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Posts posted by durhame

  1. I don't mind the loading screens, just not the 45-55 seconds it takes to load them. Coming from a land line 125mbs, i73930 oc to 4.0 with 12gb 2133 ram and a ssd. Corelia, bel, hoth, take it he longest to load. I damn near miss wz pops in between zoning it takes so long.
  2. Dear Bioware


    You forgot to send me an email.


    I only can assume you feel that my account is too valuable to you to punish. Yes I am a subscriber, yes I spend a lot in the cartel shop. However, I regret exploiting, and would prefer not only my gear taken away, but also all those that did the exploit. I would have eventually gotten the gear legitimately, but now I have it and have not earned it. I hurt myself by doing the exploit. I have not even worn the gear in two weeks because i am disgusted with what the exploit has done to the game and the community. I feel a ban is counter productive to fixing this problem, but the gear has to be stripped. You banned several of my guildies and just left the gear in place. That did nothing to solve this problem.


    I will not go anywhere if you take the gear. I will actually be glad if you take it, but you must take it from all. It will give me some more stuff to work toward until the next expansion. Besides, I don't want to wear gear that could lead to ridicule from those who only have to read my achievements in game to know that I didn't earn it. I am not above the law. I am not special.


    Take the gear from all and lets move on from this.


    This screams to me of a good girl who wants to be naughty and spanked!

  3. Interesting how people who leave WZs are "gigantic phalluses" and "wankers with no character" but the people who cause them to leave by sucking and making noob mistakes aren't. Gotta love that hypocrisy.


    The many reasons why people leave WZs have been stated many times in this and similar threads. Pretending that they don't exist doesn't change that.


    Quoted for truth.


    Lol says the guy that mostly runs around with a neigh fully min max geared group with tank and heals who also mostly super queue.


    Not hating on you for doing it m8 but not everyone likes to get farmed especially when they are pugging it. I know I know get friends....... Yes most have loads but not everyone can constantly play cause you know.... Lives, kids, spouse... Other things. Oh wait...... And flat out... Not everyone wants to have to do 6 wzs to get their daily done trying to carry the rest of the group. I'm not saying those who leave are gods. Far from it, it is just that there a lot of folks out there who don't have time to play with 50k marauders who don't care one way or the other how the match goes because they are just there to get a daily done due to conquest... And because balance in this grouping is non existent... You get folks who leave.

  5. Double exp weekends are stupid. I would agree if it was for those how actually finished at least one character or as legacy unlock, but please no more double exp weekends. I want to have fun and enjoy the game and not meet bad and terribly undergeared players after another such an event.


    Craft more and make money. Win win.

  6. I wonder if there will be any poetic irony... one of the people calling for lifetime bans or total gear loss, getting severely nailed accidentally because of a data glitch or human error inside Bioware.


    Bwahahahahahahahahaha..... Human error inside BioWare... How dare you? That can never happen....... Buawahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

  7. That would be great for leveling. Your stories are fun but not that fun. I'd like to have the option to reach level cap as quick as possible without doing all the sidequests.

    For all the grindmonkeys, you could implement an option not to gain 2x XP. It's a win -win.


    /signed. Should be a four day weekend event

  8. So I guess the bans/suspensions are going out now... Without naming names, does anyone know anyone that was perma banned? Seems pretty harsh considering how long it took to fix but meh..... I don't perso know of anyone who has even had suspension for it...
  9. Social means playing with others and not doing events or quests solo... Every time you step in a wz, you are being social. Or like I said award social points if you go into a queue in a premade group. Questing in pve is not the only place someone should be credited for being social IMHO.
  10. There are a bunch of sticky threads in PvP forum that would be of help, but careful for that surprise wall of text 10k crit before you read it.


    Very true but, with typing info here you get really good up to date info and like you said .... Less trolls. Already in two pages of tips we can eliminate about 2/3 of the posts in the pvp forums. Love it. Great community.

  11. I remember the days that in 8v8 guild leaders would actually agree with each other to only allow one monkey on a team just to make it fair...... How long did it take to fix monkeys..... Years! Give up on pajama wearers and getting them nerfed.... It will take years to balance them..... Roll one, break out your old one, or just deal with them or finally unsub..... Choice is pretty clear.....
  12. PvP is supposed to be balanced around ranked and not regs though


    Buwahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! /stops to breath......... Buwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!


    ...... How long were smash monkies and sins on top of the pack and not just by a little? /back to laughing;)

  13. how about we give the rage quitters their own little league? a league in which it is ok to throw a tantrum, tell everyone how bad they are, then quit.


    at this point, you could add a 30 minute lockout on regular wz for the rage quitters.


    this is a win-win. those of us that just want to play, won't be handicapped with rage quitters, and the rage quitters can all be together and make ignorant/childish remarks ending in 'lol' all day.


    You are already gimped for having them in your WZ. How is that for a paradox.....

  14. Glad I have 8 different classes already leveled. I missed the sorc/save one though. Shame really as I still have two others to focus on now. Juggy and Van. Working on guard and dabbeling in sorc. Scoundrel healer is just kind of ok atm but will work on him.... Maybe. Hope you have alts. Always nice to have a class ready for when they "make the game better".
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