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Posts posted by durhame

  1. So I know I could post this in the support section but I wanted to get some theories from the PVPers as that is pretty much all I do. Might be a long post.


    So I notice something wrong with my computer today as it is an older motherboard like 3ish years old and it looked like my overclock was becoming unstable. So I set everything to default and did a few small things but pretty much left the overclocking alone and left all speed step technology in place with my I7-3930k . Figured I got the ram back up to 2133 and left everything else alone so it wouldn't matter if I was running at 4.0 or 3.2 ghz.


    Well, in leaving the CPU settings alone I noticed the my FTW motherboard would take the CPU up and down from 3.4 to 3.7 ghz with no overclock and the speedstep technology (through ELEET Software). I get in game and holly crap....... I have never seen in game (playing since launch) toon stutter in PVP. I mean it was bad and very unplayable. I mean honestly I couldn't believe it.


    Which made me think of something. I guess part of the game graphics is processed through the CPU. Before today today i had all speed step and auto voltage adjusters off as well as sleep state settings in my bios. I would get the occasional toon stutter in any huttball match but that was it.. Pretty much ever. Today with me having all the CPU additional modifiers in place to auto adjust power, all hell broke loose and was unplayable. Until.... I set it all back to steady power.


    This worked for me. Maybe take a look and let me know if I am crazy. I play same time pretty much every night both euro side and eastern side and never seen anything about how bad it was tonight (due to cpu power saving modifications)


    So I guess I'm asking specifically any tech savvy pvpers have you experienced this before? Would any of you be willing to try out my theory?


    The only reason I bring this up is loads of folks are always complaining about toon stutter and most of those folks have no idea even what a BIOS is or how to adjust your CPU. Or the other theory could be there were loads of hackers on tonight........ hacker troll food there hahaha.


    I tested my connection on speedtest.. 11mb upload and 145dl. clean and smooth, direct connection to router.


    Let me know what you think.


    To make this thread official. Sorcs and sages should head to there respective forum to learn new rotations.


    For me, I just go to swim in the new fresh spring water lake formed by the many tears flowing. Instead of /popcorn I'm getting a full blown meal to sit and just read why they hate not being able to spam AOE with massive numbers on single targets anymore.


    The pain lasted over 5 months BW but as of this second reading their forums it was almost all worth it

  2. Quesh huttball last night.... Gates open start at the game I jump down from the left quick turn fall down on the pipe and run for the ball... Normal time to the ball nothing overly special. But what I noticed was a scoundral already had the ball before I even dropped down from the second level. I mean maybe less than three seconds and he had the ball. He was half health but had the ball? Am I missing some loophole on the map that allows at the start of the game to get the ball in less than 3 seconds?
  3. As many a year that I have been with this game the time has come for me to say goodbye. It has been fun being with development through alpha, beta, prelaunch and the game for 3 years. The game is absolutely great at the core. Although they didn't keep with the fully voiced cutscenes for some of the quests on the new planets, they were great expansions. I'm sure BioWare will get better with the communication now that they are focusing on SWTOR mainly and Shadow Realms was cancelled. ;)


    Star Wars: The Old Republic will live on for quite some time. More planets will be discovered, more species will learn to speak basic and the galaxy will feel more alive but I won't be there to welcome it. Hopefully in time you guys will see why this veteran that has been with the game for a long, long time, is leaving. It is a great game, just sometimes things happen. Take care and may the force be with you! :)


    P.S. If you are on Ebon Hawk, that is where I have my Legacy. I will be giving away my precious stones and mega fortune. Yes you can has my stuff!


    april fools!


