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Everything posted by Aebrynis

  1. I appreciate the clarifications, thank you. That was most helpful. But it pretty much confirms, even more so, that I won't be bothering to participate in this...event. That's more work than I care for, for the fact it's rushed far too quickly, if nothing else. On the bright side, I won't have to suffer through the Zakuul arena. Again, best of luck to all participating - you have far more tolerance for this sort of...stuff...than I do.
  2. I got to page 26 of 124 before I gave up. The replies have been more than 20 to 1 in the negative, and I can't really say I blame them. I will not be participating, and here's why: 1) There has not (to my knowledge) been a reply as to whether this is tiered, or is I could go straight to the level I have in mind and do those requirements solely. That's just bad form. 2) Assuming it is not tiered, I must (A) level one toon of each faction to 65 (all right...not thrilled, but it's doable), (B) do 5 rounds in the Zakuul arena ( I detest this arena - words do not exist for my loathing of this feature, which predates this event announcement by a considerable amount of time...to the point where I decided that Bowdaar could take a hike as a companion, and © hope...HOPE...that my choices in the Light/Dark seesaw pan out to where I am able to get the Chiss Jedi, and not...the boring alternative. 3) Assuming I get the Chiss Jedi (and not the boring alternative), there is no guarantee that we would be able to dress her in new (or old) armor sets, and that she would not be stuck in a frumpy, boring set of mega-yawn snooze-barf like Lana Beniko is. Sorry...I'd grit my teeth and muddle through the <CENSORED> arena if the final result wasn't dependent on the fickleness of other players. But I have other things I can spend my time on in lieu of spending my time grinding a pair of toons that ultimately net me nothing interesting to show for my efforts. To those who decide to participate: Best of luck to you - I hope you decide it's worth the time and effort you invest.
  3. Cross-server queues? Signed. Most enthusiastically. Not too worried about matchmaking, even getting my head handed to me in a warzone is vastly superior to no warzone pop at all. I remember someone saying something about "better than cross-server". Since that has yet to materialize, I would hope that cross-server would be implemented first. And then this 'better' thing, whatever it is, can be implemented later, which can only improve the experience. Or at least, one would hope it would.
  4. The monthly 500 coins is erratic, but I know I've never seen the 100 coins/month for having a security key. And I know better than to think EAWare is going to give that back tally to me (I've had the key since launch, they'd likely judge it too much of their precious Cartel coinage). Having a security key has other benefits, so I don't regret getting it (it came in the collector's edition), but I am very wary about EAWare's promotional offers as a result.
  5. Aebrynis

    Too much APG!

    Times were that I only insta-dropped 4x4 pops (I refuse to do unranked 4x4 PVP). I gave OPG a go - don't knock what you haven't tried. But now it's pretty much an insta-drop, too. I may have to wait a long time before I get something else - anything else - but I prefer that to wasting my time in something that's far outlived its shelf life.
  6. I might be mistaken (it wouldn't be the first time), but doesn't the Revanite Toruun (on Dromund Kaas) say it in the 'Mask of Revan' quest? Something like "I know I don't have to tell you to be careful, but may the Force be with you. May it keep you strong and guide your return." I'm assuming he started out as a Sith before deciding to follow the teachings of 'The Master'. So maybe that might count?
  7. The couple of times I've taken my sorcie in as a healer, I've been upfront with the fact that I am not the most proficient in the craft, and that while I'm going to do my best to watch everyone's health, I'm ultimately there to keep the tank on their feet (under the assumption they know what they're doing, and fortunately, both times they did), and that he or she gets priority. That hasn't been an issue for me, yet. I haven't really indulged in ops and such otherwise, and all but a couple of times (such as False Emperor and such for the HK-51 quest), it's been strictly story mode jaunts. I've been fortunate that I've not encountered much in the way of such things, apart from loot ninjas in old-style Esseles/BT, but it's exactly the possibility of encountering these nasty little children that discourages me from participating. My Ignore box is already straining under the amount of gold sellers I encounter - I don't want to have to start adding legitimate players to it, too.
  8. Agree with this. Years of clamoring for SGR's, and now that they're finally introducing the concept into the game (and no, I don't really count Makeb), it would compute that they have some ground to make up, including, in my opinion, some options with original companions. My sorcie had no SGR options (and wouldn't have had one, regardless...Ashara is THAT irritating), so Lana was a welcome addition to the mix (and it was why one of my 'free level 60s' was also a sorcie). But Inquisitors are the exception - pretty much every other class has companions that would present decent SGR options. I'd dump Lana in a hot minute if the sorcie could get Risha or Jaesa. As for Vaylin? Sure...with a lightsaber under the pillow...just in case...
