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10 Good
  1. At least you don't have 1337ist guilds like Blood Pact on your server her jerk off to the game all day long and think they are so good at PVP because they have no *********** life and are already decked out in the new war hero gear balanced PVP my *** go on Heddar Soongh and see how balanced PVP is Bioware go fire everyone from Mythic who is making the PVP for this game and get new people because a monkey with down-syndrome could make better PVP than the idiots you have working on it right now.
  2. Why is every single suggestion game breaking?? I really don't understand it how the hell is taking away lockouts bad at all? If someone wants to literally make 8 alts and work for that gear let them. It's not like this is PVP all you have to lose is bragging rights and big *********** deal boo hoo he got his campaign gear before me. You people complain that this game doesn't change but every time people try and throw out a suggestion you all go "NO BECAUSE OTHER MMOS DON'T DO IT WHY SHOULD THIS ONE?!". How do you know how this would work if it was never implemented? This could be a great way to help under geared guild mates on low pop servers get gear just like everyone wants. Did you ever think of the fact that they could legacy lock you out from getting gear? Please lets not turn these forums into a bigger troll breeding ground than they already are. Think before you freak out and start fighting with each other its a game.
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