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Everything posted by TheGreatNeechi

  1. There are separate stats for stealth and stealth detection. They are hidden, but they are there and the evidence for this are the stealth/detection talents and abilities that boost such stats. It is possible to average out stealth and detection.
  2. Chain CC... does not exist. Outside resolve immunity, if you're CC'd and get CC'd again.. the newest CC takes precedence. If it is a shorter CC, guess what, someone just did you a favor.
  3. I agree with this completely. Even in the level 50 bracket my Operative seems to be very easily detected, way out beyond the 20 meter mark too.
  4. Mark and gang-bang the healer every time you see them. Make a point to look for them, send them to the respawn like a turnstile... over... and over. Have a group of elite geared Marauders/Sentinels on healer-killing-duty. Break them off of the main group, and everytime that healer leaves the respawn.. jump him. That's what happens to me. That's how you counter tank/healer.
  5. That's actually a good idea. Though, I wouldn't call Alderaan Civil War our "worst" PvP map, that title goes unequivocally to Huttball. I like it. It is the best tactical map we have. If you're allowing the enemy to get to that 3 cap threshold then your team is just not playing well. A coordinated bait-and-switch can render the side-speeders moot.
  6. You must be right, all I know is I laughed all the way to goal line.
  7. To make some clarifications, as an Imperial Agent who does in fact use Orbital Strike for this purpose: Orbital Strike is not a DoT. I do not know how XS Freighter Flyby works, but Orbital Strike (which is extended by 3 more seconds with certain Champion/Battlemaster gear) does interrupt capture for its full duration. Each blast from Orbital Strike will interrupt a cap from multiple attempts. Again, I assume XS Freighter Flyby has a similar AoE damage mechanic, as opposed to a DoT, but I could be wrong... I have never played a Smuggler.
  8. ITT: Healers getting nerfed. MFW: Operative Healers getting buffed, and buffed hard. Surgical Probe is my new happy face. Automatically regrants tactical advantage while healing a target under 30% health... 3 DPS Sentinels on me... Shield Probe (instant) Kolto Probe x2 (instant) Surgical Probe (instant) Surgical Probe (instant) Surgical Probe (instant) Surgical Probe (instant) Surgical Probe (instant) Surgical Probe (instant) Surgical Probe (instant) Surgical Probe (instant) What's to interrupt? They give up. LOL 1.2 Comes... I shall drink in the rage.
  9. As a general rule, public RP should be concise. I don't mind florid prose, in fact I respect it, but sometimes a role-player can become so caught up in their play they don't give other people a chance to react. That is my primary caveat with long posts. You pack so much information into a post it becomes difficult for other players to play on it. In addition, especially since we don't have chat bubbles, long posts tend to fill up a lot of people's /say prompts, which can get really annoying and make RP a nasty tedium. Hence, in public, I suggest keeping your posts concise, limited to two posts at the most. Of course this is just a suggestion. Shorter posts also makes RP flow better, it speeds up the process.
  10. Alright, after sifting through this thread I see two primary issues: Resolve capacity versus CC duration People who think resolve should effect roots and slows. As resolve currently works, if you have 999 resolve and I hit you with a 5 second stun, you're taking that stun and gaining 1000 resolve for immunity. I can see how people would be upset by that, and maybe that needs to be changed. Perhaps the resolve immunity should automatically break the offending CC. This would help reduce that "I'm being chain CC'd" QQ. Now, whether or not this breaks the game for certain classes is up for debate. As an Operative I happen to like the way resolve capacity treats stun duration right now. Resolve does have one bug, though. I just realized it in a warzone a few hours ago because I hadn't actually been paying attention, but on certain CCs full resolve begins to count down before the CC is finished. I'm not sure if that's really a bug, but it could use some tweeking. You definitely shouldn't be losing resolve immunity while currently CCed. As for roots and slows, I couldn't disagree more. I think roots and slows and interrupts should never be subject to resolve, because that would be a game breaker for my class (Operative) for sure (we have no out-of-stealth closer), and maybe for others.