  9. I would be happy if all that my Jedi and Sith could do was equip a blaster pistol on their belt as a decoration. Not draw it, not use it, just have it be there. Luke carried a blaster even after finishing up with Yoda - even if Force users couldn't actually use it, they'd be a neat fashion accessory.
  10. With two accounts, I got two free 60's to play with...so I made a Jedi Guardian and (a second) Sith sorceress. With the Jedi, everything's been LS so far, so . I ran across the DS decision on YouTube, and as I have not yet taken the sorceress through Chapter 10, I got to see the result. Well... As for Koth...eh, he doesn't 'grab' me. He's like Rusk - he's sort of just there, and doesn't really contribute much (okay, he's not as bad as Rusk, but close). If I ever decide to work on his Affection levels or whatever, it'll be after all the others have been maxed out.
  11. Thana Vesh, for one. She WOULD be a superb replacement for that whining little dimbulb Ashara. Kallig - face it, having a Force ghost as a companion would be awesome. Vaverone Zare - what's not to like? Zash - find a way to regenerate her original form to peak perfection. Eskella (Overseer Tremel's daughter). Chemish (IA storyline, Balmorra) - technically not dead, might have issues explaining her following an Imperial, particularly the IA. Too many to list, so I'll stop there.
  12. Nope. My Outlander is the only one with her HK-55. Sounds like you were the beneficiary of a most enviable glitch. Enjoy it - I would.
  13. I feel your pain. I, too, play on Harbie, and when I encountered a couple of yellow-colored Imperials at the far end of Nar Shadaa's Shadow Town with my vanguard, I thought nothing of it...until they started healing the Imperial mobs I was fighting that were preventing me from entering an instance. They were doing their very best to be richardheads and get me to involuntarily flag. Fortunately, I have my AOEs isolated from my single-target attacks, and while it took me about nine times as long to finally bring the mobs down, I managed to do it, even with their healing trolls and the necessity of not using AOEs. If worse had come to worse, I would have eaten the repair bill and let the mobs kill me, then scuttle back to their spawn point, whereupon I would have rezzed and continued on my way. I am more than willing to do that to deny basement-boxered chimpanzees like that a PVP kill. I've had opposite-faction players hop on same-faction toons to cuss me out when I've done that before (admittedly, only a couple of times). It gives me a warm fuzzy glow to hear the monkeys gibber and screech in /whisper. Little children (even those who are that way only in mentality) are a constant factor in online games. They're like cockroaches - you just aren't ever going to be wholly rid of them. Best thing you can do is pay attention to your flag status at all times, and if it ever comes up, Stronghold out or use the GF tip given earlier in this thread. The rules aren't on your side in this instance, so it's up to you to make them work for you.
  14. Having HK-55 removes the incentive to do the HK-51 quest a second time on another server (North American as opposed to the Euro server where I got HK-51). This is not a bad thing, as it means that, one, I don't have to go on that brutally tedious scavenger hunt for droid parts, and two, wonder whether tactical flashpoints will serve as the catalyst for getting the parts that scavenging doesn't. I will not lament not having to do this quest again at all.
  15. Truthfully? You aren't missing out on much. If you collect mounts, then sure, I could see it, but otherwise, don't lose any sleep over it. It handles like your toon is bombed out of their mind on spice, very unwieldy, and not all that aesthetic unless they're standing still in hover mode. I used it for about two minutes zigging and zagging through Zakuul's alleyways, then swapped back to my Nethian. I'd cheerfully hand you mine if it was possible.
  16. I can live without Dr. Lokin - I don't mind the character, but I have no deep-seated urge to have him back. He's only obtainable during the rakghoul event, anyways, if I'm not mistaken. I can only hope that no one gets gated behind him...
