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Everything posted by Arutar

  1. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Are you serious? Both the issues of naked bolster and of PVE gear able to outperform PVP gear were known on the PTS in their latest playable build. The issue of naked bolster was explicitly promised to be fixed before live. What is even worse, even without any PTS this would have been embarrassing. All it took me (and the rest) to just try out a single WZ afer 2.0 to notice thinks were completely ****ed up. We are not talking about some arcane bug which happens every full moon. You just had to remove one piece of gear to see the mess for yourself.
  2. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Thanks. Just for the sake of clarity, please have the developers look also into the issue where players are only using certain Modifications of PVE gear (in particular hilts/barrels) and put it in PVP gear. Also, a "mathy" answer how bolster works exactly would be really much appreciated.
  3. Arutar


    Well, getting pwned for weeks appears to be an acceptable learning curve for PVE (read: PVE progression raids), so i think PVPers can manage a few days.
  4. Arutar

    PvP Devs and Mods

    Hmm... "exhort the system". The problem is: Where does "exhorting the system" start? Playing naked (at least partly)? Using low level green gear for better stats? Removing all expertise crystals from old gear? Playing with empty orange shells? Removing you enhancements from PVE gear for better stats? Removing Augmentations? Using PVE gear instead of PVP gear? So you tell me: Is itemization supposed to be aboout theorycrafting or Voodoo? Because it sure looks like Voodoo now, and I am sadly not into the occult.
  5. Arutar

    PvP Devs and Mods

    So people with 45k HP in a WZ (when the avarage is 28K) is not drastic? Having to figure out which parts of the gear you should REMOVE in order to get better stats is not a drastic bug?
  6. Arutar

    PvP Devs and Mods

    In fairness, Eric seems to be trying to be as communicative as possible. It just appears so that this entire situation is so seriously messed up that they currently are fixing on issue at a time and not noticing if any "fix" breaks another thing and with no clue when it all will work. I think there was a very good post in another thread which sums it up quite nicely:
  7. Well, what shall we say other than: Your concerns are valid. The current booster is bugged and lvl 55 PVP gear is currently NOT always BIS for pvp (in WZ), at least not as far as all slots are concerned. And we (PVPers) can only fear what the current Bolster would do to the new T3 PVE set (in particular the new Hilt/barrels). Nobody can predict the future and say when this mess is fixed and how a fix will look like.
  8. Well, since EWH is since yesterday = PVE gear and heaven forbid Bioware makes PVE gear not at least as good as higher lvl PVP gear for the purpose PVP, no surprises at this end.
  9. That is how it is allegedly SUPOOSED to work. It is not, however, how it works at the moment. Bolster is still a mess atm.
  10. I agree. I still would argue that a neutral or light sided empire player gets the best experience as far a roleplay is concerned, because he actually has to make tough decisions and reconcile his/her morals with his/her duty/beliefs. I mean, the entire trooper story, for example, can be described by a loud "Sir, for the republic, sir!", no matter which alignment you are. (´Though an evil tropper might leave out the "Sir") It figures that while basicially all republic stories feature Imperials/Sith as the main villain (I think it is all stories, actually) the Imperial stories usually have fellow Imperials/Sith has the archenemy on the backdrop of the ongoing Imp/Rep conflict. No wonder which stories feel more complex and less one-dimesional / black and white.
  11. I do beivel that the OP was sarcastic when he said that "Stop thinking PVP is its own full-featured game mode". At least i hope he was.
  12. Rofl. By "benefits" you mean that the entire system is messed up, naked FPs are getting viable and itemization is for noobs, all the while there still is a gear gap which runs along arbitrary lines so that you are better of wearing PVP gear in order to do PVE in FPs and lvl 33 greens are better that lvl 50 epics? Also, if a boss is too hard, just remove your augments a couple of times for better stats. Because that would happen if you would receive the equivalent "benefits" the bolster in PVP has provided us so far. Becareful what you wish for
  13. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Err, no. Please reread the part I quoted and agreed to. It says nothing about Makeb drops. So technically, maybe you should be more careful before you wrongly accuse people of lying. Because otherwise, YOU are the liar. I mean technically, maybe...
  14. Yes, "Bioware simply doesnt care for PVP" sure is a good explanation for the things happened in 2.0 so far. And I am talking not just about the bugs or releasing a completely messed up bolster with know issues in the first place - one clear intent of 2.0 is to make a) PVE gear viable in WZ PVP (lvl 55 bolster), while b) making PVP gear at the same time less viable in PVE. Why do I, as a primarily PVPer need two gear sets for my ocassional PVE, when such a notion is apparently beneath a PVE player? But I am not sure if the truth is that easy. According to my (of course insignificant) experience, there are tons of people who play SWTOR just (or at least primarily) for PVP. Are we really such a minority? I would love to see actual number of how many people do, e.g., the daily PVE vs the daily PVP quest.
  15. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Thanks for accusing me of lying though I did not say anything about Makeb drops. Also, do you really consider that lvl 33 greens being possibly better than WH/EWH is a better situtation than lvl 51-55 greens being better than WH/EWH? Really?
  16. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Well, for some at least lvl 33 green implants still perform better than WH/EWH gear: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=627118 So your point was again?
  17. Unfortunately, the problems with 2.0 pvp are much more widespread than the issue of yesterdays patch.
  18. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Well put. I cannot agree more.
  19. As much as I hate bolster in lvl 55 and in particular the current (still bugged) iteration of it: Simply removing it seems like not an option, now that expertise has been so ridiculously bumped in 2.0 and there is no recruit gear for new lvl 55. The whole system is a mess, really. They should have done the opposite, imo: Drasticially decrease the effectiveness of expertise in 2.0 and give pvp gear only slightly lower stats than pve gear. This way, pve gear would only be slightly worse than pvp gear for pvp (as it should be) and pvp gear would only be slighlty worse for pve = NO BOLSTER NEEDED in lvl 55.
  20. So you say that both teams apparently consisted out of "unstoppable avatar(s) of death, chewing through the opposition like they were made of cardboard"? Who were they chewing through? The "unstoppable"Avatars of death" of the other team - who at the the same time as being an "unstoppable Avatars of death" were made out of cardbord? This makes no sense...
  21. Arutar


    Ever heard of PTS? And we are not talking about some weird bug which happens every full moon. 2.0 affected ALL pvp content. Yesterdays patch made it somewhat better, but the bolster is still ****ed up across the board. They should never have gone live with it.
  22. You might want to reread the defintion of "balance". Thanks for confirming that the new bolster sytem still is broken and does not even fulfill its only reason to exits in the first place: More balance.
  23. Are you serious? I dinged lvl 55 yesterday and did about 8 WZ (all after the patch of course). People had between 25K HP and 32K HP. The gap is basicially the same as it was before, even if you take expertise into account (in particular, because even small differences in expertise now count for much). Plus the system is still broken (even if people are at least not naked anymore). Or are you reffering to sub lvl 55? Well, it is still less balanced than the old pre 2.0 bolster (with the exception of the notorious lvl 49 pimped twinks of course).
  24. In fairness: They have replied surprisingly quickly. But that was the only thing in this entire mess which is not entirely laughable.
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