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10 Good
  1. Let me put it this way - I don't even keep an eye on my resources now, I just assume I will have everything at my disposal at all times. When I play my Scoundrel for ***** and giggles, energy management is actually a thing. I can't say the same for my Shadow main. As others said, the finesse is somewhat out of the window right now. However, I wouldn't call us a faceroll, simply because of the disappointing output of numbers I'm seeing. We've never been "up there" like other classes but the difference in numbers that I'm seeing just makes me disheartened at times. I'll never drop this as my main, but still
  2. I'm getting the vibe that the opinions are so different because people 1) have different expectations of this class and 2) they feel the force of the nerf (which I admittedly have missed because I didn't play during that period). I personally don't mind playing a bit of an underdog, as long as I enjoy the playstyle and as long as I know that despite having it less easy than some other classes, I can still dish out numbers. They don't have to be on the top 3 of the meter, I just want them to be useful still.
  3. Thanks, this was what I was thinking already and it's encouraging to read. I wrinkle my nose at comments like that one in general chat, generally speaking, because at the end of the day you bring the player, not the class
  4. Thanks again for all the feedback! Was told in General chat today that "you get booted for sure as an Infil Shadow in Ops and in FP's you can only stay if you're boss". One person said this and then it got affirmation from about five other people. I hope it's another case of overreacting again because that stuff is just lame
  5. I've reached level 48 now within a few days (this xp boosting they're doing is ridiculous, I've only just left Nar Shaddaa and already that level? Dayum....) and I have to say my love for Infiltration has reached its full glory again - still digging the style, still loving it, and agree that the strength absolutely lies in managing and timing your CC with your hard hitters. Thanks again for all the feedback ^^
  6. Thing is, I have never reached the top tier endgame in TOR, so I don't know (yet) what numbers are a must to at least reach, haha Seeing your hardest hits getting a nerf is always painful, but as long as you can still be useful (or more than), it's all good I really enjoy the playstyle of Infiltration so I'm not likely to drop it anytime soon, especially not after reading the feedback
  7. Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it. This is what I meant in my initial post: I'm not one to blindly spec something "just because it's the easy way to go", not if there is a spec/style in there that I vastly prefer to play. That said, I as well am aware some specs sometimes just fall behind so badly that no fun-factor in the world can save them and make them remotely viable. I was afraid Infiltration might have fallen into that category but I'm glad to hear that isn't the case
  8. Hey everyone! I played SWTOR way back in 2011 for give or take two months, right after it released. Dropped it because reasons, forgot about it entirely for years, until recently I caught the sci-fi bug again and decided to start anew. Years ago I played a Shadow and did really love it back then, so I decided to go with that once again. I used to play Infiltration both in PvE and PvP, and had a lot of fun with that, but I saw some remarks being made in the chats that Serenity Shadows are the only viable thing right now and that anything else should just go home. Now, I've never really been one for blindly following cookiecutter-builds, and I'm currently still playing Infiltration because I like the style so much, but is it really so sub-par later on compared to Serenity?
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