  4. Hey folks.... I've leveled up my sage to 56 as a healer in PvP and really enjoying it. I've not seen too many posts lately on stats but a few minor posts here and there. Specifically for when I hit 60, what should my ideal force crit chance be. 25% seem good with a 69% surge with the rest in power and alacrity? Or should I not worry about crit at all and just run 7% alacrity with rest on power surge? Thanks for the help
  5. With the curtain now fallen for 3.1.2 it has been fairly disappointing to see unnecessary changes and no communication in the feedback request thread. The fact that there was no change or acknowledgement leaves someone wonder whether these threads were mere marketing tick boxes and nothing more. It was also fairly disappointing to see development time spent on things that needed no or minimal touch. Specifically TK/Ling all that was needed was the change to storm as it came and just a slight buff to their single target dps to compensate for the loss; easily achieved by buffing flash. Rest of the time could have been spent to fixing madness or some other troubled classes like marauders. Everybody has raised concerns on where these changes leave dps sorcerers and the first evidence are fairly discouraging, neither of their dps specs are top tier anymore. And without reverting these changes there seems to be no easy or quick solution either. I guess this is 1.2 all over again for this class.


    Sweet tears of misery... Keep them coming. I will bathe in them with whiskey and coke when the patch comes out....

  6. They just need to remove the dmg and health buffs given to premades (something like an extra 30% dmg increase when facing a solo queuing player) that's the only reason any premade is unbeatable, put them on equal footing stat wise with the solo q people and I believe that we could beat them.


    This made me LOL....... +8

  7. I am a healer and how will you learn a thing or two if you don't get a chance to get off a single skill, hmmm? Tell you what: queue as a level 30 healer (whatever class you wish) and become targeted by a level 59 Vanguard with no one around to assist you and tell me what you learn; I will wait.


    So much this^^^^^^. is why I'm questing my 30s to mid 40s. BW hates mid level players.

  8. Just hit 30 and boy was it murder! Didn't even get to land a single blow, and I had to ask for about four other mates to help me kill a lone Sage. I will have to agree with those of you who call for a change to the, err, bracket, since going up against level 58s is an exercise in futility.


    I am completely resigned to the fact that my lvl 30+ will have to suffer through pve content until level 41. My sage heal has had no new heals in ages and won't until 41. The lack of utility and shear lack of stats to do any meaningful healing is just horrible. And so. Balmora will be fully quested out with all bonus missions done to get me to 41 fast. I'll test the waters there again but PvP in the 30's is running a marathon uphill in the desert with full winter gear on.

  9. 1. If you're "serious" about (ranked) PvP you shouldn't be queuing for solo

    2. If you're "serious" about (ranked) PvP you shouldn't be queuing for solo

    A lot of people just play for fun, so when I queue for solo ranked I know what I'm getting into and just have fun with it.

    If I win I win, and if I don't- It's not the end of the world.

    Even if they were to implement some sort of gear check mechanic, people will still find something to complain about.

    "Only let people with x.xx rating queue for solo"

    "Don't let 'badz' queue for solo"


    If solo queue should not be taken seriously then there should be no raiting associated with it.... At all... It should only be there for coms.. But, because there is a rating and people do take it serious, there should be a gate system. Or just delete it.

  10. I was about to start a thread on this but you beat me to it.


    Please make a gear check implemented in ranked queue. If you do not have 2018,you cannot queue. Once queued, you cannot swap gear.


    One step further.... At least one too. In your legacy must have at least achieved 50 valor rank. Just legacy. At least a person who has gear and knows something about pvp I can work with.


    Several times yesterday folks showed up with gear slots empty and in full pve gear. Automatic fail. Yes solo queue is a crap shoot but at least a few very small checks could be put in place to filter out the "oh I just thought I would try this". No kidding a quote I heard from a guy in pve gear yesterday said to us in group chat.. Yes we lost that round...


    Simple fixes would go leaps and bounds. Of course you can never get rid of bars and trolls but at least we can start filtering complete and total newbs.


    What is the point of having seasons and "ranked" matches if there is no gate system aside from being lvl 60. I would rather have fewer quality matches then more roflstomp or be roflstomped matches due to lack of experience both in play and gear.

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