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Everything posted by nateslice

  1. Same here, and I'm really enjoying it so far!
  2. I'm playing pretty much pure Shieldtech, myself. The first companion you get is a healer, so Shieldtech's survivability in solo PvE content is impressive.
  3. I'm really enjoying my Shieldtech. With healer Mako as your first companion, outlasting your enemies in solo content is easy. You're tough, and Powertech skills in general are fun, flashy, and effective.
  4. I haven't noticed any sort of nerf; my Queenie feels just as strong as she did before the patch. I haven't done any PvP yet, though, so my perspective may be limited on that count.
  5. I've seen a Bounty Hunter named Dom'ino Harvey on my server. I can't exactly disapprove, to be totally honest. It's a nice homage, IMO.
  6. I used to think Bounty Hunters needed rifles, but with some experience under my belt, I feel they're cooler with pistols. Their skills and animations are just made for pistols, and it really works.
  7. It doesn't get much more heroic than Rocket Punch. Shouryuken!
  8. I'll repost my comment from the "Your BH Name" thread... Queenie. She's got a spray-on tan that'd glow orange in real life, wears way too much eye makeup, and sports a big, shaggy blonde bob haircut. Body Type 2. She makes me laugh, running around Rocket-Punching everything in sight with that look.
  9. It's understandable. Balmorra just sort of has that effect. Edit: I found the next planet, Tatooine, much more engaging. I think Balmorra is just poorly designed, somehow. I'm not sure why, but I just couldn't wait to get off Balmorra.
  10. Queenie. She's got a spray-on tan that'd glow orange in real life, wears way too much eye makeup, and sports a big, shaggy blonde bob haircut. Body Type 2. She makes me laugh, running around Rocket-Punching everything in sight with that look.
  11. Steely Dan, Don't Take Me Alive
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