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Posts posted by SinisterWarlock

  1. I actually agree with the OP. All he means is you still have to earn the same amount of valor, just that it is distributed on a curve instead of a fairly flat line to 50 and then some massive steep slope to 60.


    Its not making it any easier to get to 60, just a little more rewarding since gaining ranks is more evenly distributed and making ranks 57 - 60 a lot less tedious.


    If I had ground out to 50 and then realised what happens 51 - 60 I would be a little annoyed.


    Well done you for seeing my point. Most of the posters here lack your understanding it would seem, which is sad, these forums really are a *****hole.

  2. No its not, because after 60 you still could get 14 relic tokens in a row and never get the full battlemaster gear. You can't even buy battlemaster bags, you can only obtain them via daily/weekly quests, afaik.


    You could, but i don't think so, I had almost every single piece i needed handed to me on a silver platter. The first 7 pieces I got i needed, no repeats of a piece. I've only ever had a few repeats and most were after i'd completed the set.

  3. Can I have some of whatever drugs you are on?


    They do give out PVP gear like candy, more than any other game I have EVER played. More so than WoW or any other MMO.


    I had 4 champion pieces a few hours after hitting 50. I have almost all champion gear now at valor rank 55.


    It's not just me either all of my guild mates who PVP have just as much gear, some more. Yeah sure there are some unlucky people out there, but it seems the vast majority are literally swimming in unassembled items. Some guy on my server is valor rank 20 something and has 8 pieces of champion gear. =/


    The battlemaster (rank 60) gear isn't even a big upgrade over champion. It's like 4-5 endurance 4-5 willpower etc. It's nowhere near the jump that cent to champ is.


    Yes, i had several pieces of my champion set a few hours after reaching 50. I had enough medals to buy 5 champion bags saved up, plus a bag already in my inventory, plus the weekly and daily quest, i was practically fully champion pvp geared on the day I hit 50. Within a week I had the full champion set.


    It'll be the same with battlemaster gear too, the person needs to do is reach rank 60, and then the gear will be flowing for them.

  4. Big deal. You just defined an MMO, you know a SUBSCRIPTION based game. It's supposed to take forever.


    You're right, i defined AN mmo, this one. All the others i've played that use a linear leveling system allow you to calculate your leveling requirements based on a simple calculation that you need something like 20-30% more experience than your current level to reach the next, and it's like that for every level.

  5. Maybe they just wanted it to be easier for people to get the Champion title. Are you really that angry that they did what you think is a bait-and-switch?


    How else do you draw the line on who gets T3 PvP gear and who gets T2 since there's no rated system yet?


    You don't need to be champion rank to get champion gear, you just need to be level 50 and within 1 week of reaching level 50 you can have a full champion gear set with some luck, or nothing if you luck goes against you. Gearing up in pvp is all about lucky dip bags.

  6. I have to disaggree with the OP too.


    High valor PVP gear should have to be earned and not given away. Hell, below 50 I can earn a valor rank about once or twice a day. With the OP's current line of thinking that would mean that to reach level 65 would require less than 4 weeks of steady playing.


    Four weeks to meet the requirement for full pvp gear ... yeah talk about a game killer. Especially with no brackets in place and those level 50s then get to truly dominate in the warzones (not that they aren't already).


    Making it even easier to get this gear for them would just be adding salt to the wound.


    Well bad luck to you, because high rank pvp gear IS given away, champion gear is given away like free water, all you need to do is get lucky wth the bag opening lotto. It only takes a small amount of time per day to acquire the bags from the daily and weekly quests.


    Battlemaster gear is given away easily too, once you have rank 60, you have to begin playing the bag lotto game, which just means doing some very simple daily and weekly quests for a small amount of time and with some luck, you can have a full set in a week or two.

  7. I must say i tihnk your pathetic, the game has been out a couple of weeks and your unhappy that its a takes a bit of time to get to top rank?


    Woud you rather it took you 1 week, then youll just have nohting else to do, whats is the harm in it taking a while.


    You must be young or just have a poor attitude in general, for some reason society has bred pepole want things easy and quick these days.


    your not going to get any sympathy here.


    I'm pathetic for not wanting to waste so much of my time on a game? People really have a strange defintion of pathetic these days.

  8. I see many people fail to understand the point.


    The valor gained per rank is set to 100 per level for 50 levels, this is to string the player along, making something appear eaiser to acquire than it really is.


    The higher ranks take longer? No ****! They should have scaled it like they do leveling 1-50, and like most games do, the amount required for the next level is something like 20-30% more than the previous level, that way you know what you're getting yourself into, you can calculate the future leveling costs.


    Instead, they randomnly change the leveling costs at rank 51, to be about 4000% more per level than you expected it to be. That's plain bad game design.

  9. That's not so bad, especially if you take into account that from level 50 on you can get a buff from ilum that increases your valor gains.

    I just hope it will be quickly fixed so that said buff can be obtained by actually fighting for it instead of win trading.


