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Everything posted by Roalmo

  1. And like ALL the complainers you don't mention your imaginary server....
  2. From OPs post, it really doesn't appear that this is really his first MMO. So I think we have a troller here, just a caution. Beware the troll....
  3. 78 pages and the whiner still doesn't get it? Sigh.. the poor/ignorant we will always have with us...
  4. 'bout the 20th time I saw this... So you are more intelligent/smarter/etc than all the others around who don't agree with you. SUUURRRE..... nice to meet ya... Now go away...
  5. See here's my problem.. the evil LORDS of SWTOR have decreed I can only have 1 main and 39 alts.... What up with that??? Free the ALTS, more ALTS!!!!
  6. Not quite true, 1 out of 5 alts that went thru Tatoo got Wamp Rat fever.. so of SOME use
  7. The bonus is when he logs on to your server the population doubles.
  8. They are smokin the PvP DPS leaf. To them its all about DPS, and they whined until the DEVs agreed with them. So tanks, healers, and all non-DPS are left out. And we have 5-15sec PvP matches, won by pre-mades at 5secs, and higher level geared PUGs against other PUGs in 15secs. And the nerfs still effect PVE no matter what the devs say..... So ur PVEers and non-DPSers are gonna be lookin elsewhere.... The DEVs have no one to blame but themselves.
  9. Bad news buba... they nerfed the hell out of healing companions and healers too.
  10. Excuse me, all u "bright" boys complaining? You were LUCKY to get 1.2 a day early. All you had to do was rename the file, and then install your weekly back-up copy of the game from your back-up files. OR are you living in a dream-world where nothing goes wrong with your computer EVER.
  11. You really think that? Or are you one of the wanna be gankers?
  12. Sigh... What we have here is ANOTHER "this isn't SWG" thread. Sigh... I saw the first Star Wars movie, after standing in line with my then pregnant wife, way back when... Sigh... This is close enuf to the movie I saw.. take your SWG and shove it...
  13. I note on the EU servers, the "dead" servers are all PVP servers, during prime-time. Now if they could just combine the PVP servers and have the toon NERFS only effect the the PVP servers, I'd be a happy camper..... If they could allow us to ignore all pvp whines in the community threads that would help too...... and if they would ignore those threads too, that would help a bunch too....
  14. Audio drivers tad out of date.. up date those and give us a holler...
  15. the red is happily claimed as my responses...
  17. Ah..NO. Each toon can only have 1 of the 6 crafts.
  18. Told you they would never get it. And this one obviously didn't. QED.
  19. Just simply a NO vote. Sigh the epeeners will never get it. They are the minority... just go away, if you don't like the way 80%+ votes.
  20. Think in one of up-coming patches they plan on fixing this, so the griefers will go away.
  21. QFT PvP centric "redesign" is the death of any MMO.
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