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Everything posted by godagun

  1. Tbh I dont feel like free roaming planet to planet. It seems like a waste of time when you can warp. Maybe if they had free roam space combat pvp that would be interesting.
  2. vengence juggernaut is really fun in pvp and I enjoy the story. Also immortal tank spec is good for both pvp and pve. Just guard your healers and taunt targets and you'll be the biggest pain in the *** in the wz. I really enjoy bh powertech on pyrotech tree. More close quarter combat with some high dmg 30m attacks and also has the same story as your merc.
  3. If you're so concerned about how your faction blows just join the winning side. I have a feeling you're going to realize it's pretty even match. when I thought trooper were too insane I change my playing style. trooper beat me pretty good as a jug, but I switched my bh to a pyro and I can fight em toe to toe. also level your character past level 30. Things change when you get more abilities.
  4. I have never waited 7 hours for pvp. Probably 10-15min on a light/standard population.
  5. Agree. I want to hide companion head gear. Even better if I can specify which npc in preference menu.
  6. So long as nothing changed from what I heard about 1.2. RS is going to take 6 second to CD. Does this mean regardless of if RP or FB is supposed reset RS? If so what would you recommend for rotation?
  7. I force pushed that annoying sith you have to team up with on taris and it locked my quest. Apparently she either survived the fall or was stuck in limbo cuz it was an endless pit.
  8. I havent played Mara but I picked jugg since I cant choose if I want to spec for tank or dps. I enjoyed immortal for pve but really enjoyed vengeance for pvp
  9. As veng w/o a healer just jump from 1v1 combat but I can handle 2v1 depending on the classes im facing. Juggs are beasts in pvp even if ppl say theyre not viable dps class.
  10. I have issues panning my camera around with the controller. It obviously turns too slow. It seems to have 1 default speed even of you change it in the options. Im hoping I can afford a gaming Kb and mouse soon.
  11. I was hoping they would give us a ability to jump to enemy target and not a jump attack.
  12. I play with a controller and I narrowed down what I use the most, but lately ive been curious about Kb players. How do you guys setup your keys so you can run, turn camera, and cast abilities? I tried and I fumble with the number keys trying to stretch across 1 to +=. If you guys have suggestions let me know. I wanna try something new that might let me play better. The character seem to turn too slow in pvp on the controller so I thought the mouse would be the better option. Thanks guys
  13. I played rage but wasnt my thing. I switched to veng to give it a shot and I loved it. I may not do huge spikes anymore but you still deal close to what you do with rage except in chunks. whats even better is the survivability. When I was playing rage if my smash doesnt finish offmy opponents on 2v1 I was toast. im sure its not the case for some players but like I said rage wasn't my thing.
  14. I dont have a high level sin but playing against other sin players I think they are a solid class. It really depends on what tree you take that lets you play in your style. You can make a tank sin and deal a decent amount of dmg. I play a vengence dps jugg and although im not the best pvper I still make it to the top 3 on the scoreboard most of the time. I personally think juggs should get more praise than they do. I also have a merc and powertech. They are still a blast to play but nowhere as fun as my jugg.
  15. Ive been making nothing but pvp characters. Maybe ill switch one into a pve character. Do republic abilities cross over to your empire character?
  16. Im keeping.my jugg. Actually I might make it my main. I just switched from rage to veng and loved it! Ive been a fan of Darth vader so single wield and choking b****es is my thing. I hope no one deletes their jugg until they give 1.2 a chance
  17. Excuse any typos cuz im using my phone. Well from what I heard is that trademark abilities wont be allowed in pvp, so that doesnt make it feel so bad (atleast for me). Also with all the ppl crying about Nerf maybe mixing abilities might fix a few things. In the end you get to choose what your character can cast. Before you cancel your account give it ashot.. Who knows you might like it. I think it would be cool to have a merc that plays like a gunslinger.
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