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Posts posted by SinisterWarlock

  1. Among all of the people harassing you for no apparent reason, I really have to ask why you unsubbed because of this. I get that you're upset about the progression, but the top valor ranks should take longer to reach. People are already Valor 60, so it's certainly not impossible. I'd rather they make these things take some significant time. MMO's are supposed to take time. If the game is too fast, everyone quits before new content is developed because there's nothing left to do.


    I definitely don't want to be level 50, valor 60 with maxed out PvP gear a month into my experience playing the game. What else am I supposed to do then? Just make alts? Troll battlegrounds? The levelling curve for secondary objectives (valor, for instance) definitely should be steeper as the game becomes pointless if everyone can have instant satisfaction; and a month in MMO terms is near instant. If it's made too easy, then you're barely two months into release of a game and everyone - even the casuals - are L50/V60. There's no differentiation and nothing more to accomplish. These things need to take a longer time to achieve, not shorter. At least this way I have something to spend time working towards while they develop the first round of new content.


    If you were valor 60 now and had all the best gear, how long do you think you could keep PvP'ing before you realized that you're no longer working towards anything? May as well go play an FPS at that point. The primary goal of an MMO is to keep players perpetually working towards something new. If there's nothing new to work towards, boom, game is finished. This is why people tend to leave new MMO's in droves after the first month or two. You'll inevitably have the population that powers through all of the content too fast for developers to implement new things to do, then they complain that the end game is stagnant and cancel.


    TL;DR Going through levels and valor ranks should take longer than it does now. Making things too easy ruins the pacing and purpose of an MMO.


    As i said in the first post, i made a decision on if to go for battlemaster gear or not, based on the rate of valor per level, i decided to go for it, but this wasn't an easy decision, i almost said "screw it i won't bother".


    So then when i hit rank 51 and saw the grind just got 3 or 4 times longer, that "almost" became a "screw it".

  2. A) It's not hard to do that much damage.


    B) You are likely fighting a bunch of level 10-40s most of the time as the rest of us 50s are. It's not a challenge.


    C) You are a keyboard turning clicker, anyone who has played MMOs for more than 5 minutes would call you bad. The fact that you are a clicker is bad in and of itself. It doesn't matter what you do or say, you are a clicker.


    300k damage is nothing special, but 300k damage and 300k healing in the same warzone is a bit different, but yeah, you ignored that little important fact didn't you.


    I play on the most populated euro server and believe me there's a lot of rank 40 and 50 valor lvl 50 pvp geared people to go up against.


    Ever seen that program from Stan Lee on people with super human skills? I'm not saying that's me, but i'm using it as an example, people can become extremely skilled at certain things given enough practice, or in some cases they just work differently to other people.

  3. Because it's easy to get medals and has nothing to do with how good you are?


    What about the 300k healing and 300k dmg I reguarly do then in each warzone? The high objectives scored, the low number of deaths, getting the most MVP votes, what's your reasoning behind those?


    Come on, i want to hear what total ******** you're going to spout.#


    While you're at it, link us some of your matches, a lot of people talk a big game in this thread, but it's all talk, they show no stats.

  4. You have like 4 skills keybound. I have 32 distinct keybinds that I use on a regular basis in PVP. You are bad.


    P.S. Valor rank 60 doesn't take much time at all stop being a baby.


    I have 9 skills bound to number keys. So many people are so full of ****. And yeah i'm bad, i must suck, how else would I get constant 9-11 medals, 3-4 MVP votes and be the deciding factor on our teams wins. Oh i forgot, it the class i play, all BH are OP and all teams with a BH always win.

  5. You have no keybinds, it's pretty much impossible for you to fight at the same efficiency as someone who does.


    Meaning it is physically impossible for you to mouse turn and click an ability on your bar at the same time. This means non clickers will run circles around you in PVP.


    Half of your bars are completely empty as well.


