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Everything posted by Nicoae

  1. I'd love chat bubble feature, but it's been more than a year. They haven't even been bothered to change the range of /say for christ sake. They're doing the same strategy Blizzards been doing with...well tons of features since forever. Say yes it's coming, yes it's coming, we're finding a way, we're still working on it - they can and will pull that fish along for years, until eventually they stop responding at all. Whilst this is absolutely repulsive behaviour for such a theoretically simple feature, it does speak very strongly to them never being implemented. Not that that's any reason to give up the fight though, so give us our *********** chat bubbles. And sort out the damned range on /say. Please.
  2. Surge, I think increases the size of the critical hits when and if you get them. Power just increases raw damage, i.e. lightning strike will do more damage if you have more power, but Willpower is still far more important. As I understand it at least. Gear with the word 'critical' on it makes your crit rating go up. Alacrity lowers your caste time, I read somewhere that it'll also reduce cooldowns on abilities in the next patch, but that may be me imaging things. Incidentally it also means to have a cheerful willingness, apparently. I'd imagine as a healer you'd need a good balance of power and crit, depends entirely on what the tree relies on. If there are alot of abilities that do extra stuff on a crit then stack yourself some crit. Rule I follow and it's not let me down thus far.
  3. It's a nice idea, I'd love to see it implemented personally. Perhaps make it so that only level 50s can summon other level 50s. This does remove part of it's usefulness, save dailies, and they'd still have to sort out how to make each character and sub-class forefill a role, perhaps you can choose a role that character potentially plays upon hitting 50. In all likelihood they'd also be limited to a certain set of generic abilities as the other companions are. It's an interesting idea, but would need alot more thought and frankly work than I think Bioware are currently able to produce. I certainly hope they have plans for the legacy tree though, outside of random perks and an utterly pointless 'family tree' that's so bloody limited it might as well be labelled "half arsed"
  4. I'm going on old memory here, but I believe the extraction costs for modifications were reduced something in the range of 20-25% last year sometime. So they did notice an issue and address it, but there does ultimately have to be a cost sadly.
  5. Flashpoints etc for gear, try again. Also use a healer companion and make sure they're geared. Best advice I can give without actually having fought him.
  6. Bah, a personal thing but I'm sick of Mandos. Bloody everywhere with their Klingon warrior ********, does my head in. I'd say a particular battle would make a good film: the liberation of Coruscant from the Empire. It's been described, shown in VG, done right you could make an entire film about that event alone - and with a competent writer/director (read: not George Lucas) it could be very, very, very good.
  7. Interesting. I'll have to try that. Admittedly with the exception of my Marauder (who's cartoon evil), most of my characters are neutral due to the choices. I'll have to level a warrior and go all Light, see if that changes anything. And the inquisitor because Zash ranting sounds glorious.
  8. It's decent. I wouldn't say it's 'amazing', but for what it is it's very fun. I get the feeling that this games 'endgame' isn't so much an endgame but simply a waiting lobby for the next chapter. Thus the encouragement to roll alts, do that get your legacy up, wait for next bit of story and repeat. It's an...interesting model. Time will tell if it's successful or if they'll have to bring in the usual "get gear for raid go raid for gear" mentality. Judging by how A LOT of the player-base seem to be ex-wow players or flip between the two, I'm thinking they'll have to do so in earnest. None of that bothers me though, I'm making that judgement based almost entirely on hear-say, I'm an RP'er at heart, 'flashpoints' bore me as do WoWs raids. The only thing that really bothers me about this game (some technical issues aside) is the padding. I have to do something as part of my characters story, so I go to the planet, I go into the orbital station, go to lift, go to shuttle, go to planets surface, take speeder to x use personal speeder to go from x to y. Arrive at y, spend five minutes running down corridor. Give message. Repeat journey back. It's excessive and works in a single player game like KOTOR was but this is an MMO, or is supposed to be, the padding should be elsewhere. Bear in mind when dealing with the forums and negativity that all (far as I know) MMO forums are negative cess-pits barely worth reading half the time. Those who enjoy the game for what it is are playing it, those who enjoy the game but have issues are here, stating those issues on the forums, those that hate the game because that's the cool thing to do rapidly drown out those with actual tangible issues. It's the forums Circle of Life.
  9. Not true, he was very skilled at looking ominous. And snarling.
  10. Not a fan of him. As I recall when Phantom Menace came out people were in awe of the guy because of his double bladed saber and the fact he appeared to be the main villain as far as the trailers went. Frankly, he was a one note character with all the staying power of a eviscerated squirrel. I don't care what he did or did not do in some comic or TV series since I don't pay attention to them. Why on earth he stayed so popular after the film I have no idea. That said if people like him, good for them. I can respect that, I can't understand it but I can respect it.