  11. Resolve works fine. First of all, we need to clarify some nomencalture. CC is Crowd Control. By crowd control, we mean abilities which remove a combatant from a fight completely for a duration of time. A STUN is a short term CC ability that takes a player out of the fight for its duration, which is only a few seconds. It is marked by two conditions: A stun is not broken by damage A stun renders a toon incapacitated for its duration A MEZ is a long term CC ability that takes a player out of the fight for its duration as well, but a mez (like Sleep Dart) lasts a lot longer than a stun, and is marked by two conditions: A mez is broken by damage, any damage, including DoTs A mez renders a toon incapacitated for its duration These are the only two types of abilities which are effected by resolve. Movement impairing effects, which are abilities which simply deny you movement, are not effected by resolve. Neither are interrupts (like Distraction), which are abilities which specifically interrupt the channeling of another ability. Before we can have any discussion on resolve, people all need to be on the same page. Resolve is a very specific mechanic intended to effect very specific abilities. If you think resolve is broken because you can be denied movement, then Bioware is going to tell you: "Working as intended." Now, whether or not resolve is a good system is a thing in of itself. I think resolve is a creative attempt to introduce rate limits to CC, as opposed to just simple diminishing returns, which offer no additional strategy. Resolve means you can only be CCed so much before you become immune to it for a time, and after that time is up you become vulnerable to it again. Resolve offers a new level of strategy to the game, and Bioware saw fit to sticky a thread about it at the top of this forum. I like resolve, but I also know how it works, and I know how to use it, and more importantly I know how to use it against another player. I know precisely what effects of mine will trigger resolve, and by how much. If the system is a bad system, then discuss the details of the system, but do not ever imply resolve is bugged. I have put resolve through it's paces over and over... I practically bank on it. It works. It is not bugged. It has never failed me.
  12. Hardly, Walsh. You're simply attempting to obfuscate authority with demand. While I can demand anything of you, I haven't the authority to expect my demands to be met. You know quite good and well the point Casi was trying to make. Now put the red herring down.
  13. You know I'm just going to remove myself from this conversation...
  14. I agree with you completely Casi. Role-players are a troupe of prima donnas. The last thing we need is more elitism. Seriously. My origins hail from the AOL RP community, back when AOL was actually relevant. We had full chat rooms every evening, and understood very well what was expected of everyone. Unfortunately, there were always the elitists who ignored new players, players that maybe hadn't even considered such an activity as playing a role. These new players are the life-blood of any RP community, without them we are a dying breed. RP eventually died on AOL, not the least of which because it lost its relevance as an ISP, but also because new players stopped bothering and the old players got tired of it. Bastions of the AOL RP community went permanently OOC, and then AOL introduced chat room ownership and suddenly elitism crushed any hope of rebuilding them. New players were kicked from rooms, disagreements between players resulted in players being kicked or quitting to make their own rooms. The result: RP died completely. I've seen first hand what elitism does to a community of players, and I will work vehemently against any notion of "exceptionalism" or elitism. Free-form RP is the only RP that can exist in a community of equals. We cannot look at one another and say, "You're not relevant." It does nothing. So, to all you RPers out there who have been snubbed, told off, ignored for not writing well enough, we have a place for you.
  15. Role-players, as you might expect, are a diverse lot. My own motivation for RP has so many facets: To write To get attention To live vicariously through my character To enjoy the setting To put myself into the story To read well written RP To become aroused And other things I haven't noticed yet As you can see, there are some not-so-altruistic reasons there for RPing. Yes, I enjoy writing, and I do enjoy the attention I get for my writing; I like being in-demand and pursued, a very feminine desire. I have a guilty thing for smutty romance novels, too. I've written a few. What can I say, I'm human and so are your fellow RPers. ERP is very, very common. We live in a culture of sex. We are a species built on sex. So much of our lives are spent on sex. We think about it. Dress for it. Pay for it. Work for it. Even base employment decisions on it. We vote for it (a proven fact). Read about it. Want to be better at it. We also write about it. Writing that paragraph made me hot. Sorry! Don't be discouraged by all the ERP around you. There is plenty of non-erotic RP going on, and you could very well be the trend-setter. Of course, sex is a really hard thing to compete with, but there are people out there who share your opinion. I always open public RP with very not-sexy stuff, especially with my Agent. Oh, my agent is a policy wonk, everything must be done by the book, chain of command included. She's pathologically neat and prim... a delightful little dominatrix at heart, though currently enjoying her submissive side. Yes, there are sexual underpinnings to everything I RP, I really can't help it. However, it's not hard to play without it, just really hard to play when it's on my mind... which is basically all the time. What can I say? My clock is ticking. Knowing who wants to RP can be a challenge. This is why public RP is so important to the community. Really. Just stick yourself out there, and keep trying. You'll find the RP you're looking for eventually.
