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Everything posted by TheGreatNeechi

  1. You may have been rooted, but I have never been stunned at full resolve, ever.
  2. You're just a troll. What server do you play on? I want to roll an OP there and kick your ***.
  3. Of course it's situational after the first rotation! I don't want your rotation! We probably use the same rotation! I just wanted to know what ability you were refering to as a "stun lock"! Sorry, I don't PLAY WoW!
  4. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! Than you! Someone other than ME knows what the hell he is talking about.
  5. You quoted JONVUU, and JONVUU's rotation has Cloak Screen in it... and then you said "DING DING DING" as if he had the right answer, when he didn't. Using Cloak Screen when stunned is absolutely idiotic. He hits Cloak Screen when he get's stunned for some reason..
  6. And all I wanted to know is what ability you were referring to as a "stun lock". Jarring Strike? Debilitate? Both are stuns... which is the "stun lock" in your opinion? Sorry, some of us hated WoW the first five minutes and never bothered to discover "stun lock."
  7. Umm, the rotation you listed in that quote is using Cloak Screen. I never said anything about using Cloak Screen. The rotation goes like THIS: >Op opens with Jarring Strike >You break it and stun the Op >Smart Op breaks THAT stun and just stuns you again... because you don't have resolve immunity. >You sit there taking damage from the stun you tried to avoid, while the Op has CC immunity even after his stun wears off. Continue combat like normal. You accomplished nothing. All you did was get baited into wasting your CC, handing the Op CC immunity, and that Op hasn't even used Cloak Screen yet. Since you STILL don't have CC immunity, that Op can now use Cloak Screen, turn on you, and backstab you again with another Acid Blade empowered Hidden Strike, knocking you on your *** a THIRD time. You all are confused. Cloak Screen (which you call VANISH in error) is NOT the Operative's CC breaker. They are two different abilities, and Cloak Screen DOES NOT BREAK CC at all.
  8. There is a great thread on the PvP forums about resolve, how to game it, how to use it. Sometimes you have to eat a stun. Blowing your CC breaker on a small stun is a bad... bad idea. Here's why: Let's say you get opened up on by an Concealment Operative's Jarring Strike. Ok, you're flat on your face. You pop your CC breaker and get right back up and then stun the Operative who attacked you. It may seem smart on the surface, but you've really done is waste your 2 minute shot at breaking CC without CC immunity, while probably handing the Operative CC immunity. Operative pops THEIR CC breaker, with a full resolve bar to boot, and then... stuns you again.. with Debilitate. You accomplished nothing. We got nerfed, yes, but we're not useless, or stupid (I hope.)
  9. Umm... what I just described to you is RESOLVE. See, you don't get a full resolve bar from my opener. You get about half a resolve bar. You need a FULL resolve bar for CC imunity. Soooo... since your CC breaker as a 2 minute cooldown, and you just wasted it breaking a 1.5 second stun without having any CC immunity (remember you resolve bar isn't full) then you just screwed yourself royally. "PvE" hero? Resolve has NOTHING to do with PvE... Resolve is PURE PvP. Now, if you think just because you can pop your CC breaker with a full resolve bar, the question is what do you do with it? When my target pops their CC breaker with full resolve, I immediately throw up Shield Probe because I know a counter CC is coming. I know my class.
  10. It is in a negative way, because if you're talking about popping your CC breaker ON JARRING STRIKE, you're not winning ANYTHING with me. You just wasted your CC breaker on a 1.5 second stun. GG You don't have any secrets from me, I just want clarification on your syntax.
  11. I have the same attitude, but unfortunately game mechanic trumps skill. And what I mean by that is you can't defeat the developers, no matter how good a player you are. It seems in every MMO I have ever played they nerf my favorite class. I then adapt, evolve, and learn new tricks to be equally effective... and then they nerf that. At some point things become unplayable.
  12. I'm asking you to name the ability. "Stun lock" is not an Operative ability, and the term "stun lock" comes from WoW, and I never played a rogue in that game. I don't know what "stun lock" is, was, or how it works. What OPERATIVE skill are you calling "stun lock"?
  13. I'm not calling it a grind, they're calling it a grind. They're all upset because the "effort" (read "the grind") they put into that gear is being marginalized, when they should have been PvPing for the sake of PvPing.
  14. One of the ways I've learned to cope is to take advantage of the change in resolve dynamics with Jarring Strike. Pre 1.1.1 my opening Hidden Strike (and subsequent Jarring Strike that actually knocks you to the ground) filled resolve immediately. It was a 3 second stun. Now it's only 1.5 seconds, and doesn't fill the resolve bar. I've taken advantage of that by throwing in a follow up Debilitate, extending a chain CC to 6.5 seconds. I'm sure the resolve mechanic will be adjusted to make this impossible, but for now it stands as a very deadly combo, especially against a target I know has already popped their CC breaker. Our resource system penalizes burst damage, the thing we're designed to do. I'm not sure if you've ever played an Operative, but the more energy you use the slower it recharges; the more damage you inflict the less damage you can sustain. We do have skills that help with resource management, such as Stim Boost and Adrenal Probe, but there are times when they are just not enough. It's funny, the classes that tank my damage the most aren't the classes in heavy armor. Juggernaught, Powertech, Vanguard, etc. don't give me anywhere as much trouble as Marauders, Sentinels, Assassins, and Shadows.
