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Everything posted by Xanikk

  1. ^This x100. This is my biggest complaint with the prequals. The romance seens between anakin and padme made me feel so uncomfortable watching them because I know they just didn't mesh well. I find myself skipping them since they are so bad. And this is coming from a guy with autism/aspergers who knows next to nothing about forging relationships.
  2. I think you need to re-read what I said. I didn't say I wished for his death rather I said I wished that I would live at least 70 years past his death. Also Lucas has no control over trademark and copyright law. It's not up to him. If it's not 70 it's 100 like you said and an author can't just say "Nobody can use this idea ever again". Like I said it's not up to him. Edit: I read some info on this subject and apparently the law was only changed to 100 years to prevent mickey mouse from becoming public domain. The law was changed back in the 70s or 80s by big names such as Orrin Hatch and Ronald Reagen. Why am I not suprised...
  3. If you are going against the wishes of the group for your own selfish reasons they have every right to kick you.
  4. The fact that Bioware can't be bothered to create character models that work with in game gear for the new cathar race instead of producing a reskinned "human" model tells me that bioware can't be bothered to produce any content that might be moderately challenging to implement.
  5. Jeff Hickman is the human embodiement of EA. I am suprised he isn't the CEO considering how badly he ruined WAR. It's a common theme of EA's to constantly ruin good franchises and make crappy games, not to mention gouge the consumer as much as possible.
  6. I really hope I can live 70 years after George Lucas dies so I can see Star Wars enter the public domain. Then I can make my own movie. George Lucas has a very narrow vision of his narrative and frankly, he doesn't know how to write a good story since it seems there is only absolute evil and good, and good always wins completely. Seriously, it's no wonder the EU is much more loved by Star Wars fans in terms of creativity and lack of "black and white" storytelling. it lacks George Lucas' personal "touch".
  7. I see it as only unavoidable if you exclusively rely on the dark side. Jedi have used the dark side in moments of great peril without fully succumbing to it. See Luke in his final duel with his father and Obi-Wan after seeing his master, Qui-Gon fall to Darth Maul. There is no doubt their anger took control at that point and gave them immense power. I would call both of those examples temporarily drawing on the dark side for power. Yet neither of them fell to the dark side. I agree that using the dark side is addicting and carries the risk of becoming reliant on it. I don't think it can't be avoided however. It's possible that nobody in the galaxy has fully unlocked the ability to use the dark side and light side 50/50 without fully going dark side. Even Yoda admits that the force is not truly understood. The Jedi do not know everything and that's a fact.
  8. I understand you all have your views and think the jedi order is so much more powerful in during the last days of the old republic and all.. but can you explain why you think that? Compared to the time of SWTOR? I just don't think the Jedi of the end days of the republic had enough experience in combat to really justify them being better. Wasn't there relative peace for centuries after the new sith wars ended in 1000 BBY? That could really dampen the militarism the Jedi order used to have in the millenia before. Fighting force blind pirates/criminals is one thing but fighting a powerful force sensitive sith is totally another. None of these new jedi really fought force users that much outside of non-lethal sparring. There is no way they could be more skilled than SWTOR jedi. I just don't see these jedi as prepared as the ones during the SWTOR era facing sith and rogue force users on a daily basis.
  9. All the romance seens between Anakin and Padme. Especially at first when Anakin is trying to flirt with Padme. Really really bad dialogue. I fast forward through the love scenes whenever I watch the NT. I seriously think its the worst romance in ANY movie series and thats saying a lot. All the lines were so awful and the romance was forced. I can't understand how Padme could go from "Get away from me" (Implied at first in episode 2)to "I can't live without you ani" (episode 3) in such a short time.
  10. I'm thinking the reason all the jedi fell so easily in during the execution of order 66 during palpatines reign is because they were vastly undertrained compared to the jedi of SWTOR/KOTORs era. The main reason I think they are much weaker is because for about a thousand years these jedi had very little experience actually fighting other force users in life or death combat because the sith have been underground for so long. I think the jedi of this era were soft and not combat honed. How else could they not sense within the force that their comrades the clone troopers were about to shoot them in the back? Anyone disagree with my line of thinking that these jedi were vastly weaker than when the jedi that coexisted with the sith?
  11. To clarify this is the OP speaking. Some of you read into my comment way further then I intended. Of course I would take a real woman over some pixels anyday since the pixels arent real. I just was saying that to emphasize how hopeless I am with real women in real life. I'm a 26 year old male with mild autism and aspergers and basically at this point I would take any woman!
  12. This is common for MMOs. It's pointless to spend content patches developing solo end game content for the minority of the crowd that plays mmos when most of us are subscribed for engaging stuff that keeps us keep us going for the long run. Go play a single player game if you don't want to join a guild to do operations or group pvp.
  13. This guys got it right. Thank goodness bioware finally woken up to the truth (I hope). "story" and voice acting wont keep subs among the mmo-crowd.
  14. Is this for real? If so that's really pathetic. Did they fire all their artists or what? Nobodys going to be subbing for this game if the quality is going to be this ******.
  15. What about the rest of you?
  16. Rolled a female toon and ended up falling in love with them? I would marry my twilek sith sorcerer over any real life person. lol
  17. Xanikk

    Fix Deception

    lvl 48 is not indicative of class balance at lvl 50. Low lvl pvp doesn't matter.
  18. Xanikk

    Fix Deception

    The devs for this game don't have a clue. Team of stunlocking operatives? Lulz
  19. If all the things you mentioned in your summary are true I may resubscribe.
  20. Sniper's have way more tools though to counter melee. What do mercs have? a knockback on a longish cooldown and a rocket punch knock back. Neither of these apply a snare. The merc has no castable snare, interrupt, or interrupt protection.dps mercs seriously need help.
  21. Rift did not flop. I can't speak for Aion, but rift has at least 1.5 mil subscribers and content patches every 4-6 weeks. I would not call that a "flop".
  22. This is what happens when you lay off half your team due to budget cuts.
  23. Could you enlighten me on what the proper rotation is exactly?
  24. I have been trying lethality recently on my level 50 sniper and it seems after 2 culls I am already low on energy and have that horrible energy regen? What am I doing wrong? It just seems like the whole rotation is very energy ineffecient.
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