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Everything posted by Drin-King

  1. Blow through Esseles/Black Talon with some low levels or something. They get free gear, you get social and alignment gain with ease.
  2. Don't believe a word if anyone says they have a server with equal pop. None of them do. Your best bet is simply picking one that has a decent population at YOUR primetime playing hours and going republic, and hope you're good players. Thats how my server (The Exile's Crystal [Played KOTOR, obvious reference ]) is. We win all pvp that is equal numbers, then empire zergs.
  3. Lol. Wait... Lol. Sides.... Hurting..... Let me get this right? You beat every single class with absolute ease with one exception and you're whinging about it?! Lol. Painful... Ribs.... But just for you, since I routinely eat sorcs for free meals, I'ma tell you how the good ones roll. First, ditch your stupid hybrid spec, you have no chance by spamming nukes, we're gonna laugh off the damage. Second, go full Madness and get Creeping Terror. Free root that does dmg over time and doesn't effect resolve? You need it. Next, wait till we blow force leap. Then, and this is really simple, immediately electrocute the sentinel, turn around, pop cc breaker since you'll be rooted and snared at this point, and pop speed. Run like the wind, you can get far enough easily. Leap is on a 15s (12 for some) cooldown. It's not spammable. Save your knockback for the second leap. If it takes you more than 30s (24 for some) to kill the sentinel while he's stunned/rooted/knockback/snared and trying to walk to you, you're bad and you should feel bad. The very good ones will counter this, but it'll deal with most. Don't spam everything you have in panic mode, we'll just survive it and bash your head in.
  4. Yeah, combat gets a boost at 40 with Blade Rush, gives an Ataru proc and a blade storm crit evey 12 seconds. Watchman is the easymode pve tree though.
  5. Drin-King

    Bag changes?

    Wow, I suck. Checking the PVP section for a PVP note seems reasonable no? General... My arse.
  6. Drin-King

    Bag changes?

    Werent the bag changes in 1.1.2? Really waiting for those before I (and half my guild) start opening champ bags..
  7. I really want to use Combat. Ataru procs, Blade rush and 100% crit chance on blade storm every 9 seconds. It all seems pretty swell, but for some reason I just can't switch. I'm currently... Watchman ofcourse. I didn't pick Sentinel to do damage over time, and personally I hate this spec, but it's so good at well... everything... that I can't make myself swap. Even Force Exhaustion/Sweep bombing doesn't seem that good compared to what Watchman can do right now. Convince me to swap. Combat or Focus actually, not bothered. One of these played well has to do something better than Watchman... Right?
  8. Wut? Got Kira at about lvl 17, got the next one at 35. Much more often?
  9. Tarded change. Centurion is crappy, purple modded oranges > centurion in most cases. So we'll just get farmed by BM's for longer... Not a good idea BW.
  10. Most of you are bullsh*tting. If a Shadow wants to kill you he will. Saberward? Rebuke? He'll just vanish and wait them out. All you are then is a sentinel with no defensive cooldowns but a self-cc'ing stun and a slow. Not gonna cut it.
  11. Everyone leaves. Why stay, no penalty. Enemy scored first? Leave. Enemy capped two turrets? Leave. Enemy got first door in 90 seconds? Leave. Needs to be at least 20 min penalty on this, you leave you lose all benefits and can't join another till the one you left is over.
  12. Watchman. Interrupt everything. Tank yourself, use Kira for dps. Sacrificing her (She dies too fast) means losing a chunk of dps through the fight. Take medpacs and a Str stim. Interrupt his long cast, it's vital. It's do-able at 24 with every cooldown you have, including the 20 min one.
  13. Watchman without a doubt is the best leveling spec. Focus does great burst, but against Strong mobs you'll find yourself losing a lot of hp while waiting for that burst to cooldown, and combat just straight up lacks till higher levels. Overload saber in Watchman is a godsend, and will be your primary damage dealing for about 20+ levels. Also, small heals from crit burns/zen really helps with the Elite fights.
  14. http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=644087. Take everything this guy says with... Actually, ignore it all. He whines non stop about everything.
  15. How about those bugs when you get 10+ on your side. That rocks. Had that on voidstar once, they didn't get past door one, and we steamrolled them in 3 and half mins on return round.
  16. It's already been said. Get to ~20 and you have enough abilities to do just fine in the 10-49 bracket. I'm leveling two characters through pvp alone, and when they hit 50 they'll be retired and I'll do it again with other classes. Getting farmed by battlemasters? No thanks. Getting to lvl 20 and having an absolute blast in pvp for 29 levels? Yes please.
  17. Find safe space (Voidstar is easy, run back to an old room; Huttball - corner of your pit; ivil war - afk on a side point, or somewhere under mid). Easy credits/valor. I like to alt-tab out and browse while waiting.
  18. Right. Now make a bracket for 10-19, 20-29, 30-39 and 40-49. You know, I'm a lvl 22 sentinel. Sentinel sucks nads at low levels. Check the class forums, it's generally agreed that Sent/Marauder and the other AC, Guardian/Juggernaut, are probably the worst classes right now, PvE and a lot of pvp circumstances. And yet, I played a civil war WZ today, and in it, the empire had a level 20 Marauder and a lvl 21 mercenary. Guess what. I LOVED IT. I'll tell you this right now, I got my assassin medal in a 1v1 agaisnt that marauder, and he got his in a 1v1 against me. These 1v1 fights were fun, dynamic, even, balanced... Did I mention fun? They were fun. The merc didn't 1v1 me, his class seemed to be at a huge disadvantage agaisnt a melee that sticks hard (I'm focus spec, I have two leaps and a lower cooldown on the longest range one, and a long snare). Honestly. That warzone was immense. Sure, I got trained down multiple times. Sure, I tried to 1v1 a 50 and got absolutely murdered. I imagine that marauder and mercenary that I mentioned did too. But when we fought each other, it ROCKED. Sort out some real brackets. Add 3/4 servers to a cluster, and have them share WZ queue if you are concerned about queue times, but damn, if wz were that fun all the time I'd be here forever. Finally, it reminds me of when the game had just launched. No 50's inw z. Infact, no 40's either. Wz's were amazingly fun that first week, and have gone downhill more and more since people get geared. Bolster system.. Great, have it bolster you to x9 in the brackets I mentioned. It'd be FUN.
  19. This 5k hit is a whole spec of talent points. Seriously. It's considered a gimp. You spec this and do something useful, or be useless.
  20. Good luck getting geared. Root Root Snare Stun Stun Knockback Dead. Love me some of dat resolve system. 999/1000? Have a 4s stun.
  21. Tbh, the resource management ruins pvp for me. Trying to smash out your dmg then "Oh, ran out of focus, centering isn't at 30 [Let's face it, it's useless till it is, what a trash mechanic] and combatstance isn't up. Shucks"... *Dead*.
  22. Speak for yourself Jonny Spec-Ed. I'll throw my DoTs around happily, some shocks here and there, few snares, insta-cast whirlwind with attached stun, oh look, my 4 seconds is up.
  23. No joke. See "Extricate", "Force Pull".
  24. 100% Agreed about Voidstar/Civil War. However, Hutball would be 0-0 draws if there was no gate. It'd be impossible to make any progress.
  25. "Tanks" > *Shows Image of Sorc getting 14 medals*
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