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Everything posted by Vulgarr

  1. if you are arsenal and havent noticed the change to rail shot since 1.2 you are confusing railshot with tracer missile.
  2. ummm NO. from the tooltip: Rail shot: only usable on incapacitated targets or targets suffering from periodic damage. you are talking about HEATSEAKER. and you can use HEATSEAKER WITHOUT a heat signature, heat signatures only increase the DAMAGE. really. what level bounty hunter are you again?
  3. i have always been arsenal. they screwed up arsenal in 1.2 things they screwed up: 1. we can no longer use rail shot on targets that have been snared (the whole purpose of taking the unload causes a two second snare on opponent talent. 2. the only abilities we have as asrsenal that we can actually use railshot are fusion missile which has a 30 second cooldown and elctro dart, which has a 1 minute cooldown. so now we absolutely HAVE to use combustible gas cylinder, to be able to use railshot. THIS MAKES IT WAY TO RANDOM TO HAVE TO RELY ON. (10 percent chance to cause a dot, screws up the rotation.) 3. heatseaker missile is NOT accounting for ANY heat signatures. 4. they nerfed the damage to ALL our main abilities (tracer missile, unload, heatseaker, railshot) in warzones, arsenal bounty hunters have ALWAYS have been middle of the road in DPS. I was in full BM gear pre 1.2 and NEVER was in the top 3 to 5 overall DPS. never saw over 200k dps. while other classes were getting 300k to 500k easily. the purpose of using arsenal WAS NOT for overall dps. it has always been for BURST. now its too random to rely on. and they completely took our burst away by nerfing all our main burst abilities.
  4. FOR ARSENAL NOW the only time you can use rail shot is on an incapacitated target or a target with a dot on it. period. it no longer works with "target must have a movement imparing effect". thats why arsenal is broke now. easier to understand?
  5. has anyone else noticed that UNLOAD doesnt actually do any damage until the end of the animation? the past couple of weeks i have noticed that if i get stunned or interuppted before the 2 second mark after the casting animation begins unload does NO DAMAGE on my opponent and it blows the cooldown anyway.
  6. this. or a completely different game. pandas and pokemon might not be such a bad idea since they broke my arsenal BH main.
  7. arsenal now must use CGC or the only ability you can rely on for rail shot now is electro dart or the 14 second cooldown dot missile. they took the ability for unload to proc rail out. another why arsenal is completely useless now.
  8. agreed. before 1.2 i felt my bh was on a level playing field, sure the rotation was super simple (tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, unload, rail shot, heat seeker) but we had some survivalablity, and our dps was right where it should be. as arsenal we NEVER topped the charts. we had good burst and overall dps in a warzone we were always in the middle. now we have no real burst dps, always lowest dps overall after a warzone (even if we are in full BM gear and have absolutely no survivability. its just not fun playing an arsenal BH. i cant believe they listened to the bads that said mercs were OP because of tracer spam. arsenal is my main. i played a couple of warzones last night, didnt have fun. if i wasnt being killed in 4 hits i was stunned constantly, i have never seen my resolve bar work since its implementation in huttball. once it gets full it stays full, and i am not immune to CC. they "fixed" our abilities to where we are completely useless as a dps in pvp. at the moment my subscription is getting ready to be canceled until they do something to make arsenal BH fun again.
  9. i never liked the lockout BS mmos have used to draw out the content. call me crazy, but i would like the ability to run a dungeon/raid 24/7 if i wanted to. i enjoy grinding. i thought star wars would get away from the lockout model and go back to the old days of mmos where if you wanted to gear up in a day or 2 by grinding 24/7 you could. the lockouts were one of the reasons i quit wow, in the end it got too rediculous. in pvp you used valor points to buy gear that capped after a certain amount. it took 3 weeks of capping (which only took 20 minutes at most) to buy your weapon. the more i play this game after this last patch, the more i see im not having fun. im giving the devs a week or 2 to fix what they have broke ( the bad design decisions they made with my main- seriously arsenal BH sucks now- NOT FUN AT ALL). i cant wait for guild wars. hopefully they dont make these mistakes, but i know they will.
  10. yeah, they totally broke us. and i dont know why? yeah we had to tracer spam, but they programmed us that way. have to get 5 stacks to get the full potential of heatseaker, rail and our shield buff. now we are pretty useless. ill give them a couple of days to see the error they made, if they dont fix it, they lose my money.
  11. yeah, i have given this patch a week and im not having fun at all on my bounty hunter now. 1. they made us weaker somehow in pvp. people are killing me in my full BM set in 4 hits. sometimes 3. 2. they killed our dps and broke some abilities. (heatseaker missile) 3. all classes companions are glitched to whenever you mount, or die, or load into a different area their equipments stats are not registering and you have to unequip all of their inventory and reequip everything to fix it. every single time. 4. GTN glitch. 5. they killed ilum (before 1.2) 6. postponed rated warzones. 7. still havent optimized the engine for better framerates. im fed up. im going to give it a few more days, but after this week if they dont get their **** together, im out. ill wait for GW2. this patch was horrible, wasnt looking forward to anything they were adding really, and i was very happy with my BH in a pvp environment before 1.2. it didnt feel OP or underpowered, it felt just right, felt like a level playing field. and as far as arsenal goes, they changed rail shot from being able to use it randomly after using unload to only able to use it while someone is incapacitated or under the influence of the only dot arsenal has that has has a cast time and huge heat cost. hope they do something before the weeks out, but as it is now theres way too much they have changed.
