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Everything posted by gannonmoss

  1. I peed a little when I read this. +10 internetz for hilariousness.
  2. This is an incentive put in place by their customer service department. Unfortunately most casual gamers are... dumb. They do not protect their email, they visit unsafe sites without virus protection and get phished on a regular basis. Their accounts get hacked and are often on the phone with customer service enraged and blaming BioWare because their own incompetence caused a phisher to score an account. By adding a security key incentive, they allow these people to bypass having their account phised and thereby alleviating headaches and customer support man hours dedicated to the 'specials' that play their game.
  3. 0.o They are customized by set designers and writers. People that have the creative license to the series. We are players in that universe. This game is lore centric.
  4. What you are failing to see is the casual gamer dominates the sway of this game. It makes up a massive percentage of their player base. That being said the casual gamer is described as someone who likes/loves to game, but have many responsibilities that hinder amount of play. That player is not going to stand around in a customizable house for fun, RPing. They are going to be advancing the story, leveling crafting and making an effort to reach the end game. Once again, I have said this in other MMO's and will more than likely say it many more times: You pay to play BioWare's game. Not your game. They make decisions and we live with it or we unsub. If you love the game, you accept the features or lack thereof.
  5. They have said in many press releases that while many of their earlier games were targeted at niche crowds, they also recognize the rise of the casual gamer and the need to cater to them, the casual gamer. The day of the niche gamer disappearing is nigh. Because they(casual gamers) are the ones with the money. Again they are in the business of making money, plain and simple.
  6. As has been said before, companies like BioWare are not her to cater to niche players. They are in the business of making money and that means adding meaningful content. This is NOT a sandbox MMO it is lore centric, not about customizing your house. They worked in conjunction with LucasArts to provide a genuine Star Wars experience and this sort of customization does not add to it, it detracts from it. You are also talking about adding features that at this time the game does not support, that means bugs, patches and other things that most people won't care about. Just because it interests you and other SWG vets, it really is not a representation of the public SWTOR community as a whole.
  7. Well actually no. That is not something that keeps subscriptions up. New content, smooth gameplay and gameplay throughput features are what get people signed up and stay. What you are talking about are 'neat' features. Things that are interesting and cool but not necessary to keep subs around. Another problem is that you are a talking more about a sandbox RPG. This is not sandbox. Yes there is some customization, but for the most part it is limited to things that alter the player's appearance. A traditional RPG is one that the player alters the lore of a world, not the world itself. Not only that, adding POH is a nightmare and a half to implement. It is a major development sink that, will yield no real rewards other than people going, 'Huh that's cool' and moving on.
  8. And you are from the traditional, complaining generation? Don't get upset when you get flamed. The weather up on your high horse is always stormy.
  9. These threads are not constructive at all. Because you do not wish to take part in the things that the game has to offer (re-rolling) you abandon the game and feel the need to complain about an MMO not having end-game content a mere 10 days after launch? Of course this game is about early content. I just started playing on the 20th along with many other people. I feel no need to rush, and the game has a lot to offer. This is negativity that offers nothing to the community or BioWare, toward improving their game. This is selfish spouting that is meant to degrade BioWare's reputation unnecessarily.
  10. Windows 7 is for the win. When y'all get around to it, I would like to see a WP7 security app.
  11. Alot of those people are upset because the toaster they play on cannot run the game on high. The rest are the elitist people who understand little to nothing about programming and maintaining a game of this massive scale. To these people if it doesn't look like Crysis; it's crap.
  12. 1) Much like WoW. Kids want to be Alliance because they want to play the hero. I am an adult so I play Empire so that I can avoid that. Nothing against kids but I would much rather game with adults. 2) Evil storylines are typically more varied because the characters have the liberty to be more volatile. They can do something good to set up something much more evil, where as good characters are usually staunch about the ends never justifying dastardly means. Good characters often come off as Vanilla and sterilized. 3) Some people want to feel bada*** the Sith provide this for sure. Also Boba Fett was a fan favorite back in the day and the Bounty Hunter class is rather popular. 4) Darth Revan is a big part of the lore at this time in SW and there is even a 6-7 quest chain that revolves around him pretty heavily. 5) Many people I think are curious to see how the other half lives, even if it is a bit sadistic.
  13. Yea take into account that many people took part in the early access and many did not. I started at launch and have two level 20 characters. There are many people trying all of the classes on one side to get a feel for what they like. I would probably level another char, because you probably won't see endgame junkies for another month or so. Give it time, that player base will catch up to you
  14. I think purple recipes are nice, but you are right it takes forever to get them. Unless you are power leveling your crafting well above your current level, it is really not worthwhile to try and farm for purple recipes. You will out-level them soon and believe me that is much more upsetting when you set foot on the next planet and your first quest reward is a green item that immediately replaces your long awaited purple. I am power leveling my crafting when I can so that when I hit the minimum usage level I can get the most out of the gear. I hope this saves you some sanity. Leveling professions is a great thing to do when you have to clean the house or can't be at your comp constantly.
  15. You need to make contact with Asus support. This is almost always two things after a hardware upgrade: A) You have a bad stick of RAM, not sure what brand you got but this is not unusual for the most part. B) (More Likely) Your RAM is not compatible with your machine. Even if it is declared compatible, there may be things that even the computer make did not see. Google the RAM with your comp model number and see if you can find forum postings about this issue. Also update video drivers etc. If A and B yield no results: Put in a customer support ticket and be sure to include your dxdiag.exe report, the nature of the problem to your best ability and any recent hardware changes to your computer. The more descriptive the better. http://www.swtor.com/support/form
  16. This cracks me up. We are barely past the first bug patch, only 9 days after launch and people are squawking that the game doesn't have this and that. Give them a break, they aren't ignoring you they have bigger fish to fry other than catering to the MINORITY RP crowd. The majority of people that play MMO's PvP, then it's PvE and lastly the small minority is RPers. Give it a rest, and let them catch up to the launch problems first. This is a normal part of game development and release. They don't catch everything in beta and also have content release deadlines to make as well. Plus with 1 million new billing accounts, BioWare is working in overdrive to get everything straight. It is a new area for them, let them settle in the product thus far has been great. And before you go defaming the character of Americans, try not to act so arrogant OP. It is offensive and makes you seem like the impatient one. Please respect us so that you don't get flamed by the vast majority of the forum-goers here.
  17. From more of a consumer standpoint, I use HDMI because A) I have a 1080p 55" TV (with 5.1 SS) and SWTOR is epic on it. B) The digital sound is fantastic. C) I have a 550 Ti, so why restrict it by giving it a sub-par imaging device to play around on?
  18. I do not. They are a software company and their number one, collective priority should be supplying a engaging game experience. If they forgot to put it in as an oversight, then who cares that is no reflection on the upcoming content in-game. This thread is quickly devolving.
  19. This isn't how the company works. It is not a top priority. There may be every single community manager screaming at the Bioware board meetings that we want a search function and it doesn't matter because each and every day they have to wake up with managing server queues, massive waves of bug fixes and literally hundreds of thousands of new billing agreements. I would rather be able to access the game and play with little to no bugs, not have a search function that takes developers time and requires the website being down for even more often that it is anyhow.
  20. It is four days past launch and this is all you have to complain about? To me it sounds like Bioware is doing their job pretty dang well.
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