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Everything posted by Kyriosgundam

  1. In some of the games I have played where this option is available I chose to play as a female character simply because the voice acting was better(An example is the Mass Effect Trilogy). Also some of the character classes in TOR just seem to fit certain genders better than others. I have characters of both genders in this game. I am a hetero male in real life and see nothing wrong with cross-play for anyone.
  2. I had the same problem when I was on Tatooine with my Inquisitor. Finished all the side and Story missions before my character was ready to leave for Alderaan. I suggest doing the Heroics and the Bonus Series on Tatooine (if you havent already). Also do as many of the flashpoints and space missions you can they are a good source of xp/creds if your not ready for the next planet after Tatooine.
  3. If your shadow has skills that make the surrounding enemies focus solely on you use them as often as you can. Otherwise I cant think of any other advice to help you. Will get my Shadow to Tatooine and try it myself and get back to you.
  4. However His empire still didn't last as long as Vitiates or the Original Sith Empire which was based on the planet Ziost. Read the comic Dark Empire II the spirits of the ancient Sith Considered Darth Vader more of a true Sith than they did Sidious. In fact they openly mock him for his downfall at Endor 8 yrs prior. Also Sidious never controlled the WHOLE Galaxy. He never controlled the Unkown Regions the Chiss are the dominate power there. In Wild Space the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium is the dominate force there. He never conquered the Corporate sector which had the military might to successfully oppose him if he ever tried. Plus he never completely destroyed the Jedi Order. Purged it yes but never fully destroyed it (as Luke being able to rebuild it proves). As I stated at the beginning of this post Sidious's Empire only lasted just under 20 years were the First and Second Sith Empires lasted over Thousands. So in my mind that makes Sidious less powerful than those who came before him. Also yes the power play on Corellia did slowdown the Empires Campaign but didnt stop it.
  5. I certainly think that KOTOR I and KOTOR II deserve remakes. I mean KOTOR II was so rushed into production that they cut out content that would have made the game more complete and better. Also it would be nice of they used the Mass Effect conversation system and upgraded the graphics to the level they are now.
  6. I completely agree with this idea I would so love to shut the droids on my various characters ships up. They do get annoying at times.
  7. Well this isnt SWG, also Humans and Sith Purebloods are still considered the betters of the other races found in the Sith Empire however Purebloods are one tier higher than Humans. Also Sidious was willing to break his Human first rule if a non human showed promise Grand Admiral Thrawn is a good example of this. Plus during Darth Vitiate's rule of the Sith Empire Chiss were allies and treated well dispite being non human. Besides anyone force sensitive was considered above anyone who wasnt reguardless of species. At least as far as the Sith were concerned.
  8. Thats why my Chiss sniper will make mostly making lightside choices unless the DS choice gives me the outcome I am looking for.
  9. Also if you read the book Revan Zabraks did not live in the Sith Empire until after the Great Hyperspace War and they were the decendants of Republic POWs that were made slaves and The Emperor decreed that all children born of slaves will themselves be slaves. Dispite there being two dominate cultures on the Zabrak homeworld.
  10. Your alts also get access to the legacy equipment construction kits (usable at level 20 or 15) your main gets as your legacy level progresses which helps you get decent gear for your lower levels faster. As for the bonuses go with the PvP since your willing to do that. As to transferring characters to US servers I am not shure if that is possible right now. you can create new ones on US realms but not transfer already created ones at least as far as I know anyway. If someone has better info than me on this feel free to correct me.
  11. Exactly my level 16 Jedi Guardian Tank cant kill an elite melee based enemy that is the SAME level as it and yet my Juggernaut Tank can take down an elite enemy one or 2 levels above its current level? That does not make sense to me at all. Like I said before my Shadow Tank can take and dish out more damage than my Guardian can when according to the basic info of each character class its supposed to be the OTHER WAY AROUND!.
  12. I would have to disagree with that since he didnt predict Vader turning on him at Endor. He also didnt suspect that Luke would turn on him a decade later during his return. Also Sidious's Empire only lasted a few decades while the First Sith Empire under the original Sith Lords lasted thousands of years. Then the second Sith Empire under Darth Vitiate lasted for 1300 years. To me that makes Sidious not as powerful as those who came before him.
  13. I am sorry but Darth Caedus (Jacen Solo) was the most worse excuse for a Sith Lord if I ever saw one. Darth Krayt and even Darth Ruin can be considered more Sith than Caedus ever could. So for me Darth Caedus doesnt even make the top 20 most powerful Sith Lords. Here are the 10 I think are the most powerful 1. Marka Ragnos 2. Exar Kun 3. Darth Vitiate 4. Darth Bane/Darth Zannah (tied because they were equal in power/knowlege just in different forms). 5. Darth Krayt 6.Tulak Hord (unrivaled in lightsaber/sith sword combat) 7. Ajunta Pall 8.Darth Sidious 9. Darth Plagueis 10. Darth Nox (Sith Inquisitor character class, something to be said going from slave to Dark Council member). I havent read the book yet however I am interested in reading about the Sith Lord who trained Darth Sidious as his successor.
