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10 Good
  1. These hide all the individual icons. This is, to put it mildly, suboptimal. Could you please either turn this off, or make it a toggle. I can't even see which way I'm facing on the minimap, usually, now... Edit/Add: Examples of game-breakage: - The fight against Thrasher, in S&V. The red dots signifying where snipers spawn in this bossfight are easily hidden by these purple circles; - PvP arena Voidstar: Cannot see how many of my ops group are on which door; - Ops: As a raid leader, cannot hover over individual icons on minimap to detemrine if everyone is in place on for instance the council fight in EV; - General: Map features hidden by purple overlay; - PvP General: Cannot see how many people are at objectives.
  2. This. Exactly this. Crafting is very useful for gearing up, now. But we really do lack cosmetic options.
  3. I'd love to be able to decorate more strongholds. They really do not have to be of the scale of Yavin, Tatooine, or even NS, DK, or Coruscant. Small strongholds, like Kaliyo's place, and/or our class ship, would already be amazing. I know many would relish strongholds on Manaan, Alderaan, Voss, other planets. I'd like that too, eventually. But for now, just the chance to decorate some smaller strongholds would be amazing to diversify the options available. To tide us over, so to say.
  4. I would love, love, love to be able to add a tuning to my favourite classic lightsaber, the Lightsaber of the Force Savant.
  5. The title says it all, but here's some context. Many players have quite some alts. If the CXP box would hand out legacy-bound tokens, and there were vendors you could buy the set-gear from, it would make it a tad easier to gear different alts. Also, getting a double item would then not be as much of an issue.
  6. I think this event is a nice idea. Been playing for years, but well, I play this game for the story. This gives me an excuse to level some new chars. The crafting bit I'm going to find a bit annoying, I know that, but like somebody said earlier, having played for years, that will be much easier for me than for a new player. I have all the mats lying around anyway. At the same time, this makes sure that new players entering the game will be encountering veterans. It's actually a nice way of getting new people in, and for us old people to get new people to play with. And at the same time, I'll be getting rewards for doing what I like doing anyway. On the other hand, yes, I'm at my cap. And I'm going to be deleting some alts to make room. I do feel it would have been a nice gesture to just give more slots. I know a discount was mentioned, but we have yet to learn what kind of discount this will be. That said, even with more slots, the character selection screen is already a tad annoying, showing only six chars per page, and reordering them whenever you log in to one.
  7. Lord Kallig weapons you get from the sorcerer storyline. They're already legacy bound, so yes, please and tank you I also have a soft spot for some of the world drop weapons: Stygian Rumination (especially) Diabolist Legion, and other diabolist weapons.
  8. Your favourite character is Malavai Quinn.
  9. Great news! Hope the fix works and you guys get a chance to celebrate after
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