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Everything posted by KantaUO

  1. You must have it been playing during ilum. 60 players in one area is a lag fest
  2. Yep rediculious they dont allow reconnects.
  3. I was hoping to see more action vs geared players. I swear every-time i looked it was a guy under 16000hp.
  4. PT/VG. I recently rolled a VG to find their weaknesses, my alt is now lv50 4pc WH. I have found no weaknesses, i melt Operative faces all day long. If there is a pole with not too big of a circumference, using tendon blast and kiting around it helps a little bit while cleansing the primary fire dot.
  5. never tested this since 1.3, is it really bugged? I use to sed people all the time in 1.2, 50% dmg was awesome.
  6. I agree buff sages and sorcs. 1 smash is easy to avoid. Multiple smashes during a fray is not. Game isn't build around 1v1 tho and I don't agree with his idea for improvement, however I think adjustments are warranted for all classes except pyro rage and marauder in general.
  7. I just did my last 4 war zones naked minus my mh and off hand. I was still able to get 4 medals minimum.
  8. I have always played burst classes in mmos -hally Mage in UO -channeler and fury in shadow bane -Mage in wow until wotlk All low survivability but great damage potential - Swtor seems to be backwards regarding their glass cannons for 3 specs that are all class and not much cannon. Concealment ops Infiltration shadows Sage dps 1. My first 50 was a dps sage that I reached almost full bm back when tokens were totally random. I did well with hi But shelved him after they removed instant force wave removing their burst. 2. My 2nd 50 is my current main a 50 scoundrel who I love playing however nerf after nerf has made him more and more less fluid and fun to play. Out of stealth combat dps is pathetic. I really wish there was a Castable move to allow. Us to re enter stealth while in combat may 3 or 3.5 seconds that would put us back into stealth. 3. I rolled a vg over the past month and just hit 50 4 days ago. He is now 1500 end/aim using 2 pc war hero armor with 2 wh implants, bm weapon off hand legs and feet. Chest is bm mods wh enhancements with columi armorings. Rest is recruit. Vg is what I think a glass cannon should be. Low survivability but great damage. My scoundrel and sage don't come close to the damage potential the vg has. I consistantly crit for 3500 hib on wh geared players every 6 seconds. The dps my vg does is far more than my fully optimized wh scoundrel. My rated team would rather bring my vg over my dps scoundrel for dps role and i play my scoundrel well, but even I know my class is useless after the initial 5 gbc burst. My vg does more damage and still has resources after 7 gbc compared to my scoundrel whom relies on stealth and positional requirements. I don't want my vg nerfed, I want my scoundrel slightly buffed for out of stealth dps and energy management and my age buffed bc their dps is just sad in comparison to my vg. The grass is greener on the other side. I was hoping to learn from rolling a vg their weaknesses to exploit them on my scoundrel, I haven't found one yet.
  9. 1. I would agree sprint should break a root snare only of talented in the madness tree high up. Not grant immunity. 2. As the above poster said reflection is an op idea. At most talented to reflect a small amount of damage like marauders defensive cool down does. 3. I love the 31 lightening talent change.
  10. KantaUO

    Buff Sorc Burst DPS

    Poor sages, all glass and no cannon
  11. I am fully augmented out, I haven't hit over 5k since the adrenal nerf in a rated game.
  12. KantaUO

    I want to thank BW

    Op dps needs a major overhall. Sage dps needs more burst. Give them back their instant force waves. No comment on commando as I haven't seen a dps since they were gutted in 1.2. Only reason I know ops need an overhaul is bc I play one. Seeing a dps op is like Santa Claus. Probably not real and only exists in fairy tales
  13. KantaUO

    Queue Times???

    What server are you on? Is it available to xfer to a note populated server right now?
  14. I wish pve gear was semi viable similiar to 1.1 viablility. maybe Rakata gear would be on par with recruit and campaign would be just slightly below bm. I know I'd have a few more guild mates participating.
  15. Roots work off the resolve. Working as intended. L2P
  16. I can 1v1 any class and win most of the time. I win 1v1 quite often in world pvp and in war zones. These however are all new or skill less level 50s. I've destroyed and kites to death my fair share of 50 marauders. With that being said I will get obliterated by anyone who truly knows how to play their class. I lose hands down every time to my pre made's sentinels, it's not even close. As mentioned in another post above 1v1 is only viable against scrubs else it's a 20 second death for any class with all their cool downs except merc dps which could really use some love as well. Sages IMO should have been class cannons. As of right now we are all glass and no cannon. Yes we can put up remarkable numbers at the end of a wz match but our dots are not IMO 'good' damage. 21/21/18 and 3/7/31are good 1v1 specs along with 0/21/20 or 0/20/21. But sages ATM are utility more than dps.
  17. My guild is also surprised at how bad people can be at pvp... I chalk it up to some servers having no pvp for the past 2 months though.
  18. Please return the 50% ap that was removed shortly after release. The class has low burst damage compared to ban guards, sentinels, snipers.
  19. I will only speak about my own 2 classes as those are the ones I paid most attn to, however what if bw rolled back changes to all classes that were negative since 1.0 Not restoring crit surge nerf or double stack relics Op/scr - gets armor penetration back to 50% -back blast back to 9 seconds Sorc/sage - gets 1.5 second big heal -gets instant chain tele wave back -gets force management back from trance crits Etc I think the game would be more balance in 1.3 with adrenal removal and new expertise adjustments from 1.2
  20. A good challenge. I am very glad it wasnt nerfed. This instance is for sure more execution than gear. 1st time through was multiple wipes. Now we have this thing on farm with alts done in about an hour or less. I've read some guilds clearing in 35 minutes.
  21. How many key boards did you break from all the space bars?
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