  17. This. Lieutenant Pierce is a major snooze - he bores the bejeezus out of me. I'll acquire him simply because I like to run warzones, not because I'll use him. If I decide to be a completionist, I'll kill 1,000 trash mobs with him, and then never utilize him again. Fourex, on the other hand, is a complete scream. His dialogue always brings a smile to my face, which is always welcome on those days when life is tugging the corners of my mouth downwards. Thus, I don't mind the 20 PVP match requirement (I queue up every day, regardless), so this quest isn't really an issue for me, but JLazarillo's idea is not only sound, it's fair. If you don't want Companion X, you'll never get them, but it doesn't ruin anything past that. Putting companions behind a gate is punitive and poorly thought out. I say this not because of the PVP quest (which the game provides by simply queuing up), but because of the Alert to acquire Qyzen Fess (which the game does not). Maybe it's timing...but multiple instances on Hoth show no targets, and it seems no one wants to do World Bosses any more. And I'm so very tired of hopping from planet to planet asking if people wish to go World Boss hunting. My sage will get Qyzen by skirting the quest, but for the rest? Sod the stupid lizard and his idiot Scorekeeper. Seriously, if they're going to require World Bosses or Mob X, they should make a group finder for it ( Group finder for Bosses, a solo finder for Mob X). The requirement to take these targets down isn't the issue, it's actually having the opportunity to do it. And right now, finding the damn things (or people to attack World Bosses with) isn't worth the extra blood pressure spikes. I'm going to hope against hope that the devs aren't so thoughtless as to put any new companions behind Qyzen's stupidly annoying Alert.
  18. If EA decides to be on top of things, not only will they make Kaliyo a SGR companion (no other companion comes to mind who would be more appropriate for this), but they'll do so with one such companion (minimum) per chapter. I think it's awesome that Lana Beniko is romanceable by any player character (she still needs her clothes to be customizable, though), which means my sorcie at last has a companion worthy of her attentions, but they really, really need to expand the options in this regard. I started the Lana Beniko romance (which I really appreciate being there) because my sorceress literally has not had a decent romance option beforehand, but I'm most curious as to her being able to try her hand with, say, Kaliyo, or Ensign Temple, or jinkies, maybe even Kira.
  19. "In a drive for sheer numbers, the criteria for Academy admittance has been relaxed. Now anyone with Force sensitivity is allowed entrance." - Overseer Tremel. "The training of aliens as Sith is an aberration; You will never rise to power. It is your masters who concern me." - Lord Abaron. The game makes allowances for aliens being trained as Sith, and it's no less 'canon' than anything else outside of the films (and Clone Wars), considering that Disney wadded up the Expanded Universe and tossed it in the rubbish bin. Regardless, I'm off to play my mirialan sorceress. Or should I play the chiss one? Decisions, decisions...
  20. It would be nice, to have at least -one- viable SGR with an original companion. It would mean my sorceress would have an option apart from the Dynamic Dimwits of Ashara and Andronikos (they, and only they, are the reason I don't want to try an assassin - I just can't go through that inane experience again, regardless of gender). EA really porked the pooch by not including SGR's to begin with (though it admittedly wouldn't have helped my poor sorceress, regardless). This is an excellent time to start fixing that..."oversight".
  21. Eh, can't say it excites or bothers me. Sort of like the First (and Second) Anniversary Fireworks - I pretty much just toss them when I make a new character. As rewards, I find them useless, but it isn't something to complain about - and playing as HK-55 is the same. I'll likely never do it, but really, there are more important things to get worked up over. If one stays subscribed, it's a good bet you'll benefit from the "be subscribed by X date, and receive Y" pattern that they've established. Just be patient - something to your taste will materialize eventually. Maybe we'll see Thana Vesh as a new companion, for example, or Chancellor Saresh frozen in carbonite as a Stronghold decoration. One thing I would dearly enjoy would be to be able to run our companions through the Appearance Designer - maybe you'd be stuck with their race (and gender, obviously), but everything else is up for grabs - say, Mako with a type 3 body frame and a purple mohawk? Sometimes developers can completely misread what the players want. I doubt they're doing it on purpose. Some folks just aren't perceptive, and other folks are laboring under the directives of people (EA) who have no idea what they're doing. Give it time - someone will figure it out.
  22. Ahhh, thank you for this information. I will stick with my 65's until the 4th of January, then. The leveling is beyond insane right now. Maybe I'm a mutant for wanting to stop and smell the roses, but this lightning-fast level gain is something I find immensely irritating.
  23. I got to page 3 before I gave up reading, but... This game will be around for a while. Why? Because all they would have to do is employ people to reset servers, a couple of techs to iron out bugs that may crop up from time to time, and people to load the Cartel Market with sartorial garbage...and they would still turn a profit, not even counting subscription money. When the game finally goes into maintenance mode, it'll be around for a while, even if they end up contracting to a half-dozen servers and laying off half the staff due to centralized server farms. This game is going to do just fine for some time to come. Individual servers might be ailing, sure, but as a whole? The game's not going anywhere for a long time. The warning signs of doom will be a lot more obvious than what we've seen thus far.
  24. I thought you were about to ask everyone to make a character on your server - I don't speak a word of French (despite my mother's best efforts), so I guess that's for the best. I'm guessing there isn't much in the way of pure English speakers on your server, anyways.
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