  15. See, that's why I posted a link, so you could see precisely what that nerf was. It wasn't a subtle tweek of any kind, it was a game breaking nerf for quite a few players. I'm not saying I haven't learned to cope, or adjusted my tactics, but losing 40% of our burst damage (20% nerf to both Hidden Strike and Acid Blade) was an excessive and heavy handed use of the nerf bat. We've been nerfed enough. I play my class well, I play it well enough to still be effective, but another nerf to Operative is completely unjustified... unless of course you want to break the class completely.
  16. Hold on, we're mixing terminology here from different games. When you say "stun lock", what skill are you referring too? If you're talking about Hidden Strike/Jarring Strike, popping the CC breaker for that is a big mistake. Jarring Strike doesn't fill the resolve bar. Popping CC break on something like that is begging a follow-up Debilitate.
  17. Know what I'm seeing missing in all of these rotations? Stim Boost. Acid Blade Relic Hidden Strike STIM BOOST IMMEDIATELY Corrosive Dart (get it on early to maximize damage over time) Deblilitate Acid Blade Backstab Shiv Then... as the fight progresses past burst damage stage... Adrenal Probe Shield Probe Lacerate Shiv Lacerate Evasion (Clearing DoTs in preparation for Cloaking Screen) Sever Tendon (A quick root to help you get behind them once you're in stealth again) Cloak Screen By this time their resolve from the initial Jarring Strike and Debilitate should have worn off. Go for a quick stealth and zip around for an extra openning attack. YES, using Stim Boost AND Adrenal Probe you have ENOUGH ENERGY to do this. Since 1.1.1 Jarring Strike no longer fills up the resolve bar, so instead of getting a 3 second stun that makes them immune to CC, you can follow up that 1.5 second stun with Debilitate --immediately-- and score a 6.5 second "OMGWTFCHAINCC" stun. Also, flashbang doesn't fill up a resolve bar completely, either. Feel free to chain that with another stun as well.
  18. Second that! Being immune to interrupt AND immune to knockback? That's a game breaker. EDIT As a Concealment Operative I have no knockback. Interrupts are my primary means of victory, and against a sniper or a gunslinger I must approach from a completely different angle. I had to learn this the hard way, because I didn't know you guys were immune to interrupts in cover. Yeah, for a while pre-1.1.1 I got slaughtered a lot wondering why my distraction wasn't working. LOL No, you need to remain vulnerable to knockback, because there is at least ONE class in this game that can't dislodge you from cover: Operative. That's enough of a blanket immunity in my book LOL.
  19. Some of those are good ideas. I like the bounty's on high-ranking enemy NPCs, I like the idea of more cross-over missions. I don't like the idea of losing that invisible force field at base. That happened, once, on Ilum. You don't want it to happen... ever... again.
  20. Don't you even pretend to have worked for anything in this game. You didn't work. It was given to you. Have you forgotten? Since release, the foundation of warzone PvP is you get VALOR and COMMENDATIONS regardless of win or lose. You followed a static progression ladder from level 10. You didn't work. You ground. Grinding isn't work. If you think grinding is work, you have your priorities wrong. And that goes for every one of you. That's the point of this thread, to put you in perspective.
  21. See, kids, what we have here is a poor sport. Inflammatory or not, that's what you are. Obviously no one instilled in you the importance of seeing it through to the end. I'm sorry, I've been flagged and issued infractions for my posts, but this right here is a symptom of a deeply flawed upbringing. Being a good sport means taking the losses with the wins, and sticking it out until the buzzer. Why? Because hopefully you have a sense of shame. Run from an imminent loss? Shame on you.
  22. There is a lot of rage seething throughout the PvP community: "I ground warzones for months to get this gear!" Yes, you did. Did you enjoy it? And by enjoy I ask: Did you enjoy the PvP? Was the fight worth it? Or... was it a grind? All of this anger over people "grinding" warzones. It doesn't sound like you enjoy PvP at all, that is to say if it's a "grind." So why do you PvP? For gear? To sit atop a mountain of ridiculously high stats, perpetually ahead of the gear curve, swatting down upstart (though probably equally skilled) players, and strutting around with your virtual ego? How about you go play some real PvP? Eh? Like good ole' Counter-Strike, or a game where progression takes a back seat to genuine skill? Who's the real culprit? Who really wants something for free? See, with a gear advantage you don't have to work so hard to get those huge ego-boosting rankings in warzones, do you? What is the real motivation for wanting all this gear? You're lazy. Yeah, I said it. I've been playing since release, I used PvP as a means to bridge level gaps between planets, I've been a 50 Operative for a while now but I still have valor 38. I still tear new a**holes across Alderaan, The Pitt, and Voidstar. I work harder than you. I play harder than you. How do I know? Because it takes more effort, more planning, more thought into how I'm going to overcome your inflated stats. All of this, "They're giving gear away for free!" Go play a game where there --is-- no gear. Learn to enjoy that first, then come back and revise your opinion of where PvP is going in this game. Frankly, I could go for a plain old deathmatch style warzone where there ARE NO objectives. Just gank, get ganked, respawn. Sound boring to you? That's PvP. Playing against another player is and should be the incentive, not gear, not "epeen", not being an over-bloated stat monkey, or a twinker. /rant
  23. OP is not right. If you PvP for loot you're just a PvE player-killer. I PvP because I like playing against players. That's the incentive. I'm sorry you wasted your time for all the wrong reasons, perhaps it's time to be a good sportsman and play the game for the game. You know, like players are supposed to do.
  24. They nerfed us already. Pick on another class for once.
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