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Posts posted by durhame

  1. legal reasons. money reasons.


    Neither. Server population reasons. They would actually make a ton of money on transfers. It has to do with server capacity and lag. Euro side players may then complain if they do war zones or raids and their latency issues are out of control. Being vocal about that deters future customers and upsets the ones they already have.


    I am all for this feature though. I have 8 pvp 55 players still euro side with lvl 50 legacy that I had to give up once I retired from service in Germany and moved back stateside. I have been playing since launch and to say that I am more than miffed at having to legacy start over from scratch is putting it mildly.


    Eq2 and a few others do it. In fact it can be done in a matter of seconds. I would be happy to pay double CC so I can get all my Master crafters back. But hey, money lost on their part I guess.

  2. 12x was the best thing that has happened to the game in a long time. To include double xp and rewards for doing war zones. I would happily pay for those perks. Although the amount of QoL products we have to pay for as subscribers is getting out of control to include the futur upgrade of mounting while moving just to name one.
  3. I work 100 and 100 hours to get my PvP gear, and it is SH** . Getting kill over and over by player in PvE gear in a War zone is BS. I'm max out PvP gear , and out side of the war zone 1 on 1 I would kill all player in PvE gear . I know why my PvP gear is sh** it is because all of F****** CRY BABY who play war zone in PvE gear quit the war zone at the start of the game when they find out at the PvE gear is sh** in a war zone so they quit. I die 2000 to 3000 times to get my PvP gear so I can at the top, and not get kill by a player wearing PvE gear. I know a lot people may think I'm cry, but the point is that I pay money to play a MMO NOT A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. So SWTOR is making war zone into a first person shooter, then it is time for SWTOR to do away with PvP gear and go with only PvE gear.

    I'm been playing for 3 years, I have 1 Lv 60 and 11 Lv 55 and i have all of player classes Imperial and Reppublic classes. I'm playing Jedi Sentinel in the war zone and the gear that wearing is Dark Reaver Weaponmaster's Vest ,Advanced Might Augment 36, Dark Reaver Vindicator's Headgear Augmented, Dark Reaver Weaponmaster's Gloves Augmented, Dark Reaver Weaponmaster's Waistcord Augmented, Dark Reaver Weaponmaster's Leggings Augmented, Satele Shan's Sparring Lightsaber Augmented, Satele Shan's Sparring Lightsaber Augmented, Dark Reaver Relic of Focused Retribution Augmented, Dark Reaver Relic of Devastating Vengeance Augmented, Dark Reaver Weaponmaster's Bracers Augmented, Dark Reaver Vindicator's MK-V Package Augmented, Dark Reaver Vindicator's MK-V Package Augmented, Dark Reaver Weaponmaster's Device Augmented but I did not stop their I upgrade to Advanced Studious Enhancement 33X, Advanced Deft Mod 33A-X.


    My brain just "blue screened".

  4. Or you could do a where is Waldo areana with no obsticals with stealthers on one side and non on the other. At least snipers will be useful again in an areana.
  5. Sometimes I wish they would institute a different form of pvp. I was thinking of halo and how they had a VIP match type where you had to kill VIP to score. VIP would be chosen at random. It would be a timed match (10 mins maybe). As soon as VIP is killed a new one would be chosen. Team who kills more VIPs wins or maybe first team to 6 VIP kills. Both teams would have a VIP. I wish they could do this in this game for 2 reasons:


    1. Just a new type. Would be a change and fun.

    2. This would force players to learn how to focus down the VIP. It would also force players to learn how to defend and peel for priority targets. It seems like there are so many people in this game that don't understand what focus is or how to peel. Perhaps this game type would force them to learn.


    Never going to happen, but I would enjoy it.


    Run Forest Run!!!!!

  6. My problems are this... 1. I'm a horrendous troll and enjoy screwing with people... 2. your solution to having more than one group running with the same guild tag is to wait for Bioware to implement something they took away and vowed to never bring back (Not that i'm opposed to it). And 3. Your point of reference is being on the crap side of a blow-out wz where you look across and see >4 people with the same guild tag. If this was something where you only ever saw certain guild tags in groups of 8 in PVP, then I would probably call BS too. But that isn't the case, or at least you have shown no compelling evidence of that.


