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Everything posted by Arutar

  1. It takes guts to apologize - kudos.
  2. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Well, the real game decider will likely be for many how bolstering in lvl 55 will work out, i.e. does the nudist party continue or will you have to do PVE for the best PVP gear? If both are answered with a solid no (like the developers have promised), I do not think there will be any lasting effect on the hardcore pvp player base. Though the definetly shoul look into the under lvl 55 bolstering system as well.
  3. While you are right that we dont need a dozen threads about the same issue, you should not expect a sensible discussion about new class abilities and new class balance as along as the bolster system churns out naked players (or is lvl 9 greeen the new BiS?) who roflstomp other players regardless of the class.
  4. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Running around naked for optimization purposes is an inevitable side effect of expansions? Really? Maybe you should start playing an MMORPG and not all those rated 18+ years games.
  5. I completey agree. Though it should be mentioned that "naked pvp ftw" was known on the PTS. Me and my Guildies just assumed that Bioware would have the decency to fix this until the patch goes live, because they surely wouldn`t want SWTOR to be the butt of countless nudist jokes. Well, looks like we assumed wrong...
  6. Arutar

    lol bolster

    If this is true: ROFL. Have you tested this? How "imba" is a player in lvl 9 greens?
  7. But even in PVE they were next to useless, since they were not usable on any bosses or the like. I mean was killing trashmobs maybe one GCD faster really that important?
  8. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Sorry, could you point me to one post of this thread where somebody is "complaining over their lost gear advantage"? But you are right, the problem with the lvl 50 pvp gear will fixes itself over time. The fact that there is a new bolstering system in all ALL warzones which apparently was not fully thought through and which was never properly explained (where are the formulas for how boosting works exactly?) might, however, persist longer than that.
  9. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Thank you, that`s all I am saying. So, if you only could stop calling that this thread a "twink pvp QQ thread" when it is really a "naked pvp ftw is ridicoulous thread" we are settled.
  10. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Even If would agree with your notion that "lowbie pvp is not pvp" (whatever that means), do you actually listen to yourself? You honestly think that pvping naked for the best stats is "working as intended"? In an MMORPG? Why not expand this glorious system to PVE then? I mean doing OPS naked is sure fun as well...
  11. Arutar

    lol bolster

    No ****, Sherlock. Everyone will go either naked or use empty orange shells in pvp until lvl 55 (assuming the lvl 55 Bolster at least was not desgined by someone who is a nudist as well, of course). But tell me, do you really not think it is somewhat silly that taking of your equipment in an MMORPG will make your stats better?
  12. Arutar

    lol bolster

    No. I (and apparently many others) have simply been under the impression that my lvl 50 EWH Gear would not give worse stats than if playing naked. I know, crazy thought...
  13. Arutar

    lol bolster

    Well, since lvl 55 Bolster was on the PTS and explained in several developer posts it doesn`t matter what you think (especially since you obviously have no clue about this topic at all).
  14. Arutar

    lol bolster

    You misread the entire posting. They were talking about the "old bolstering", not the new one. "Currently, Bolster is setup to bring characters up to a set level of stats that are appropriate for entry-level PvP. The amount of stats given to a character is based on their level, more stats for lower level, to bring them up to this “entry-level” PvP base. At level 50 we stop bolstering characters, which you can see adds to the huge drop off of effectiveness once a character goes from 49 to 50." The new Bolstering will be in ALL warzones from lvl 10 to 55. While I was sceptical about Bolstering in lvl 55 from the beginning, I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But seeing how they screwed up bolstering in lvls 10-54, I am starting to expect the worst. We will see.
  15. I think its a commom misconception that Vette is naively all light side. There a quite a few darkside choices she aggrees with, if they serve a bigger, worthwhile goal. She really only dislikes needless cruelty and being dick to people who cant defend themselves. After all, she was wanted for multiple murder if I remember correctly. She is a deeper character than Jaesa light or darkside. DS Jaesa is just a raving psycho. Plus, I think Vette is genuinely funny. So there is no contest for me.
  16. This is your personal definition of a pve server. But as long as this is not the offical definintion (i.e. "there shall be no interaction between player of opposing factions unless both parties explicitly agree to it"), we are moving in circles. The best thing would be that healing mobs you are fighting flags the healing player. And if that would have been the title and the content of this post, I supoose there would be few to argue against.
  17. See, I think it is funny AND immature that somebody is so upset about not having been able to kill two mobs in a MMO because of actions of the *enemy * player that he/she goes to the forum, makes a post and calls other people "jerks" and "immature". Definitions are subjective, I guess. Period, no, Exclamation Mark!
  18. By-letter? Err, no... Enjoyment is entirely subjective. In the end, it is, as stated, the call of EA to discern what is ok and what is deemed to be vialation. (Which makes the ToS likely to be legally invalid, but I guess nobody going to sue EA if they get banned for this anyway)
  19. What does make sense? You lost me there. Are Empire an Rebublic not supposed to be mortal enemies, regardless of the server type? Are mortal enemies not supposed to make each others live difficult?
  20. Arutar

    Scripts in PVP

    And you wonder why you are not going to convince anyone who is not already a "believer" that the problem you claim to exist is legitimate at all? Sorry, simply saying the "truth is out here" doesn't cut it for many. Well, unless somebody will bring just a shred of evidence that this is a serious issue at all (amazingly in 49 pages, nobody has...), I am out of here since I otherwise would just bumb this non-topic further.
  21. Too bad my light sided sith warrior killed her. Well, Vette made me do it, actually. :
  22. Thanks, though according to Dulfy there seems to be one main and a different minor flirt option for each side, so its not as strict as the op suggest. Well, I guess: rage incomming nontheless.
  23. Could you provide a link? Because I did not see anything like this on dulfy. Otherwise you are simply lying or a troll (or both).
  24. Arutar

    Scripts in PVP

    How would a script decide when and how to change the target and to whom? How does a script pay attention to my energy level? What does this even mean? How would a script decide when to use a cc and against whom? How would a script react to me changing the position? How... Ah, right, you are not going to tell me. I mean, you surely could, but telling me would get you banned right? And for the record: I consider myself an average pvp player. Maybe above average when you inculde all players who play pvp only once per week or less. But I can still manage my procs (they usually come with a graphical effect AND sound) and my energy while moving and using a skill every 1,5 secs pretty well. it isnt that hard actually.
  25. Arutar

    Scripts in PVP

    So you are telling me you are NOT able to use a button once every 1.5 secs yourself (even with the help of the ability queue option) and moving behind a target is to hard for you... Let me guess, you also use the keybord to turn, right? Well, thanks for proving my point. You surely would benefit from any script, no matter how bad. Heck, a cat randomly jumping on your keybord might even improve your play.
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