weekend, it was bad. *There are crazier things are for sale on the cartel market (character slots, extra ability slots, WZ's and Ops access, the upcoming Barber Shop), and it would be a great oppertunity for them to make more money, keep the subs happy, and make the F2P players who purchase it appreciate the chat a little more.
  25. After spending 2 weekends in a row leveling a new character on the PoT5 Server, I realized that the general chat is being polluted on the lower level planets, and fleets. I have been seeing a lot of people complain that F2P players don't respect the general chat. Why dont they just make a general chat for JUST F2P players, and if they want to communicate with subs then they would have to purchase a 'Sub level' general chat feature. Just something to keep in mind, if I remember correctly F2P may be limited on their options for chat already, but this may help improve it a little further for subs who are having issues with this.
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