    Finally, there is no exploit in having 2 groups queing for PVP at the same time as there is no way to game the match making system to ensure both teams get in the same WZ. As I stated before, is it any worse to face 8 from 1 guild or two different guilds A-team ranked squads? Because I've been against both and scenario 2 usually ends in getting farmed for the duration of a WZ, while scenario 1 ends in a very quick objective based match. Scenario #2 happens FAR more frequently than scenario #1.


    I've given my $0.02 as a member of this pvp community and paying customer. It is what it is take it or leave it. Good luck and see you in game! May the Parse be with you!

  7. Ok... I think I understand now.


    What you are saying is... it's ok to group up, and it's ok to have 2 groups of four on the same team of a WZ, and it's OK to destroy Pugs.... BUT, the two groups can't be from the same guild and the PUGs that get beat up have to be PUB's.




    You are arguing for the side of SQing. It doesn't matter what side it is being done. The logical conclusion to this is you are in fact encouraging this behavior even though your PM to me said you didn't. Also, you asked for my logic as to why this is an exploit and I gave it to you with no retort from you. I know now there is no way to Chang the thought process of you, and that is okay. The only thing I can say as mentioned before is those guild leaders that condone it are hurting the community as a hole more than helping it as BW removed it from game for obvious reasons.


    Since there is no changing your mind and you seem to be the self appointed representative of all pvp guild leaders who condone it, I would like to fight on your side to help get back 8v8 queues in game (Via ranked 8v8) so you guys can play together (like you should be able to in an MMO) And give the rest of us who follow the game design a chance at game design play. I hope you have a fabulously pvp day! Thank you for your time and consideration!

  8. Hey, durhame :)

    Let me save you time, cuz you won't change the mind of the unminded. When you end in a match against a superque, just leave it, or maybe avoid the battle. Don't waste time here talking to them.


    The superquers want 2 types of things, you have the ones that want to farm easy (frankly I can't see the fun in playing easy mode haha, Im an old gamer not a teen).

    Or you have the ones that think they can get fun playing with all their friends together at the same time in voice channel, searching for some kind of -hardly possible- challenge (these guys are stick with glue and cant be separated or they will die horribly). So, leave, they get nothing of that ;)


    I was thinking more of people who haven't learned how to keybind yet but you also make some very valid points. Either case, it is what it is and if they pvp guild leaders can't see that they are actually hurting the pvp community more than helping it then I guess we will have to deal with it or move on.


    It is the pvp community. Exploit advantage > challenge. For most that is.

  9. I have a hard time with the term Exploit. Nothing you've mentioned is really an exploit since everyone has equal ability to take advantage of everything you're "upset" about. The Ship parts, like the broken relic before, are Bioware issues and as with every mistake they make, it's taken far to long to fix. Do I like it? No, but fighting it is like farting up wind..


    The Game mechanic ability to queue as an ops group was removed from game (if you recal from way back when).. People found away around the intended deliberate action of BW to prevent ops queuing to find a way to do it anyway. If that isn't the very definition of an exploit, than I don't know what is.


    Don't really care anymore. I'll deal with it like my above post. I just hope BW gives you guys that want to SQ 8s the ability to do soon as to give the rest of the random generator pvp bunch a chance at a fair fight. Good day to you Sir.

  10. So yes, I was being a little cheeky and slightly sarcastic on my initial post. I guess my real intent is for guild leaders to take a serious look at the SQ. If I'm up against two separate guild perfectly made groups of four then so be it as that is the game mechanics. I just get miffed when the same guild does a deliberate countdown to make every effort to ensure the perfect 8 man team.


    Just throwing it out there for discussion. I guess most people that live in the pvp world don't care well so be it. Like I said in an earlier post... What fun is it to roflstomp pugs? If I'm with a group of friends I'll stay in game but any more because of the limited time I have to play because of RL, if I'm playing solo I'll just leave before it really starts to ensure a timely replacement is had.