    If you are a clicker you either keyboard turn or you just stand there looking like an idiot while melee run circles around you. You are the type of player I can back stab while you are fighting me. I.E. I run around behind you and backstab you while you keyboard turn in a circle trying to click tracer missile.


    Except my primary skills are on the number keys, so i can mouse turn and use those skills to attack you or heal myself while you run circles around me. Also, no matter what you will run circles around me because your skills have no activation timer as a melee whereas mine require me to stand still and wait for the activation timer.


    Bounty hunter has hardly any instant use skills and the ones that are instant use require you to remain still to complete the channel.


    Result, you won't see a BH merc dancing around with people much because if they are moving they are not using any skills.

  6. Not agreeing with you is not comprehension failure. xD It shouldn't be percent based. That's like saying the amount of xp required to get from level 1 to level 2 should be the same as it is between level 49 to 50. Just because you don't want to take the time to grind it out.


    You talk about skill, but natural skill only takes you so far in anything. Unless you're some type of prodigy (and trust me, you're not), you have to sink some major time into whatever you're doing to become good at something. Therefore, rushing to valor level 60 is meaningless. You just want to get better gear faster than everyone else so you have a crutch to lean on until other people catch up. The problem with that is that everyone and their mom is going to have the same gear meaning you're still going to have to put in major time to be better than them. In the end, it's better to be constantly working towards something than to have it instantly. Although it doesn't matter in your case because if you weren't crying about this you'd be crying about already being valor rank 60 and the game not having enough content.


    No it's not. Example, level 1, to 2, takes 100 valor, from then on it's a 30% increase per level.


    level 1 100 valor

    level 2 130 valor

    level 3 169 valor

    level 4 219 valor

    level 5 284 valor

    level 6 369 valor

    level 7 479 valor

    level 8 662 valor

    level 9 860 valor

    level 10 1118 valor


    This is just an example, and the percent is probably not the right amount.


    Level 58 to 59 might be 30,000 valor, level 59-60 would then be 40,000 valor.


    Level 59-60 is definetly not the same as level 1 to 2. Again, failing to understand simple things put in front of them.

  7. Silly american, thinking most people only speak 1 language







    The 10 most common first languages, and number of speakers:


    Mandarin Chinese, 885 million. Spanish, 332 million. English, 322 million. Arabic, 220 million. Bengali, 189 million. Hindi, 182 million. Portuguese, 170 million. Russian, 170 million. Japanese, 125 million. German, 98 million. Percentage of world's languages of Asian origin: 32 Percentage of world's languages of African origin: 30 Percentage of world's languages of Pacific origin: 19 Percentage of world's languages of American origin: 15 Percentage of world's languages of European origin: 4 Percentage of world's children raised as bilingual speakers: 66 percent. Percentage of U.S. residents who are bilingual: 6.3 percent.




    I'm not american, not do i live anywhere near America. Also, anyone who thinks america uses their own language is a tool.

  8. People like the OP can't comprehend ideas like this. They don't understand the time to create something is always a significantly longer process than going through and experiencing the end product. Whether it be a book, movie, song, game, etc...


    You fail to comprehend my simple request. That valor per level should have been more from the start, instead of a set 100 per level, it should have been something like 20-30%, so the player is not given the false impression that rank 60 is easier to reach than it really is. The total time to reach rank 60 would still be the same as it is now, but it would be spread more evenly over levels 1-60.


    The latter levels would still be slow, but nobody would be met by an expected 4000% increase in valor requirement per level upon hitting valor 51.


    I know there's too much logic in this post, so it will be ignored, or trolled.

  9. So what you're saying is that you cant turn while casting an ability then. Pro skills.


    My major abilites are on the number keys, so yeah, i can.


    I *********** laugh my head off at people talking about "skills" in a select your target and fire mmorpg. There's little skill to be had, go play with an fps if you want to talk gaming skills.


    While you're at it, let's see some of your warzone stats screeshots, none of you have provided any evidence to try to show up my stats, i wonder why that is?

  10. I use the mouse to move. So while you are keyboard turning and trying to click your abilities I am killing you.


    I'm not going to touch the FPS strawman you threw in there.