  11. Hmm. I was going to list the easiest (in my view) class to play, but the question was 'best'. In that view my opinion shifts to the Marauder/Sentinel. Once you can master them, the other classes are no trouble at all and you also learn a lot about the limits of what you can do as a player. Assuming you find them at all difficult, it's a baptism by fire as it were.
  12. If someone annoys you, so you look to your friend and say "khem, eat them"
  13. Oi! Don't call my Marauder a brute, she thinks very carefully about who she'll kill and why. Makes up reasons on the spot she does, very creative. I'd vote for Warrior for both story and companions. The Knight just seems too goody goody, it's fun but lacks the punch that the Warrior story has. The companions, again Warrior. That's entirely a personal bias, I just like them more.
  14. Kira is a Knight only companion, you won't meet her as a Consular. Or her brother. For the Consulars story you'll fight entirely different enemies and bosses, I can't speak to their difficulty however. You'll still have to fight the same standard mobs and such as you did on the Knight when doing the non-story quests though. The first companion you get a Consular is a tank, hide behind him (assuming you pick Sage) and you'll be fine. Otherwise you'll be a Shadow, and you'll still be fine. Should be clear, the Sage is the caster version of the Consular, one of the advanced classes you pick at level 10, throws force powers at people but is very, very squishy. The Shadow is melee, often a tank, but has stealth and a double bladed Lightsaber.
  15. Ah children. Wonderful things. Erhm, well the Miralukan have flesh covering the sockets so they may retain a vestige of a tear duct within the nasal region, so they may very well be able to cry but the function it once served, the cleaning thing, is long gone. Who says they didn't once have eyes? The evolutionary history of a race that sees through the force is bound to be a fascinating one filled with all sorts of twists and turns that we can't even imagine, assuming a laboratory wasn't involved somewhere. Removing that possibility though, or even keeping it but making it redundant, perhaps they cry through the force in some way? Some sort of other emotional connection to others of their species via the force, a disturbance for lack of a better term. We see other humans are upset because of the physical reaction being upset causes, it's not unreasonable that the Miraluka have a 'force' reaction that happens when upset.
  16. There's a 'help' forum, that or the 'general' forum would be my guess.
  17. That's extremely helpful, thank you
  18. I don't think the Sith are evil as such, it's just that the Dark Side and the Sith code (assuming any Sith really live by it), is driven by passion. The Jedi are creatures of logic and rationality (usually), even if it can be a twisted logic. The Sith are creatures of passion and raw emotion, they protect what they love and kill what they don't. Take what they need, remove what they don't. You double cross a Jedi and he's unlikely to take it personally, you double cross a Sith and his emotional response (assuming he cares) will mean that he'll tear the galaxy apart to find you and kill you - possibly killing you're entire family in the process simply because that's what his emotions dictate he must do, and he cannot allow himself to be seen as weak by other Sith because the nature of the Sith is that of a constant power play. You take power until you feel you have enough, until you're passions are sated. They can certainly seem evil, and Lucas may well have had that intent but Lucas thinks he planned everything out from the beginning so whatever his intent is, it'll change on a whim depending on what toy he needs to sell. So yeah...this rambles point is I don't think the Sith are evil, but their actions can very well be, but they're actions can also be overwhelming nice - it just depends how they feel and what action benefits their particular goals.
  19. Possibly wrong forum, but oh well. I don't know much about the Republic levelling, only level 36 on that side myself, but are you doing the bonus quests or just skipping them? If the latter, do them. They help, a lot. Otherwise do space missions to catch up, flashpoints etc. Alternatively you're at the right level and you just managed to storm ahead in the story, in which case keep levelling as you are and you'll catch up. I don't think it's that uncommon to have the story missions be a few levels above you due to the nature of how they work.
  20. For bounty hunters, it does just that, vents the heat caused by them using their skills. Heat being the resource Bounty Hunters use, similar to Warriors 'rage' and casters 'force'.
  21. Loved Visas Marr , played her more than I played The Exile. Hell she had better gear than The Exile. Somehow, all these years on, forgot she was a Miraluka. *shamed*. Still, big galaxy, destroying a planet doesn't guarantee extinction when everybody and their dog, cat and hamster has spaceships. And as the above poster said, Han Solo mk2 fights one in the JK series. Besides, if Doctor Who came to Star Wars, he'd be a Miraluka, because Miraluka are cool.
  22. Hello forums, I hear many wonderful things about this skill and I've put points into the skills that supposedly improve it, however I was wondering (after google utterly failed me), what, if any, stats also improve the Barrier? At a guess, if any do, I'm thinking Willpower, but an answer from more experienced inquisitors would be most helpful.
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