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Everything posted by Donalj

  1. Yeap, no one got on the pts to test it as far as I know
  2. Min maxed EWH is perfectly fine for TFB HM as long as the other healer is somewhat geared. We cleared all of tfb and first 2 bosses ec nim with 1 dread guard sage and 1 columi scoundrel. Granted the scoundrels gear got better as we went through the instance but it is perfectly doable if the healer is skilled enough.
  3. Make the effort, it's definitely worth it! The 16 man community in this game is the friendliest i've seen and we would love to have more people join us
  4. Ace are the best, this is my opinion and the opinion of the majority of FriendlyFire and we all massively respect Ace for their amazing achievement. Rankings don't matter and in the end it comes down to your own opinion on who is the best. Stop the complaining about the ranking system, it was made by people who wanted to get an organised progression system for recording kill times and dates, the points are just an extra. Sure we might be ranked 1st on points but like I said before, it doesn't really matter.
  5. FriendlyFire cleared all content as of today.
  6. But don't you enjoy killing me? I know all you hardcore PvPers are jealous of how good I am, but jeez...
  7. 15% more damage for 15 seconds. If dps is 2189 then damage over 5 minutes is 656700. 15 seconds = 32835 damage so without inspiration that would be 28552.17 damage giving a difference of 4282.8 damage. This leaves the total damage at 652417 over 300 seconds giving an average dps of 2175 which is still first place Please correct me if I'm wrong Granted this doesn't take into account the fact that during inspiration the damage output is probably a lot more than the 32k damage i used.
  8. But if i stick to PvE you won't get the pleasure of killing me repeatedly in wz
  9. If you had ever done a parse before you would know that when you finish, it takes a few seconds to leave combat and so your dps is lower becuase you stop attacking then 4/5 seconds leave combat. You cut it so it gives the ACTUAL dps of the fighting.
  10. Which implies he is using armor debuff?
  11. To any of you QQing sages that say it sucks, yeah dummy parses = bad. The 1/12/28 hybrid is the best dps for raiding and once you actually l2p, your numbers will be great, surpassing vanguards and sentinels in some fights.
  12. I'm inclined to say strength since it is better for PvE but it actually depends on the tier of gear, e.g. imo 61 gear needed power while 63 gear needed strength so the best thing to do is build out a gear list on askmrrobot. For BiS EWH combat gear, the difference betweem str and pwr is so small, i believe str augments give 4 more bonus damage and lose 0.2% crit compared to power. So if you value 0.2% crit over 4 bonus damage, take power (this is the 27% crit combat build btw.)
  13. Bind 1-5, shift+1-5, q, e, r, t, x, c, v and shift variants.
  14. Yeah but clicking their situational abilities and keybinding the rest isn't considered clicking. Clicking is less efficient than keybinding and is bad. Clicking main abilities should never happen.
  15. I agree with this, guardian tanks need all the threat they can get
  16. There is FriendlyFire on the republic side and Saga on imp side for 16 man (saga does 8 man mainly though i believe). There are a good few 8 man guilds too but i won't go about listing these
  17. An interview is much more personal than filling out a application form on a website. It also allows immediate answering of questions to do with the guild etc.
  18. Then level a 50 on our server and do a parse on that. As much as you want to be in this leaderboard, it is for the benefit of the ToFN community and our epeens, not yours.
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