  14. Not until after Hoth will you be close enough to any of the glitched Story missions. I have a lvl 40 Inquisitor and cant progress in the Story after Hoth.
  15. The Assassin also gets Force Pull at lvl 30 its a general skill the Inquisitor gets.
  16. Well from a PVE stand point your pretty much finished with the character(if you have finished the class storyline that is) aside from helping other players or doing ops or flashpoints your done. For PvP I cant help you I dont do pvp much if at all. If there are other character classes you havent played yet at least from a PvE stand point work on those while saving your Guardian for PVP. At least thats what I would do.
  17. This type of content is not in the game and I personally like the fact that same gender relationships are not in TOR in fact not in Star Wars at all. Plus this is a game (to me means for entertainment purposes only) anything that is controversial in the real world like this issue should be left out. Also in any event reguardless of BioWare leaving SGR out of TOR (Which I want them to do) or add it they will anger people no matter what final decision is made on this issue. So in the end the real question is Why should this really matter? As I stated before no matter what BioWare decides people will be angered by it no matter what side of this issue they are on. At least this is how I see it.(if I offended anyone I apologize now)
  18. The Darkness spec of the Assassin is full DPS and has NOTHING to do with Tanking at all. I am a Tank spec'd Assassin and beat her in 3 tries of course I was a level or two below her so I had a little help. But once you get the hang of the interrupts Zash is not much of a problem no matter which skill tree you are. I also have a question. Has anyone run into trouble getting the Conflagration mission which has you face Thanaton right after Hoth to start? and if its a bug is there anyway to get around it so I can do the level 41 part of the Inquisitor Story?
  19. This was one of the reasons SWG frustrated me. I mean dont get me wrong being able to create your own city or home is fun (the new Skyrim DLC being an good example). However I think BioWare had the right idea in having the Ships be the base of operations for the character classes. Especially since the Story lines alone have us moving from one planet to another. Also I like the inside of the ships just fine, not to keen on the Trooper ship exterior design but in the end I guess it doesnt really matter. Also this game is STORY based not free roam like SWG was which suits me just fine. I also feel that since the story has us going from one place to another so building a house to me seems like a waste of time and credits and just having a planet for people to build cities on would be a very bad idea for a Story based MMO like this one.
  20. I Fully agree I might delete my Guardian and go Sentinel simply because my Guardian cant even kill an elite thats the same lvl as it dispite being full Tank spec so far and having Good weapons and armor with the correct stats. So unless someone has any suggestions I will restart my JK at some point. Dont get me wrong I like the Character Class I just think that it has been neglected a bit too much in favor of the others. I mean my Shadow Tank can take and dish out more damage than my Guardian Tank ever could which doesnt make sense to me when it should be the other way around. Even the Sith Jug Tanks better and does more damage than the Jedi Guardian does.
  21. I dont see that as possible since the majority of the EU Novels take place AFTER TCW (and since there have been novels set during the Clone Wars that have been published that contradict much of what has been shown these I tend to consider part of the cannon over the tv series). Also from what I have seen them do with the series its not part of the official cannon at least as far as I am concerned and last time I checked Abeloth was not connected to any characters in the TCW series in anyway. She was still imprisoned in the Maw Cluster at this point in time, and had no contact with the outside in anyway until the Yuuzhan Vong War caused the barrier that held her to weaken. I am not saying that the entire series is bad and there are parts of it I liked and I enjoyed some of the characters. I just think that they played a bit to fast and loose with the timeline aspect of it than they should have in order for me to consider it part of the official cannon thats all. Plus bringing Maul back is what really caused me to not consider TCW as cannon as far as I am concerned he died on Naboo in Ep I.
  22. LoL thats the easiest Imperial Flashpoint in the game mainly because it is the first one! and you can only take yourself and one other person with you. I dont see any harm in having areas like that but I dont really see BioWare doing anything like that for this game.
  23. If your looking for something like that I suggest picking up The Star Wars Old Republic: Explorer's Guide it gives you the lowdown on every class including which stats you should focus on the most (For both Advanced Classes). It also provides maps of the mission areas of every planet (well at least through Illum anyway). This might help you in the long run and I play this game mostly solo and it is possible to get through it alone (but still fun to do Heroics, Flashpoints, and Ops with groups from time to time). I also encourage new players to ask questions or ask for help. I have been playing the game since launch and I still have to ask for help or questions when I don't know something. Like the author of this thread stated its better to ask about things you don't know then try something out hoping it will work and screwing over others when what you tried goes wrong.
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