  16. How would I characterize my relationship with my professors? Cordial? Perhaps. Tense? Submissive? I remember them being mentors to me in my chosen discipline (Political Science), but was I a cherished pupil? Did they look at me and genuinely see their future? Or was I just another graduate student they'd likely never see again? Perhaps all of the above, but imagine a school where you have one and only one teacher, whose authority over your learning is so pervasive they effectively become your adopted parent. How would you wish to be treated? Do you question them? Or do you become thrall to their authority? We've all seen the films; we've seen the relationship at play between Anakin and Obi Wan, and eventually Obi Wan and Luke, only to see Luke become the pupil of Yoda. But, Luke misses something gravely important in the Jedi/Padawan relationship, beyond mentorship and teaching, beyond watching each others' backs. He misses a parent. Luke grows up raised by his aunt and uncle, a rebellious kid who loses them as a teenager, only to lose Obi Wan shortly after, and then with his limited time with Yoda... loses him too. You can only imagine what this does to the man, considering he is forced to kill his own Father --a very Sith-like act-- though albeit for very different reasons. You can only imagine how this shapes the re-established Jedi Order, especially considering the altogether different relationship Anakin had with Obi Wan. A Jedi takes a Padawan for any number of reasons. There is, of course, the obvious: Without new Padawans Jedi teaching dies, but Jedi are far-sighted individuals, something so obvious is hardly at play in their schemes. Some, I expect, take up the burden because it is expected of them as Masters. Perhaps the Order demands Jedi Masters to take pupils in order to steel their own discipline: Nothing quite keeps you on the straight and narrow like being an example to a lesser. You could always expect Jedi to be so pragmatic, but I refuse to believe them to be perfect. Jedi are trained to be stoics, pragmatists, empty of emotion, disciplined in thought, action, and judgement. But, Jedi are after all only mortal (I would call them only human but to give Jedi fundamental humanity disparages the diversity of species and subsequent moral convictions). I cannot subscribe to the perfect Jedi. Neither can George Lucas. In the Jedi/Padawan relationship I see the manifestation of the most basic of sentient needs: Love. Jedi are forbidden to love, love leads to attachment, attachment leads to loss... and so the path goes to the Dark Side. No Jedi Master would ever characterize their relationship with a pupil as love, but so it goes no Jedi Master lives without having loved. The Jedi path is often characterized as a path of peace and serenity, but rarely do we ever see any peace and serenity in the life of a Jedi. To them, peace is a state of mind, serenity an emptiness of attachment; very Buddhist. But, it hurts when a Padawan falls in battle. It hurts when a Jedi turns to the Dark Side and betrays a former Master. Jedi feel pain, and that pain is evidence of a forbidden love for the only individual they could ever be permitted to care for: The Padawan. Sith have it so much easier, but the story of the Sith is not a story of growth and rebirth, but a tragedy of wrongheadedness and willful ignorance. We like to play Sith as if it were some alternative path to the Jedi, but in truth Sith are to be pitied as much as maligned. One does not submit to being a Sith's Apprentice. One is seduced, enslaved, brought to heel by a being who wants a meat shield, a pawn, a puppet. It is very difficult to decide who strikes first when the Apprentice rises against the Master. One could say it is a learned behavior, but I think the proper answer can be found in the Force. The Force is --in my opinion-- not a force for good. All evidence points to the Force being inherently evil; Absolute power corrupts absolutely (Lord Acton). Jedi steel their minds against the power of the Force, seeking to master it instead of being mastered by it. This alludes to an understanding of the Force as a corrupting power against which the wielder must protect themselves. Whereas Sith aren't so fortunate. A Sith pretends to have embraced the power of the Force, they call it the Dark Side, but the reality is the Sith has been deluded. The Sith is a victim of a conspiracy most foul, a bait and switch: Unlimited power, only when yoked by fear. What use is "unlimited power" if it comes with fear of the same? This is the relationship between Sith and Apprentice: I want your power, but I am scared to death of you. This applies to both Master and Apprentice. As you might expect, Sith live on the extreme. Their lives are either brutally short, or unnaturally long; the former being the more fortunate. The long-lived Sith lives to see their power grow and flourish, but they also live to see their world crumble around them. Do Sith genuinely desire all this destruction? Perhaps, but something tells me that's not the complete story. Sith thrive on negativity. Fear, anger, rage, sadness, lust, loss, betrayal, are all emotions Sith feel. To say a Sith is perpetually happy about watching the world burn is incredibly short sighted. No, they hate it. They live in loathsome solitude, stewing over their own failures like lonely outcasts on the playground; no one wants to play with them. They learn to take joy in death, because after killing so many Apprentices I imagine the long-lived Sith has trouble finding new ones. After all, Sith do become outcasts to their own, and no Sith lives to see an Apprentice thrive. ~Adieu