    P.S. The game allows me to leave with no penalty (only do this if I'm solo now..I can count on one hand the times I've solo queued in two weeks so it isn't that often). It is in the game mechanics. So now watch me get flamed for not wanting to be farmed against two Qsynced groups of the same guild usually in team speak with great coordination vs the random game group generator. I've said my piece. Take it or leave it. My guess is nothing will change and thus if I can't beat them, join them. Now, I need to take some time to max my space ship parts so I can take advantage of that exploit as well. See you on the battlefield!!

  11. I read it all, including the post before... and read between the lines enough to recognize butt hurt when I see it. Queue synching is an exploit now..... That's rich.


    Err... you have me for a loss m8. I honestly don't know if you are trolling or just in a position to take every advantage you have? They removed the queuing of 8 people together all together, gone from the game, as in it wasn't working over all, as in BW didnt want that in game...... And yet you are here now arguing it isn't an exploit to do a count down and sync together? So you can deliberately have 8 man teams? /confused


    It is crazy that I'm even considering this by why not. I guess not a single person sees this argument. I guess if you can't beat them join them?

  12. Insinuating that people who PVP with 7 other friends have less skill than if they only played with 3 other friends is straight up quality.


    No my friend.. You obviously didn't read my second post. Please go back up and LTR. I'll sum it up for you. If BW wanted groups of 2 pre-made at the same time, they would have kept OPS queues. Since it is not and they have REMOVED it from game, it is an exploit to queue synch. Did you get that or shall I use google translate into common speak?

  13. Nah... It isn't either of that. My other reply was deleted so here it is again. If your guild has that many people in it then why not take your two teams and do ranked play? You get a challenge by playing like minded people and pugs get slight chance. Win win. I'm all for a reasonably fair fight and really enjoy close games that are intense till the end (what pvpr doesn't) but most of the time, SQ for the win.


    Also I'm all for getting a team of four together as it is in the game mechanics. They should really think about putting back in ranked 8s as the SQ in pugs is all of the above. Fun for some I guess. Different strokes for differnt folks.

  14. You should try it it some time. It is like the other white meat and just as tasty. Super Queuing against pugs in regs is:

    1. Super easy

    2. Super fun killing pugs at spawn point

    3. Sure way to farm Super medals

    4. Super way to win almost all pugs

    5. Boosts the Id, Ego and Super Ego (Freud ref there)

    6. Super fast way to win coms to legacy over to other toons

    7. And is Super boring to not do it for fear of having to have skill


    I'm sure you can see the meaning of my post in that if you are not Super Queing, you are not worthy and lame!!! If you haven't picked up on it yet, if you are not super Queing you are not going to have as much fun. SQ FTW!!!!


    P.S.... Had to edit the original because there were innuendos I guess of another guild. So all items that can potentially implicate anyone have been removed thus I am now in full compliance. Please feel free to send me a message if you want the original text. I'll send it in game as to not hurt anyone's feelings here.

  15. <3 Kym! I (pootsack) always love seeing you guys in queues and on the fleet :)


    On to the point of the thread:

    Republic is a great place, if you are looking for the people who troll the trolls and own up Op bosses then talk to Adexi! (You can find her phone number on most bathroom stalls)


    Hahaha!!!! Bathroom stalls. I have people looking around me now thinking W-T-F... Lol. Great guys these Reps. Good times!

  16. I'd say just make it to where it you kill a certain amount of players OW. You get a legacy title and or ha I it count towards your man hunter title. I just kill 5 players OW or something like that as a daily. Players must be within 3 levels of you of course sub 60 and not count any kills unless you a 60 vs 60. Or something to that effect.
  17. Everyone please. Just do as my sig says. Gear out your sorc and all of your alts via legacy armors and when or if the sorcs are changed you will have gear ready to go on your new FOTM. Rinse and repeat. I'm starting to think this is the way to play BWs game (or how they want you to play) in order to stick the SW theme and not lose your sanity.
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