    Keyboard turning? Didn't you know you can turn, or turn and move at the same time in any combination by holding the right mouse button?


    Is it too hard for you to grasp the idea that somebody could do this and use their abilities with both the mouse and keyboard at the same time?


    Don't even try to put down someone elses playstyle, paticuarly if that player is a good player, you will lose the argument every time.


    Nobody gives a **** what your playstyle is, at least they shouldn't, only if you're a good player, or a bad player.

  11. Yeah, that looks a lot more like it should, thanks.


    Still, too many bad players playing BH spamming missiles all day long. It's really much too effective considering it's just the same skill over and over.


    I am a healing specced BH, i don't even use missiles, apart from the occasional death from above.


    He also has all the cylinders in there, which is pointless because each spec will only use one cylinder. Also, he has some other near useless skills that i don't even bother to put in my bar.


    That's the only difference between my bar and his.


    Not every skill is useful, there are many that are a total waste of a bar slot, better to just keep that slot empty.


    So much major fail on these forums.

  12. You mean to tell me that you open up your skill book, find the ability you want and click it? Oh god....


    Why would I need to open skills? I have over 40 abilities on my hotbars, or are you blind to the fact that I have 4 hotbars?


    I have the skills I use the most on my number keys so I can use keypresses to activate those, the rest of my abilities I use mouseclick for.

  13. I always knew BH were ridiculously overpowered and easy to play. This is proof.


    Every mmorpg I play somehow the class or spec I made is overpowered, so this isn't really proof, unless I have some special knack to pick faceroll classes, but when you add classless sandbox games to my list, suddenly it doesn't make so much sense.


    Maybe i'm just a good player? NO IT COULDN'T BE SO! It must be the class i picked, yes, that's all it is.


    Keep telling yourselves that.

  14. You should unsub from life because you'll find most things don't really follow linear patterns. I mean, we would have been able to see these things coming:


    1. Current recession

    2. President Bush

    3. President Bush

    4. Kerry Katona

    5. What microwave food really tastes like

    6. Kim Kardashian ... or the whole family for that matter

    7. The whole football vs soccer thing

    8. Microsoft's failure to build a decent kernel

    9. Every bug in TOR

    10. Siege combat in AoC

    11. RMP

    12. The floods in Thailand

    13. Damn HDD prices at the moment because of above

    14. Einstein's death

    15. Facebook

    16. Sexting


    ... and prevent them if it did. Unfortunately, life isn't linear. Enjoy your coffin.


    Game != life.


    It's fun to see that so many here think the game is their life though.

  15. Yea like stating an increase from 100 to 4000 is a 4000% increase... lulz :D



    Hahahahah, your screenshot is *********** epic! Are you a *********** mouse-clicker? And yet you have so many hotkey slots free.... :eek:


    Didn't know BH is soooo cheap.


    4000% of 100 is 4000. You openly dispute this simple mathematic sum on a public forum? Infact wait, you even go so far as to try to mock someone when it is infact you who are wrong. You should really stop posting now, oh the embarassment.


    I get awesome warzone stats every game, up to 11 medals too and usually most of the votes. My playstyle is to make a build that feels simple to play so I have less to think about, i may leave some not useful skills out of my bar if I feel they cause more harm than good by being there.


    The fact is I do awesome in warzones. Most probably way better than you.

  16. Thank you sooooooooo much for this screenshot. Perfectly depicts how easy mode BH is. Not only are you a clicker, but you don't even have 2 bars bound with abilities. Yet you still pull those numbers. I've got 3 damn bars key bound and still want to find more room for more key binds. I've heard spamming tracer missile and death from above is hard.


    That's because i intentionally don't put all of my abilities into my bars, the less i need to think about, the more efficiently I can play. Abilities like "your next skill uses no heat" on a 2 minute CD i do not keep in my bar.


    I don't even have tracer missile, and death from above with a 1 min CD is far from spammable.

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