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Everything posted by s_w_sanders

  1. I don't think i've ever had affection go down once it's reached 10,000, but I haven't checked in a while but maybe it does.
  2. This happens all the time, plus people will run up and take the objective you're fighting enemies over too. There's really nothing you can do about it.
  3. Actually in the cyborg legacy character creation implants there are eye implants that look like the old john lennon sunglasses. They are only available if you've unlocked cyborg legacy (getting a cyborg to finish chapter 3).
  4. I've always managed to get around the cats and not have to fight them from both imperial and republic side. If anything wait for someone else to fight it and then go.
  5. I like this because I would love for assualt cannon to be useable, and it would make sense making the classes more equal.
  6. This thread is exactly the problem with these forums, someone doesn't like something that isn't in the majority they get told go play something else. If everyone who didn't like something go and played something else there would be no game, try to see it from their perspective, and see it can be annoying. As for the guy asking for a free vacinne if you're on Jedi Covenant i''ll send you one pm me your character name. Honestly if I was trying to infect people and accidently infected a low level player i'd buy them a vaccine and send it to them. Once again 2000 credits is nothing, and it's the least I could do to be a good and friendly player in the community.
  7. The only problem I see with this, and I love the idea, is some high level people running around infecting a bunch of low level's for fun. It would have to turn you into a certain power level or something to even out for everyone.
  8. I like the event but can see your point. I was just talking about this with my brother today, and we agree it would be irritating if you were trying to do alderaan storywise, or getting infected on the fleet and being a low lvl. It really wasn't thought through that well. There should be a quarentine for anyone trying to leave alderaan who has the plague, maybe they can put that in next time.
  9. I love Treek, she is awesome. A murdering ewok is always cool. Also with Treek (fun fact before I get to the suggestion) the story of how she got there is the same on both imperial and republic sides but she tells it differently depending on which side you're on. Yes there should be a confirmation on buying her.
  10. It's disney's call and disney is smart enough to know to do it in one of their movies, or one of their comics not some video game.
  11. I hate to ruin storylines for people but not all bounty hunters are mandolorian's. You find this out at the end of chapter 1. I don't know how to use the spoiler tags, so someone else can do that if they want.
  12. A lot of lootable purple items aren't craftable, and i'm not sure why. I want some of these to be reverse researched but on the other hand it would be a big risk because of the percentage to get learn. Also people would be complaining that they're not learning them as fast as they want.
  13. I like this but am not sure about it. The reason i'm not sure if it should be implemented is because underworld trading, treasure hunting, and two others all offer companion gift missions. Then again it would be nice to be able to craft companion gifts (really special ones) but i'm not sure.
  14. I recently used a 60 day card (got it for a christmas present) and got the 500 cc's.
  15. I was expecting that it was some comical list about getting too old to play video games, not a serious look at how getting older affects us. Any one who has kids or is around young kids (I have a 3 year old nephew) realizes that as you get older your imagination goes and so does fun level with it. Wow that sentence just depressed me.
  16. type /played in game it will tell you how much time you've played that toon.
  17. Here are a list of categories you can also include but not limited to: [*]Best looking male: Vector hands down [*]Best looking female: Dorne [*]Best looking alien companion: Blizz [*]Worse looking companion: Khem Val [*]Customisation that made the biggest improvement: any on Mako [*]Worse customisation: The one that makes Corso black because the voice doesn't fit the look [*]Scariest Companion: Darkside Jaesa [*]Cutest Companion: Treek [*]Most Dangerous companion: dark side Jaesa (because of unpredictability) [*]Most likely to be bisexual or go full on gay male: Aric Jorgan (kind of a ancient spartan type thing) [*]Most likely to be bisexual or go full on gay female: Kaliyo [*]Most excited about acquiring companion: Blizz [*]Least desired companion to tag along: Skadge/Yuun [*]Companion most warmed up to after getting: Gault
  18. It looks like a more armored version of the jedi robe, so make it adaptive and I could see jedi's, siths, IA's, and maybe even smugglers getting it. I agree add it it could make some money.
  19. I might just start dieing to die, that way I can brag about my high tally.
  20. I swear with my first character I died twice a day while playing. With later characters it would definitly be a lot lower. It would be interesting to look up though.
  21. I will give you doc, but I don't have Guss yet so i'm counting Corso as jar jar because like Jar Jar he's completely incompetent. The troopers is not Tanno it's definitly the droid, he is hilarious. Blizz is hilarious. The Sith Warrior has dark side Jaesa who is hilarious in her puppy kicking evil. If you went light side then you just have vette's sarcasm (sucks to be you). Imperial agent has Kaliyo who can be funny, but scorpio can be hilarious in conversations. That's all i've played and got all the companions, but if you're looking for outright hilarity darkside Jaesa takes the cake.
  22. I love orbital strike (haven't used legacy orbital strike yet so I don't know how good it is) it's great for tough fights and should not be changed unless you just increase cooldown time (the little amount I need it the time could be doubled). As for people using it in pvp, they could always just walk outside the strike zone as you should with any move you can walk outside the strike zone for.
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