  12. More recently, refresh rates of 120Hz, 240Hz, and even 480Hz are advertised. To achieve these refresh rates, televisions do not have super-powered processors, rather they have engineered software that interpolates motion. Motion interpolation software takes information from frame A, and frame B, and averages the brightness and color coordinates in each frame to create a third frame between the two. The television creates new pictures and inserts them between frames to add smoothness to your picture. source: http://www.televisioninfo.com/News/Cleaning-up-the-Soap-Opera-Effect-Motion-Interpolation-and-why-480Hz-looks-terrible-on-your-new-TV.htm i was given 3 wishes, my first wish i wished for an MMO that plays like crap no matter the hardware. my second wish was to have fanboys lie and spread misinformation about the mmo and things they think they know everything about. my 3rd wish was for my magical 50 inch 3d led 240 mhz tv that magically makes frames to run at 240fps. that was from the leprachaun that lives in my couch. i still havent used up the genie that lives in my remote. saving him for guild wars 2.
  13. http://boallen.com/fps-compare.html check the link if you think you cannot tell a difference between 15, 30, or 60 fps.
  14. these "experts" in this thread arent as "experty" as they thought they were.
  15. it generates the same picture (frame) into the sequence until it matches the hz of the tv monitor.
  16. Motion interpolation is used in various display devices such as HDTVs and video players, aimed at alleviating the video artifacts introduced by framerate conversions in fixed-framerate displays such as LCD TVs. Films are recorded at a frame rate of 24 frames per second (frame/s) and television is typically filmed at 25, 50, 30 or 60 frames per second (the first two being PAL, the other two from NTSC). Normally, when a fixed framerate display such as an LCD screen is used to display a video source whose framerate is less than that of the screen, frames are often simply duplicated as necessary until the timing of the video is matched to that of the screen, which may introduce a visual artifact known as judder, perceived as "jumpiness" in the picture. Motion interpolation intends to remedy this by generating intermediate frames that make animation more fluid While common, not all 120 Hz HDTVs include a motion interpolation feature. Also, anti judder technology is not the same as motion blur reducing technology, but is frequently lumped together with it.[1] The commercial name given to motion interpolation technology varies across manufacturers, as does its implementation. SOAP OPERA EFFECT The "video" look is a byproduct of the perceived increase in framerate due to the interpolation and is commonly referred to as the "Soap Opera Effect" after the way those shows looked, having been shot on cheaper 30 fps video instead of regular broadcast equipment or film.[16] Some complain that the effect ruins the theatrical look of cinematic movies.[10] Others appreciate motion interpolation as it reduces motion blur produced by camera pans and shaky cameras and thus yields better clarity of such images. For this reason, almost all manufacturers have built in an option to turn the feature off. The soap opera effect can also be known as "Judder adjustment" or "Judder Removal"[17] This "video look" is created deliberately by the VidFIRE technique to restore archive television programs that only survive as film telerecordings.[18] my tv is magic. leperachauns hide in my couch, a genie is in my remote. i still get 240 fps.
  17. all i said was my tv can do 240 fps without screen tearing. it adds frames to make the picture more fluid. my point was you can see a difference, and when the TV does the upscale for movies it looks fake, but when it does it in a videogame it looks smoother.
  18. well you did say i wasnt getting 240fps on a 240 hz tv.
  19. are people from nasa really trolling the boards here? because you have to work at nasa and be using one of their super computers to be getting 80 fps in any warzone in this game, unless you are staring at a wall. check my signature to see what my rig pulls in warzones. my rigs specs: EVGA SR2 Classified mobo gtx580sc 797 mhz 12gigs Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1600mhz ram Intel Xeon E5620 2.4 ghz cpu OC to 3.4 ghz 2x WD Caviar Blue 7200 rpm HDD Intel 80g SSD (boot drive, SWTOR installed) 1500w silverstone psu. im in the process of adding some more videos of crappy fps in this game to youtube. i showed you mine (video), now please show me yours. (pics or video) some video please or let fraps consantly take pics every 10 secs while you do a warzone. no bullshots pls.
  20. the processing is done inside the tv. as i posted above.
  21. videogames and movies are 2 completely different things. i have a 50 inch 3d led 240hz tv. i can plug my pc into it and get 240 frames per second without screen tearing. in a movie if its not 3d and you turn on the option for the tv to process and add frames to make it 240 fps it looks fake. (soap opera effect). it looks too perfect. way too fluid in motion. very noticable. in a game where everything already looks fake your brain doesnt notice the difference in the fakeness, you do however notice the smoothness/fluidity.
  22. if we keep talking about it, its in biowares best interest to fix the problem otherwise lurkers that come here checking out the forums thinking about subscribing will see our discussions of the crap performance and will not subscribe. if we dont talk about it, why would bioware fix it?
  23. you can download HWmonitor and monitor the temperatures of everything in your rig, see fan speeds, voltages. its a handy thing to have.
  24. a quad core 2.4 ghz processor, stock clocked, isnt going to bottleneck on the most powerful card out right now. the only time the graphics cards get bottlenecked is in a crossfire/sli setup or running at a resolution higher than 1080p. this has been proven numerous times in gpu reviews on sites like toms hardware. you should check it out sometime.
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