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Everything posted by Setsugetsuka

  1. "I don't see how that's a party".. I seriously, seriously hope that Star Wars turns out to be a lot better than the Avengers, some parts were good, but for an overall movie it was really bland imo. (Star Wars has better campy one-liners anyway, for the most part.)
  2. Your concept of time is astonishing. No way would that take the good end of 5 going on 6 minutes.
  3. So you're saying, out of the entire story element of the game, you're hung up on not being able to scissor with Elara in the back of the Thunderclap? I can understand it being something you'd like in the game, but seriously, for it the be the thing you wish for most? Puzzling indeed..
  4. Personally, I'd like for something to happen between Ahsoka and Anakin, maybe after Ahsoka is made a knight, they part ways, but at the start of Episode 3, there used to be a scene where Shaak Ti was killed by Grevious, a few CG edits and bam, that's Ahsoka.
  5. This is something I never understood. With a book, you can't focus on background things, as it'd distract from the story, leaving readers to be jarred. However with a movie, you see things, just simple things in the background, you probably won't notice them until you've watched it several more times. Like for example, when Luke first arrives in Mos Eisley, can you imagine a book going to length to describe what was going on? No, it's ridiculous as it'd distract from the plot too much, if it does distract like that, then it's a **** book. However, in the movie, you see it all, all these things going on, yet the story still happens, yet for that brief second, you glimpsed the magical things that are placed everywhere. Subtle, simple, yet there. Movies > Books for things like that. You can't subtle describe a scene completely in a book, hence why descriptions are brief and vague when it comes to books, unless it's describing something that is either small, simple or easily describable.
  6. It still puzzles me why some people can even develop the idea that what this game needs most is homosexuality. Yeah, sure, nothing against gays, but if that's your most dire concern and wanted feature with this game, then wow..
  7. Again, like the person said before you, you should check it out yourself. You shouldn't let other people tell you because half of them will be blinded by their own opinions, or will otherwise have differing tastes to you, meaning whilst they like/dislike something you may not. So all in all, check it for yourself, form your own opinion.
  8. 1:51, mostly naked demon ladies. Creepy. But yeah, the video said it was an ode to Star Wars? Why the sword and black sticks then? Lolfail..
  9. Wouldn't mind looking like Lord Adraas from the Deceived Trailer on my Marauder: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110418085250/starwars/images/f/f1/Adraas.jpg
  10. At least now I won't have to walk around fleet being incredibly self-conscious any more..
  11. Just dropping a post in to let us know that they at least acknowledge the problem and are working towards a possible solution in the near future wouldn't hurt them.
  12. Planning deadlines for what is essentially half a decade away and beyond is *********** ridiculous. After the episodes 7-9 they have planned, they're either going to take from EU or have to fudge together whatever they've got to make these deadlines. Deadlines are bad, very very bad.
  13. What about the guy who directed Iron Man? Movie wasn't that bad, I could live with a Star Wars of that.. essence. Ha, how about the guy who did the Last Airbender movie? Or the guy who did Avatar. Hell, bring in Michael Bay, that ought to be interesting. /sarcasm. I'm going to go cry in the corner about how idiotic this whole idea is.. :<
  14. Funny how people hate the prequels, yet are completely ok with new people coming in to play the three most important heroes of the OT. You people confuse and sadden me, truly.
  15. As much as I'd love to see a continuation of Lucas' saga, I just, can't picture it, at least not without me being completely disappointed. This must be what some/most(?) people felt when they watched the OT then the PT, I don't have much faith in this, plus if they're going along with the Skywalker family, they're either gonna have to do a really advanced sequel(time wise) because the actors are all old, either that or recast. Personally, I'd prefer they do a new era in time, with different characters, just so it won't hurt what exists already too much..
  16. I'm loving the "..." in that quote. Nothing says professional like pretty much saying "Well, um, yeah.. So like.."
  17. Dude, just shut up already. It's canon that Revan is a male and was never both dark-side and light-side at the same time. Canon isn't opinion, it's fact, you don't dictate or decide what is or isn't canon.
  18. Maybe you can put Dir En Grey on the next one or something?
  19. Nay I say. Have an exchange rate, where say, two Korriban Commendations can be traded for one Dromund Kaas commendation, two Dromund Kaas for one Balmorra and so forth.
  20. Funny how we have to be put through all this crap and people tell us to get over it, yet it happens to everyone else and "oh no"..
  21. Things like this make me admire the people on my server and the lack of en-masse FOTM re-rollers.
  22. Oh what I wouldn't give to enjoy a few solo warzones..
  23. And suddenly, I begin to see where those people are coming from, they who wish and shall plead ever so for the removal of PvP..
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