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Everything posted by Hunny_Bun

  1. All crystals are yellow and none are +41 REALLY want purple ...
  2. I'm not sure how much of a spoiler it is as bioware put it in the Codex Entry (which btw they do on several class quests .... it's a bit like putting a codex entry to the Sixth Sense with the plot twist in while the movie is playing but anyway ...) So we know the real reason for the hunt is Please please please let me see the The rewards for the event are pretty 'meh' but if I could fly to the and meet the that would be AWESOME, just 1 cut scene then I'll leave What I don't want is an Imperial NPC saying "ooo just put them in the box duckie, thanks a lot for your work now I'll go see the , see ya luv byesies" I'm a Member of the Dark Council I want to go
  3. Oh I'm not brave for showing my support. I think supporting gay rights is now a mainstream issue. I think the devs at bioware know that too. I recall the issue got and gets mainstream media coverage - there was a bbc article on the matter of SGR, and numerous others. Discrimination has already become something of "the past". History teaches it never lead anyone to happiness. It is time it stopped.
  4. I think people need to consider some empathy. All SGR people are asking for is equality. In the words of Nina Simone "you don't have to live next to me. Just give me my equality!" Games in general, bioware games, but also stand out titles like Fallout New Vegas included homosexual characters. Nicely done. Tastefully done. Less 'gay pride' more 'gay dignity'. To deny that in such a major title was a backward step. We do not know the cause, nor should we speculate. But to quietly continue asking for equality seems only right and fair. They didn't have to put romance in. They chose to. To leave out SGR leaves an unpalatable after taste. Over the years of opression many excuses have been used for bigotry and hatred. Many excuses are always used. But it remains wrong.
  5. W00t Dulfy's back :):):) Oh life just got so much better!
  6. To be fair bioware are getting "damned if they do, damned if they don't" on this one The feedback from Rakghoul Plague said "give us more warning!" They listened and I applaud them for that
  7. The cynic in me notices it is 3 days until all 6 month subscribers have to pay again ... But let's be happy - they do do stories very well :) http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?article=the-chevin-are-coming-to-smugglers-moon https://twitter.com/Asros/status/235030147705761792 EDIT You Tube video here - I'm off to play
  8. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-08-10-bioware-co-founder-greg-zeschuk-quits-old-republic-dev-bioware-austin-report I think we sort of already knew this, given: Personally I would prefer clear messages from the Devs about the future. Instead I have to trawl news sites (some of which might not be reputable) EDIT: I should say that I am not a hater. I unsubbed following the F2P announcement but I am in two minds as to whether I was wrong. I still play and don't time out till Thursday so we'll see.
  9. Because load screens break immersion. I don't think it's just the space combat, but the whole way in which you relate to your ship and space. It should have been more like a vehicle and less like a static home ...
  10. I agree, it just doesn't seem rational to keep paying a sub. I've canceled. AS SOON AS they keep a promise. As soon as there is this content then I will reconsider. But so far they've used 18 weeks of my sub payments to develope F2P and cash shop fluff. That seems inherently dishonest.
  11. I'm so distrusting of EA that I now suspect that "leak" was actually a plant. The appalling grammar/spelling gave them complete deniability. The plant was there to a) soften the blow of F2P and b) test out just how negative the reaction would be I feel we've been "subtely" manipulated towards accepting F2P for months now - the 'why can't I buy my stuff' threads are probably part of it. It's utterly disgusting. I still love Bioware, I think EA screwed them just as much as they screwed us ...
  12. Which realistically means 10 years from now I wanted this to succeed so much
  13. That seems to be the message. Accept it also looks like it has been on maintenance mode for the last few months
  14. I envy you your faith in EA. After today I'm afraid I simply do not trust them, which is why I unsubbed. They've just used the weeks since 1.3 to implement a F2P transfer. Did they tell us that's what they were doing? No. They did not. They took sub money and ignored us. Companies who behave like this are not companies I trust. This whole thing smacks of wringing the last drops of cash out before they shut it down. They have a reserve of content from pre-launch. After that the only content you will see is party jawas and play to win items. Utterly utterly disgusting
  15. They're giving you a finite amount of cartel coins. They wouldn't do that if they didn't plan for you to spend MORE than the amount they give you. Cartel coins are a way of getting F2P people to pay money AND to get more money out of subscribers I'm afraid I do not trust EA. They will trickle out the content they've already made and should have released months ago. The devs who remain will churn out vanity items to be bought with cartel coins and then all of a sudden you'll need cartel coins for coinsumables and ultimately pay to win items. If you trust EA then none of this should worry you. But 7 months in, no new content since 1.2 and now this? Personally I do not trust EA. I'm afraid they've already killed the game, they just want to maximise revenue before they switch off servers. I expect the last thing you'll be able to buy will be a lifetime subscription and I suspect they'll sell you that with 6 weeks till server close. I suspect this because I do not trust EA
  16. With respect to your view point I don't think it's necessarily that. I knew I had to pay, I wanted to pay. What I find dishonest is introducing F2P and microtransactions by the back door. I eat at Macdonalds (usually when drunk) I buy what I buy the price is there. I eat at far more expebsive restaurants, I know what I am getting in to. If I am in the more expensive restaurant and halfway through the meal they announce there is now a £1 charge for spoons then I will be outraged and I would leave.
  17. I wish I had your faith in EA. I waited for and subscribed to a P2P game that they were committed to and would last for years. There's been no new content for 16 weeks. They new this was coming and they never warned us. They've spent the money I gave them implementing a change to maximise their revenue rather than deliver me new content. I really really wish I had your faith - I posted yesterday that I would renew my 6 month sub. But this? This is just too far for me to trust them.
  18. Fundamentally this is where you and I disagree. But regardless on a fundamental level I now do not trust EA. I feel that future content (including space) will now be scrapped. Instead we will get 'false content'. Fluff and vanity items - like party jawas - that they will charge money for via the cartel coin system. You feel you are gettiung something and I respect that. But for me I was paying a subscription to see the game get better patch after patch with real content. So you can stay and I will go. I'm not being a git about it, I've transfered my 15 mill to my guild this morning as well as all my stored purple crytals etc etc. It's just that I am out of this cash sink. Making EA richer is no longer fun for me.
  19. Basically "Cartel Coins" I can see the inevitable where the subscribers amount is quickly exhausted so you have to buy more on top of a subscription. I do not trust EA, rather than wait for the inevitable and waste more time and money, I'm going to bail now
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