    The ilum valor buff is bugged, it does nothing to increase valor gains in warzones, and valor gains in ilum pvp are so small that warzones are better.

  10. I was planning to get to valor rank 60, to get the battlemaster gear, it was a tough choice, i really didn't know if i wanted to do all those warzones, but i decided it would be worth it in the end.


    As soon as I got to valor rank 51 I had a nasty surprise. The carrot on the stick was suddenly no longer on a stick, moreso across the atlantic and on another country.


    Valor ranks 1-50 increment in a linear fashion, about 100 more valor per level than the last, so by time you're rank 50 you require about 10k valor per level.


    At rank 51, totally out of the blue, it now increments by 4k valor per level. You'll need to gain in valor to reach the following ranks:


    52: 13.7k

    53: 17k

    53: 21k

    54: 25k

    55: 29k

    56: 33k

    57: 37k

    58: 41k

    59: 44k

    60: 48k


    Rank 57-60 will take you as long as you spent doing ranks 1-40, or ranks 40-50.


    I unsubbed from the game after finding this out. I don't think it's very good to accustom the player that valor ranks go up in a linear fashion and then suddenly turn it into an epic grind AFTER you've already put in the effort to get to rank 50. Do they think the player will just accept it anyway since they already put in the effort to get to valor 50? Not this player. /unsub

  11. Until rank 51, the amount of valor needed per level only increases by 100 per level, once you get to rank 51, suddenly it jumps from 10k valor for the next level to almost 14k valor.


    Can anyone confirm if it goes back to just 100 per level for the 52-60 or does it keep going up 3-4k for the next level? Example level 52 is 13.6k valor, level 53 is 17k valor, level 54 is 21k valor, an extra 3-4k valor added onto the previous level?

  12. Normally the amount of valor needed for the next level goes up by 100 per level, i thought this was pretty cool.


    Then i hit rank 51 valor, and suddenly each level from this point on requires close to 4k more valor than the previous level.


    What this means is you need 10k valor to reach valor rank 51 from 50, but you'll need close to 40k valor to reach valor rank 60 from 59.


    You need valor rank 60 before you can start acquiring battlemaster gear.


    This just turned into a korean grindfest.

  13. You contradict yourself. Once you discover the one specific schematic (for which the chances really are small), you will be able to craft an infinite amount of armour with them, not just for yourself. Rarity for one-time expenses is not significant in terms of cost, it is merely a factor governing supply.


    Once you get your schematic, remember that everyone has to do the same. That means that very few crafters will bother with it, allowing you to get better profits from the items. That's the joy of the free market, it compensates in regards to supply and demand. If you complain the supply is hard, it just means there is more profit in it.


    And yes, I've had my share of absurd amount of RE failures. And getting Leadership purples.


    You talk like once its made it becomes the ultimate money maker, which goes to show you know nothing of what you speak. Most people won't buy the stuff because they'll use either pvp gear or raid gear. Crafted gear also has lower endurance and primary stat than other gear.


    I made a seriously sick earring with 70 surge, 30+ crit and power, guess what, no market interest in it atall, and this is on a packed server. I can't sell it for much profit, better to not waste time crafting it.

  14. You think crafting is broken and unrewarding because you personally haven't been able to randomly get a schematic for a particular stat that you want? If you want surge that badly, why not get an orange or other moddable item an put a surge enhancement in it?


    Yes, why not do that, they should just remove crafting altogether. Stats like presence and shield absorb are useless to most, and when the 1% gives one of those two stats the majority of the time, *** is the point in even trying?


    Except i'm not just making these for me, i'd like to sell them too. You think a crafter should do all of this just to craft one piece of gear for himself?

  15. I'm at 400+ on RE lvl 49 blue bracers, in an attempt to get a purple schematic with a decent dps stat like surge or something. So far i've 5 of my attempts yield a schematic, first a shield absorb one, then a presence one, then the following 3 were all "you already know that schematic" so obviously were absorb or presence again.


    You have a 1% chance for a lvl 49 blue armor slot item to goto purple, and then there's 5 different stats it could get, so you could get a crap one, also, when you get a purple, you can get it again, so with average luck you're looking at 500 crafts of a blue lvl 49 item to get the stat you want. With bad luck, you're looking at thousands of crafts.


    The blue item i have to make for this costs about 4k per craft, so i've already wasted over a million on this. Yes i got the shield absorb and presence stat purple crit, but nobody will want to buy that, the item already has crit on it, now it needs surge or accuracy or something.




    Crafting is broken and unrewarding.

  16. It can be a frustrating system. For every unlucky person such as yourself, someone like me was a jammy git. Yesterday I got the purple guardian armoring 21 and 22 from REing a total of only 4 blues.


    I've also been doing some REing on earpieces to get tanking ones. I haven't tried for purple yet, but I'm getting the 'redoubt' improvement on over half the blue schematics I've obtained.


    Mods are known to be easy RE, actual gear is not.

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