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Everything posted by Ironskillit

  1. I would really like to see these fixed as well. Since other games have no problem with this it can't be blamed on Nvidia.
  2. So having played since release I've found the game to be very repetitive and easy, more so than other MMO's. Leveled up multiple characters and quickly realized the leveling process is extremely easy and went about ways to make it harder, clear to the point of leveling a sith warrior without choosing an advanced class and without using a healer companion (he uses Vette). As I was sitting on Tatooine I continue to read guild and general chat with people saying that the mobs hit too hard and that as a sith marauder and other classes you have to have healer companion otherwise you die. And yes, leveling a character as a base class has made the fights a little bit more difficult, but not to the point that I can't blindly rush into combat without assessing how many mobs will be pulled nor my health pool. However I have noticed that leveling has lost its luster since I no longer look forward to skill points. Ultimately I'm left bored. So I'm curious, is it just me that thinks this game is ridiculously easy being proven by the fact that a character can be leveled just fine without an advanced class (which should be an integral part of the game), or does a larger quantity of the players feel this way and just don't speak about it.
  3. The only thing that stands out to me and just horrid is how linear the questing is. Aside from the starting planets every character goes through the same planets. It's really boring after two characters.
  4. You can move your character all you want, it will not remove the "Flagged AFK" debuff. It takes a PVP action to remove it. And lets be realistic, most of this game is just a copy from a different MMO. 3 talent trees... yea they must have worked on that orginal idea for all of 2 seconds.
  5. If you want to play a game that doesn't actually require you to do anything to win, then go back to WoW.
  6. Blizzard implimented a very simple solution. Players can flag someone AFK as much as they want, but if the persons combat log says they are in fact doing something pvp oriented (doing dmg, healing other players, protecting a flag) then the reported AFK did nothing to said player.
  7. In a world of supurb AI, light sabers, visible lasers that actually do damage and a mystical ability called the Force, I think they have managed to make it so my socks won't fall apart after going throug the wash five times.
  8. No, just no. If you want to play a game where you're friends with the people that you're suppose to be fighting, then go play beer pong.
  9. There is a lot of content if you run all of the classes. But beyond that I'm sure most people would rather have them fix the content they already have out, before they add more glitched content.
  10. *Knock on Sith door* *Sith answers door* Jedi: "Hello sir. I'm from the Galatic Jedi Counsel and I'm here to spread the word about the light side of the force." Sith: "Again? Look you guys came by yesterday and I already said I'm a devout dark side force user." *Sith and Jedi at a bar* Sith: "So I read this trilogy the other week about a mutated ewok. (2 hours later) Anyway long story short, he actually dropped this all powerful ring into the lava just because it might make him bad." Jedi: "So... was it a gay erotic story? Because those two ewoks sound like they REALLY like each other." Sith: "I've already told you, I AM the dark side of the force!" Jedi: "Just think of the light side as -diet dark force-. You can still be bad, but people think your doing it for a good reason.
  11. Ironskillit


    While yes you can technically run it with the stereoscopic 3D enabled, I've found that you have to lower the convergence so much that it's a very poor 3D. I got use to games where you could max out the convergence and the game looked great. Here even the default has things so messed up it's not really worth it. Prime example of this would be the mouse. Instead of one mouse you have 2, and what you want to click on you have to put between them. Yes you can shorten the distance between the two by lowering your convergence, but keep in mind when you lower convergence, your lowering the 3D aspect. And since SWTOR does not officially support stereoscopic 3D, I do not see this being fixed at all.
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