  17. You got my vote, so long as I get to be your upstart Apprentice who secretly longs to destroy you and take your place.... =)
  18. Honestly, if I were running an MMO, I'd do things a little differently. PvE servers would be policed in the more traditional manner. RP would not be discouraged, but any kind of public ERP strictly prohibited. RP servers would be strictly policed for naming. Accounts with persistent name violations would not just be forced to change characer names, but offered an opportunity to transfer their toons to PvE/PvP servers. RP servers would be treated as more mature, with relaxed (NC17) content rules. Instead of server moderators, RP servers would have specific Game Masters who are trained in how to run a role-playing game, and are encouraged to get involved in the community at large, RP, and even run spontaneous world-events. Yeah, it sounds unwieldy, but it's not really as unwieldy as it may seem. With as much money being invested in game development and design, a little investment in administration and moderation can go a long, long way.
  19. I know you put that in quotes, but generally I find the opposite to be true: The RP community is by far the most mature community in any MMO.
  20. Eh, I respecced into Medicine already. I'm already trolling hard as a stealth healer, healing more than Sages/Sorcerers. At this point I can't wait for 1.2, then they'll see how better life was with "OP" DPS Operatives.
  21. Or, you can navigate your role-play around the openly played Dark Jedi on the following assumptions: 1) You as a player cannot stop the other player from playing a Dark Jedi. 2) In-Character, there is nothing you as a Jedi can do about a Dark Jedi for the above reason. 3) Your character may not even exist in Nightspirit's story arc. So, once again, the best course of action for you --the player-- when you see something happening that doesn't make any sense lore wise... is to simply ignore it. There is nothing else you can do about it.
  22. LOL Welcome to the RP community of prima donnas. The RP community is ostensibly a community of adults, that is generally what you will find on RP servers and in RP groups. You'll find younger people too, but for the most part we're adults, and we type like adults. A part of role-playing is having good grammar and spelling so people understand what the hell you're trying to role-play. Otherwise, you're going to be ignored. There really is no soft way to put that. Role-play means being mature, and that means proper keyboarding.
  23. Well, I would guess that's the penalty of carrying the ball, you can't do anything but run with it. Lots of games have such limitations. In Tribes carrying the flag meant you couldn't use your weapons, you could whack people with the flag pole (LOL) but other than that, you could run and jump. To take any other action meant you had to put down the flag or pass it to someone else. While I really don't care about ball carriers Force jumping and Force running, I am kind of partial to the idea of a ball carrier being extra vulnerable. I still think allies should be able to pull and push the ball carrier just like enemies can, but it does make sense to restrict a ball carrier's movement even going so far as to deny them Force abilities. In Jedi Knight II a flag carrier couldn't use any force abilities at all. The in-game justification for this was a rare lizard that was stuck to the flag pole that inhibited your force abilities. Silly, I know --I mean they even rendered that damn lizard on the damn pole-- but it did work well to give both teams an equal shot at killing the flag carrier.
  24. Just more evidence to me 99% of the exploiters and cheaters play Republic. Congratulations on posting your own evidence.
  25. No he hasn't. First of all, rifle shot is useless for an Operative except as an absolute last resort when you're out of energy, and the fight is down to who can keep up the attack no matter how week it may be. Rifle shot is therefore useful in those really close fights. I have my rifle shot on my right quick bar, bound to SHIFT+4. When things are that close, sure, I'll tap SHIFT+4 and start spamming 1111111111, but otherwise it is completely useless. Now, snipe... LOL... requires crouch. You can't just snipe on the move, you have to tap F and crouch in place. See, this is how I know this guy has never played an Operative or Scoundrel, because Agents and Smugglers use the cover mechanic. We have "cover only" abilities, and in fact have an extra cover bar that overlays our main bar when we go into cover. Snipe, Explosive Probe, Grenade, all require you to be stationary. So, yeah, keep telling us we have rifles and grenades. You have Force Charge.
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